Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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is the best. invegauser you take alot of time responding to people and pm's on here much respect
i got a lot of respect for anyone who is going through this, not easy is the understatement of the millennium!

your a part of this too shades. thanks for hanging in there and contributing what you do. we need all the people we can get to fully heal and be added to the recovered list.
i got a lot of respect for anyone who is going through this, not easy is the understatement of the millennium!

your a part of this too shades. thanks for hanging in there and contributing what you do. we need all the people we can get to fully heal and be added to the recovered list.
Merry Christmas to all the room from Italy, an hold friend told me this evening there's a psy party and he wanna I go, he told me "u re change u must live your life again" and I think Fuck I wanna go, I don't know if I can stay wake up all the night but I don't give a fuck, if I take something probably I get psicosi again but, all is better then a life I'm living now so FUCK OFF!! I'M TIRED TO STAY AT HOME I WANNA LIVE AGAIN!
Merry Christmas to all the room from Italy, an hold friend told me this evening there's a psy party and he wanna I go, he told me "u re change u must live your life again" and I think Fuck I wanna go, I don't know if I can stay wake up all the night but I don't give a fuck, if I take something probably I get psicosi again but, all is better then a life I'm living now so FUCK OFF!! I'M TIRED TO STAY AT HOME I WANNA LIVE AGAIN!
lol Fuck yeah i'm beginning to live again not til March though.
Day 210

So far so good. I tried two sets of bodyweight squats yesterday and today. I am happy with the 30 and 31 reps I did. My strength is slowly coming back.
@CurtisO: welcome to the thread. you seem to be off to a decent start already, that's a good thing. that much of the bad time is behind you already. you got the standard starter dose and what your relating means you have an excellent chance of healing in the average time or maybe even less.

the mediation and connection to the deep waters inside you returns in time. it's frustrating but it wont last forever. this is just another reason i think the poison is an upper in it's own rights. St Johns Worts works for half the people and not the other half almost literally, if it's working for you then keep at it.

you might find when your fully healed you can go deeper than before in meditation, a few of us have talked about it even after we fully healed. it's quiet the experience. lots of info in both threads, full recovery posts and great people here in all different parts of the healing process.

@LifeAfterInvega: and you do bring hope, lots of it. thank you for checking in and spreading some around. much appreciated. for now i'm not playing games, i'm going to be doing enough of that as it is in the next 3 years. i'm trying to enjoy the internet and streaming media as much as possible before i get cut off. no drugs, no streaming and no net... what am i going to do with myself. guess i'll go back to reading books and playing games, such a rough life. (i was thinking of getting some dark souls 2 or maybe read dead 2. idk, you got any thoughts on it?) thank you, what have you been up to and how have you been? congrats on the house.

nice touch with the antidote comment btw. ;)
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@LifeAfterInvega: Congrats on your purchase. It must be awesome to start 2019 poison free and in a new house. Yeah I'll try to get some workouts. I also like high intensity cardio : 4000 m run, boxing, sprinting. Not yet there but January is a real possibility.

Best regards

Hi all, merry christmas to everyone. Im a person that has been a part of this thread 2 years ago because i got put on risperidone and it really fucked me up. But since that time i recovered from the risperidone, where i was laying in bed and feeling like shit all the time, i went back to feeling normal. However....

So its kind of hard to say where the continuation of my story goes, i was hearing voices after i recovered from the meds of risperidone for a good while, but i mostly kept it to myself. Im sure you guys could understand why i would have kept those things to myself, given the fact that i got put on rispideridone before, and if you ever tell anyone that your hearing voices then everyone instantly just wants to put you on antipsychotic drugs regardless of if you actually want to take them or not. So yeah i was living my life for the past 2 years or so, hearing things, but also doing my own thing. I honestly didnt think the things i was hearing were not real i was thinking people were spying on me with satellites, ppl must of hacked my laptop, and i was famous, you know, the usual shit ppl start thinking when they hear things, oh, and i was thinking maybe im communicating with ghost/spirits or whatever, you know how those things go.

