Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v3

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Hard life man I've given up hope of ever feeling any better

i can tell you have moments of feeling better slightly, just subtly, since you sometimes are saying 5+ years for initial recovery. but you bounce from that to hopelessness. wait atleast one more year to give up hope lol. keep quiet about that for now. ease up and calm down. you're still in the expected range to be suffering.
It's just I talk to say many people that haven't really recovered it gets my hopes down...
I'm hoping by 5 years to even 10 years I make a recovery
Life is a loooooooonnnnnnggggg time to go without basic brain chemicals I just hope...
Hope that I can be restored even if it takes 10 years I just want to be restored
Hi, as someone who has been through this before i can tell you that you dont just one day wake up and feel better. You slowly and slowly feel better and better. At some point you just try and do more things and your able to. Then your able to do more and then one day you look back at yourself and realize that your completely healed. Part of the process of getting better is to try and do more things. Try and use more energy. Laying in bed everyday waiting to be 100%, fine will make it take longer.
I think I have seen people in this thread that say that they felt better one day and had a sudden recovery. I think NoMoreZombi's recovery was like that. Whether that happens may vary though. Personally, I noticed the length of my sleep seemed to go back to normal one day. It wasn't gradual, I just noticed one day I slept significantly less than I usually sleep (since I've been on Invega). I continued observing my sleep over time and it wasn't a fluke, I've been consistently sleeping less. Some things seem to have had little to no improvement though. For instance, I think the motivation I feel is about the same as it was when I received my last shot. My akathisia doesn't seem to be much different. I'm at about 8 months since my last shot and I think I feel about the same. I mean, I could be wrong and I could've improved so gradually that I didn't notice, but I don't think that's the case.

I think I only have a small amount of the drug active in my system currently, but when it comes to Invega, it seems like even a small amount of this drug can mess you up. Like if you receive a 117 mg shot of Invega, and 99% of the drug leaves your body, even that 1% of the drug left in your body can mess you up and cause you to feel most of the side effects you have when you have about 100% of the drug in your system. However, I am in the process of losing fat which is probably releasing more of the drug into my body to be actively processed.
1 shot may cause irreversible brain damage I hope it's not the case man I had such an awesome life and now it's like the fuck.?
what I am I supposed to do live on a couch for the rest of my life it's unreal man I feel like I'm dying mom stop 247
I think I have seen people in this thread that say that they felt better one day and had a sudden recovery. I think NoMoreZombi's recovery was like that. Whether that happens may vary though. Personally, I noticed the length of my sleep seemed to go back to normal one day. It wasn't gradual, I just noticed one day I slept significantly less than I usually sleep (since I've been on Invega). I continued observing my sleep over time and it wasn't a fluke, I've been consistently sleeping less. Some things seem to have had little to no improvement though. For instance, I think the motivation I feel is about the same as it was when I received my last shot. My akathisia doesn't seem to be much different. I'm at about 8 months since my last shot and I think I feel about the same. I mean, I could be wrong and I could've improved so gradually that I didn't notice, but I don't think that's the case.

I think I only have a small amount of the drug active in my system currently, but when it comes to Invega, it seems like even a small amount of this drug can mess you up. Like if you receive a 117 mg shot of Invega, and 99% of the drug leaves your body, even that 1% of the drug left in your body can mess you up and cause you to feel most of the side effects you have when you have about 100% of the drug in your system. However, I am in the process of losing fat which is probably releasing more of the drug into my body to be actively processed.
I dont think once the drug leaves you feel better i think its more complicated then that. Like you have to remember these drugs change your brain structure and i think a lot of the recovery time has to do with the brain reconfiguring itself to the pre antipsychotic state. Its a bunch of bullshit whst these psychistrist are doing to people.