Well at some point, in april or so this year, i decided to open up to my family that im hearing things all the time. I just thought maybe i should be honest with someone about it as opposed to hiding it all the time, cause i just couldnt handle it anymore, and keeping it a secret all the time was getting overwhelming. So naturally my parents try doing all these things i dont want to do. Made me see some naturopathic doctor who gave me some natural remedies or whatever to take for a month, it just made me really calm but did nothing for the hearing things, i didnt want to take those things but my parents would just force me to take them anyways, it got rediculous.

Oh wait, before the naturopath shit, my parents actually sent me to a mental hospital, you know how that shit goes. mom calls the police saying son is acting crazy, cops come, take you away, take you to a hospital, doctor sees you for a minute and decides to have you comitted for 24 hours, then it gets moved to 72 hours, then it got moved to two weeks. during the stay in the mental hospital, the nurses were trying to give me pills to take each night, but i would keep it under my tongue and flush it down the toilet. Also at some point during my visit i had a meeting with a Rights Advisor, and i was able to get out in 2 weeks thanks to him, because i told him i wanted a tribunal meeting, and the psychs would prefer to have me released then to deal with a tribunal meeting i suppose.

So AFTER the mental hospital is when my parents decided to take me to the naturopath, so what happened was i told my parents around a month of taking the naturopath meds, i dont wanna take the naturopath shit anymore cause its making me feel like shit, so they said if i dont take it im going to end up in a mental hospital again. So a few days later my mom calls the cops on me again and there i was back at the mental hospital. However this time i wasnt able to flush the pills down the toilet, as it seems they caught on that i wasnt taking them, so i would swallow them and then make myself forcibly gag to get it out of my system, which im honestly not sure if it worked or not. I was planning to see a rights advisor again to get the fuck out of there but this time he never came to me. SO around 2 weeks in the mental hospital, i think 2.5 weeks tbh, i had a meeting with the psychiatrist my parents, some social worker, where everyone was teaming up against me trying to force me to get on an injection, i was adamently against it, oh btw in the mental hospital they were giving me abilify 20mg, and were trying get me to get i believe a 300mg injection of abilify equivalent. The psych was saying im schizophrenic and that i HAVE to take antipsychotics for ever, you know that whole bullshit speech. being teamed up by ev1 i wound up getting the abilify injection, in return, i was allowed to leave the mental hospital. SO after i got the injection, i noticed that my energy was just completely zapped away, i couldnt talk, i had slurred speech, i couldnt walk properly, like i had a problem with moving my neck. SO those side effects, the neck, and slurred speech, lasted approximately a month and then went away. But the whole energy feeling zapped, feeling like sick, and not really feeling a want to talk, has been ongoing. I received this injection sometime in June, and now its december and im still feeling like shit, waiting for this thing to fix already so i can move on with my life. On one note, im not hearing shit anymore, but the effects of this med is far worse then hearing shit, like no comparisson, and hearing shit was hell too. So im doing the whole staying home, not working thing, wasting my life currently on the computer, just waiting to feel better and all basically.

Allright thats all for now, any comments or questioned are welcomed, my apologies for if this is not written well, i havnt been able to write well since all this has happened.

EDIT- Little fun story, so during my first trip to the mental hospital, right before i got admitted, i tried making an escape, i did a run, they did the whole, on speaker "cold blue cold blue" i knew which way to go by following the exit arrows, as i opened the door to the exit( its a pull door not push) a security guard closed that door, then some security guards knocked me to the ground, proceeding with security guards handcuffing me, taking me to a secluded room, where they injected me with some shit, and then proceeded to strap me to a bed, where my legs and arms are all strapped, i the injection knocked me out, so i noticed im strapped after i woke up. I was in this state for around 10 hours i would say, and then after they proceeded to move me to "intensive care".