But you have to remember thst these psychistrist used to give people a labotomy. Actually cutting a part of a persons brain off if thats not some evil shit the idk what is. Im full on antipsychistry based on the way im feeling. I mean idk how anyone who has gone through what we have can be pro psychiatry.
[This is an excerpt from a post I just made here in the Mental Health forum; specifically aimed at forging a defense for people like us who have been exposed to the horrors of "Invega" and the like -- perhaps to be presented to family members or "doctors." I have spent months struggling to speak my words that have been cut from me by these terrible poisons, and know that many of you must feel the same way. If this arguement in any way helps anybody here, please feel free to use it in your own defense. I only request that it is not used in a disingenuous fashion. Keep up the good fight; don't give up!]

Burned at the Stake:

If one is to be exposed to a "treatment," particularly against their will -- should not the onus of 'reasonable cause' be placed upon the feet of the "accuser?" 'Innocent until 'proven' "guilty,"' if you will - with reasonable evidence provided from the side of the accuser? Let us assume for the sake of argument, that the reverse should be true; that is "guilty, until 'proven' otherwise." In this case, the defendant is being accused of a "disease" that eludes a solid definition beyond symptomatology. There is NO evidence to defend against, other than the word of the accuser. There is nothing to measure or test with any sense of objectivity. We have been reduced to justification through opinion only. This is, I hope one understands - a VERY dangerous line of reasoning to be held against a defense team. It would be akin to the following example:

"I, the accuser, put it upon the defendant, to prove to this court that you are NOT "infected" by ghosts; I accuse you of this affliction. Furthermore, I accuse you of being mentally incompetent due to your "possession." It is the opinion of the plaintiff, that you should be forced to undergo lobotomization for your condition - to rid you of your possession. Unless you can provide evidence that you are NOT infected with said "evil spirits," it is the duty of this court to force this "treatment" upon you -- for your own good, of course. Now, being the fair people we are, we shall open the floor so that you may offer up your counterargument, before judgement is laid upon you. I represent the opinion of the profession of 'ghost-hunters;' we are an established, professionally recognized discipline; and more than one of mine has deemed this so upon you. Obviously, these ghosts within you may be tricking you into thinking that they are not so -- but believe ME... they are; evidence is not needed. Do you not see? I am a professional. My colleagues are professionals -- we have deemed this to be true beyond reasonable doubt, and have set the precedent by doing so countless times in the past. Surely, my colleagues and I must be in the right."

Obviously, "mental illness," ie: 'schizophrenia,' could easily replace the "ghosts" listed above; functionally - nothing is changed with regard to the argument. However, I hope that by replacing "spirits" with "psychosis," the reader may be more likely to see the cracks in the accuser's argument. Again, the "accuser," can clearly be seen as a stand in for the "psychiatrist," in the same fashion. How much of what you see to be a reasonable argument, may be a deferment through "appeal to authority, appeal to precedent?" Are you perhaps colored by your own bias to be more inclined to believe the words "psychiatrist" and "schizophrenia," over "possession" and "accuser?" Is this reasonable, and if so - why? Women were denied the vote in this country for generations, shall they be denied again due to precedent?

The defendant is now placed into "the box." Unless he can convince the "jury/judge" to see that the argument is logically invalid, there is no way "out" of the box. It's a logic trap, and an easy one to fall prey to. Even if you understand what it is, it can be difficult to effectively communicate your reasoning. (And if they've already incapacitated one's ability to reason -- good luck!) The system's rigged, you're fucked. Have fun. -- killing yourself...

People think you're dangerous, you can't be trusted. You're not "like them," they don't "understand" you anymore. They pull themselves away fearing their association with you, or what others in their social-circles might think if they knew that they were associated with what has become, a "social leper." An invisible disease that they've bestowed upon you, of social origin with no marks. A 'scarlet letter' with little hope for redemption, for even when you're "fine," cogent, intelligent-- it matters not. You've been 'branded.' You have "it;" "it" could 'strike' at any time, any place, it could kill us all. You must be put down. "For 'YOUR' own good." Disgusting. Pathetic. Weak. Fools.

"I, the defendant, submit that the accuser's argument is not valid. In addition, the burden of proof has been laid upon my feet, and yet I am not the one here making the claim for submission of judgement against the opposing party. Since the "ghosts" I am accused of harboring have no link for objective evidence to possibly draw from, it is impossible for me to "prove" the accuser 'wrong.' Their stance is one that cannot be refuted by its own definition. It has no objective definable terms. It is the accuser's "job" to prove that I am afflicted with "ghosts," not the other way around. They may believe this to be unfair, and ultimately, this would be because if they ARE the ones who have to prove that I have this affliction, they probably know as well as I do that this is by definition, NOT possible. Due to the lack of any objective measure for this argument, I submit that this case should be thrown out, and that I should not be subject to lobotomization."

My argument in this case, (the defendant,) is the only valid and sound reasoning that can be drawn. If the accuser wishes to "win," then they must appeal to "subjective" logic. Their argument is then allowed to be valid and sound within its own "ruleset," however now, by definition - it is only valid as their subjective viewpoint; it can only be argued to be "true" to a reasonable degree for their own separate reality. It is an opinion, with no objective basis. Relying on this type of reasoning completely undermines the entire point of arguing on equal footing. "Objectivism" is required so that both sides are "playing by the same rules," ie: that we "share" a reality, because if we don't -- none of this matters, and should be thrown out on those grounds alone.

This above example is nothing less than a "witch trial." You're 'guilty' if they want you to be, and unless they can see the flaws of their reasoning, there's no way out of "the box." This is the plight of those accused of "mental illness" and associated incompetence. Do you see? If you disagree, a psychiatrist feeling the other way might just tell you, "you're lacking insight; you have 'anosognosia.'" Give it a "science-y" sounding label, from a so-called "professional" -- people will eat that shit right up. How many people do YOU know, (you yourself perhaps?) who actually bother to fact-check anything? Do they even have a metric for what a 'fact' is in the first place? If a majority of the people around them believe a thing, or enforce a certain behavior-set regardless of any consistent logic behind it; how many people will just go-along with it, defend it even, with no critical thought or little to justify it? It's easier to not think, right? (Try telling that to all of the people who've been forced to undergo "brain damaging 'therapeutics;'" I don't know if it makes life easier for them -- but if anything, the statistics sure seem to suggest that it makes suicide easier.)
Im now even afraid of having to take other psychiatric drugs. I suffer from cripling OCD. If you had terrible experiences with 3 different psychiatric drugs would you be more inclined to take others in the future?
Back in 2016 I was on high dose 20mg olanzapine for 3 months. I recovered from the sexual dysfunction after a year. I’m not sure if I’ll be lucky to recover it from Abilify 5mg for 3 months this year. Do you think it is possible?
Yo! got to tell you, 2 days ago i did orally small amount of strong amphetamine something like 0,1grams, i swear this gave me that feeling how the things really should be. I was stimulated, full of energy, social, ALMOST EUPHORIC, and not worrying about the symptoms of the AP's at all, i felt like i never even have been on AP's. This lasted couple hours, the comedown was also positive and me and my friends noticed it. During the day I drank dozen beers but couldn't get drunk. :( My last injection was 65 days ago, and i haven't taken any of my risperdal 1mg what I have been prescribed after i stopped the injections. I had 20 shots of 75mg (read my nickname). PEACE☮
they have the same metabolite or whatever, but invega lasts longer. you get injected with risperdal every 2 weeks as with invega it's 4 weeks. risperdal is also metabolized by the liver whereas invega is barely metabolized by the liver. i think there's other differences but i couldn't tell ya'.
Invega is stronger than risperidone. I'm currently on risperidone and the effects are pretty mild compared to Invega. No real zombification just feeling a bit dull.
Invega is stronger than risperidone. I'm currently on risperidone and the effects are pretty mild compared to Invega. No real zombification just feeling a bit dull.