I understand..about parents repeatedly calling the cops and forcing injections, ectr..I actually made the escape run too, and succeeded! I broke free from the ER hospital attendants that were escorting me to the psych unit..I ran out an open door..was like some incredible hulk stuff..and I'm a was running down a busy popular street full of restaurants, barefoot in full gown, backside exposed except my hands clasping it barely together, hair all over the place..
I ducked into several restaurants and called my boyfriend panicked, trying to get the keys to my house, and he laughed and said you're in a hospital gown running down the street? The cops are going to be at the house go back. Eventually the cops forced me back to the hospital, when they spotted me trying to get an Uber with the help of a restaurant was going to camp out and wander the back roads I most insane part was that I was never crazy, and should have never been forced there in the first place.. I really did have a stalker that was freaking me out, causing me PTSD symptoms, and he actually checked himself into the same psych ward screaming Shes my wife, as they forcefully sedated him in the next room. Totally bizarre experience.
Anyhow I find humor in the image of me running down the busy street in a hospital gown, like I was in some Action movie..The passerbys were probably so
The first time I indeed did laugh uncontrollably deeply, like pre invega, was when I read another person?s similar post regarding their experience.
I understand it all. We will all heal.
Happy Holidays
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@ Healed, yeah ive heard similar stories to your while i was in the hospital. Even if you manage to "escape" its not a real escape as the cops just go looking for you afterwards and then bring you back in. I was told since i tried to escape they put me in intensive care as opposed to general care, so there are repercussions to trying to escape. Thats how you know this whole system is madness, these meds are so bad that no one takes it on there own free will and they need to get the cops looking for you to bring you to the hospital. As if were some wanted criminals.
Hey you seem to be an avid meditator too. I was just wondering when does the ability to meditate deeply come back. I had 234mg then 156mg few days apart 3 3/4 mos ago.
Xeplion 1 injection temps moyen de r?mission : 10.5 mois
Metaltommy : 5 mois
LifeAfterInvega : 8 mois
Copperdome : 15 mois
NotAPsycho : 15 mois
2 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 13.8 mois
HateInvega : 4.5 mois
Koz26 : 12 mois
Momogus : 13 mois
Anhedonia67 : 8.5 mois
Nathan Cissel : 10 mois
PhuckInvegga : 21 mois
Redmanone : 12 mois
Starkid : 32 mois
Khaverim7 : 12 mois
Jmorin : 13 mois
3 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 11 mois
Robe11 : 11 mois
SurvivedXeplion : 10 mois
Bad Robot : 12 mois
4 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 10 mois
Decisive : 10 mois
5 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 13 mois
Symbolicone09 : 12 mois
Shay96 : 10 mois
Lazar : 11 mois
Unexpected175 : 18 mois
6 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 15.3 mois
Steph78 : 11 mois
Dirtyinvega : 20 mois
Rel : 15 mois
12 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 4 ans 2 mois (50 mois)
Invegauser : 5 ans 4 mois
Iridiscentblack : 3 ans
24 injections temps moyen de r?mission : 18 mois
Jmoore52 : 17 mois
KyliePsychic : 19 mois

1 injection : 10.5 mois
2 injections : 13.8 mois
3 injections : 11 mois
4 injections : 10 mois
5 injections : 13 mois
6 injections : 15.3 mois
12 injections : 50 mois
24 injections : 18 mois
CurtisO, this is the healing average time per shot of people on this thread since 2015
Merry Christmas everybody! Remember. Tis the season to be jolly!

Today marks thirty days since I got the invega shot. To summarize, here is what I have learned so far:

Eat fish!
St John's wort helps
Artane (pacitane) 2mg helps with akathisia and restlessness as well as social symptoms and drooling
Do not try psychedelics. Normally it would snap you out of a depressive state but not when it's anti psychotic induced. APs make it so that when you take psyched substances you'll feel like shit because of the akathisia and there'll be no trip at all. Not for the first month anyway. I'll update as we go along.

I will consider myself healed when I can feel acid again. That's the only objective way to tell
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