i'm on risperidone too. it's my favorite AP if i had to pick one cause i don't get sleep disturbances, i was able to get high and drunk on it, had a libido with pleasurable orgasms, and didn't have excrutiating boredom that gave me sort of an inner restlessness. for some reason i don't get all of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia ontop of depression like all of you guys, i just get my simple pleasures taken away. i do suffer enough though as is so i'm glad i don't suffer from APs ontop of it.
Yo! got to tell you, 2 days ago i did orally small amount of strong amphetamine something like 0,1grams, i swear this gave me that feeling how the things really should be. I was stimulated, full of energy, social, ALMOST EUPHORIC, and not worrying about the symptoms of the AP's at all, i felt like i never even have been on AP's. This lasted couple hours, the comedown was also positive and me and my friends noticed it. During the day I drank dozen beers but couldn't get drunk. :( My last injection was 65 days ago, and i haven't taken any of my risperdal 1mg what I have been prescribed after i stopped the injections. I had 20 shots of 75mg (read my nickname). PEACE☮
try to get prescribed aderall. study the needs to take it all day long and then just say you deal with that stuff haha. that's what i'd do. study adhd, bring it up, and say you want to see if aderall helps. alot of doctors will give you what you want but are careful with things that are addictive and/or can get you high, aderall probably being one of them, so you gotta study hard and make sure you sound convincing. i hear that aderall helps alot with the side effects of invega, so it's worth a shot. i'd imagine it'd give you the same effects if you're able to feel stimulants. the more severe you sound, i think the higher the mg, but usually they start you off on a lower dose, but if you manage to get a stronger dose, then you'll be zooming haha.
i'm on risperidone too. it's my favorite AP if i had to pick one cause i don't get sleep disturbances, i was able to get high and drunk on it, had a libido with pleasurable orgasms, and didn't have excrutiating boredom that gave me sort of an inner restlessness. for some reason i don't get all of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia ontop of depression like all of you guys, i just get my simple pleasures taken away. i do suffer enough though as is so i'm glad i don't suffer from APs ontop of it.
Damn nigga fr? And Tony Ferguson was complaining about that shit smh
I think I’m gonna recover within the next 2-3 months. My last injection was April 10 so I’m about 10 days away from being 4 months off
Wonder how life was before all these antipsychotics ive been put on.

Anyone also have that feeling where they wake up and dont know which date/hour it is? Even during the day I sometimes dont even know what time it is or which day it is. For me it isnt even summer anymore. I dont have the feeling its summer. My time and date regulation seems to have taken away.

Also someone who has problems with planning and organising? I cant take a paper and write things. My writing abilities are they still there but cannot come up with ideas,words,structure a scheme,etc

Cannot plan for next days, which makes a problem with future plans.
Also when im on stimulants (for ADD) im been more hypochondriac. Oh and this as well, even stimulants dont give me a dopamine rush. Cant drink coffee,tea as well. I dont have these benefits which these stims gave.

Losing weight seems impossible as your abilities to plan are impaired. I cant foresee for the future and tend to eat impusively without thinking ahead.

Anyone who has recovered from this
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I'm getting worried guys I feel completely awful.
I just don't see how recovery is actually possible
try to get prescribed aderall. study the needs to take it all day long and then just say you deal with that stuff haha. that's what i'd do. study adhd, bring it up, and say you want to see if aderall helps. alot of doctors will give you what you want but are careful with things that are addictive and/or can get you high, aderall probably being one of them, so you gotta study hard and make sure you sound convincing. i hear that aderall helps alot with the side effects of invega, so it's worth a shot. i'd imagine it'd give you the same effects if you're able to feel stimulants. the more severe you sound, i think the higher the mg, but usually they start you off on a lower dose, but if you manage to get a stronger dose, then you'll be zooming haha.
Haha! "zooming😁!", thanks for the good advice man😊, that may be the case for me if i can't manage it naturally.
Say after 5 years will taking adderall reboot the dopamine receptors.?
Maybe the receptors need to be booted back up again with strong dopamine producers like several possibility man I'm hoping that this is just a chapter in my life I do see why people can't get lawyers and sue invega I guess if you don't developed breasts they don't care huh
I hope to heal I really do so I wanna heal so badly
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