Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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In my case it was not only the effects of the medication that nearly destroyed my mostly happy life. It was the betrayal and dishonesty of these doctors and the whole system we live in, a system were living beings are often treatet like a product and are just a number on statistics. This whole experience made me lose my faith in humanity. I will never forget the words of the female doctor before I was injected and I was full of extreme anxiety. She said: "Are you afraid? Should I hold your hand while we inject it into you?". She said in such a way as if I was a coward and as if I am a lesser human being. It was one of the most disgusting experiences in my whole life. Most of the time in psychiatry I was treatet like a problem with 2 legs. Like they just want to fill me up with medication and keep me in the hospital. The irony is I only was there for severe Insomnia and anxiety of forced military service (which is still a thing in Austria; in my opinion something that should long be gone). All this time they tried to brain wash me and said I have Schizophrenia. Do I seem like a schizophrenic person to you?
Nice, right now I feel and look like a eunuch, all my muscles are gone, I think I never had such small arms...

Month 4 is about to start and I think I'm hitting some kind of withrawal, when I go outside I feel so weak I can barely walk, how the hell am I supposed to work or have a life? My mind is much more clear at least, but my body doesn't work...
What helped me was doing things that were fun and continuing to follow my interests. I bought lots of video games I always wanted to play. I hate lots of good, tasty food (mostly very healthy stuff but also unhealthy stuff that I really really like, just the right amount). I also watched some funny Youtubers. What also helps a lot is to open your heart to someone and tell him of all the bad experiences (either online or in person). I also cleaned up like every inch of my home and made it exactly the way I want it to be. I myself never suffered from severe muscle problems, I had some unusual contractions one week aftet the injection. I also had cosntipation, sleeping was nearly impossible cause I felt the medication inside my head. My vision was like 2 seconds delayed, like as if time was not flowing right. I also had to urinate extremely often. No food satiesfied me the first few months so I ate constantly and very unhealthy. I gained like 15 kilogramms (I think thats 30 pounds, not sure). I also become extremely suicidal and depressend and tried to hang myself. (Before that I was thinking about jumping from a Skyscraper). I never had such a strong desire to die ever before in my life. But luckily this horror is over and I can look positively in the future and can enjoy my life fully again. (One thing I forgot it also helps to go a bit into nature and get some sun and enjoy the calmness outside.)
so your feeling 100 percent the same person you were... thats amazing im so proud of you please update me on your awareness level though or do you not care about those aspects because i was having a beautiful time with life and im wondering if you are feeling completely like your old self... anything helps please respond... @paliperidone2018
I will never forget the words of the female doctor before I was injected and I was full of extreme anxiety. She said: "Are you afraid? Should I hold your hand while we inject it into you?". She said in such a way as if I was a coward and as if I am a lesser human being. It was one of the most disgusting experiences in my whole life.

I can see how that psychiatrists comment could have lulled you into thinking it was safe, i would have gone with the injection in your circumstances, fucking madness. Thanks for taking the time to update mate

@poisonuser (invegauser) you know deep down theres an element of stockholm syndrome in wanting another dose of zombiega sustenna! lol
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I can see how that psychiatrists comment could have lulled you into thinking it was safe, i would have gone with the injection in your circumstances, fucking madness. Thanks for taking the time to update mate
Yeah I think its important to share recovery storys to give all who are steal healing hope and reassurance. Positivity is key to success. Back in February when I joined I was a bit discouraged that a lot of people just left this thread without uncertainty if they healed or maybe they died/killed themselfes. I mean you never know. It's a possibilty. But every life lost (especially under this circumstances) is a sin. I generally feel the world has forgotten to hope and to try do what is right and not what benefits yourself the most. Back in my childhood the world seemed much more in harmony. And I don't think that's just nostalgia. People just talked more honestly to each other, they believed everything will be fine and they helped each other more. Almost anyone was treated like family even if they were just friends or people you know. But I do think we will get closer to a world like this again, I can feel it. I don't think the world is bad. This whole experience also made believe in God. I never really believed in God even though I was raised a christian. But now I feel his presence and that he does give people who have been wronged a chance. I imagine God as a creature just like us, but just much complex. And I think just like us God makes mistakes. He or it is learning just as we are learning. I think we all are connected to God and connected with each other. That's why it is so important to take care of each other. If we hurt others, we hurt ourselves. If we help each others, we help ourselves.
OK. So, I smoked and I think I feel a little something. It's different but it's definitely something and I have cotton mouth a little. I'm thinking this means I'm close to pre invega. I'm in my 8th month off the poison. There was a time I felt stuck in that space. I remember how that felt. Know, it does get better. It does! Hang in there. Keep fighting.
Does anyone know how to get into the settings and change the time zone. I don't know where it's like 5:00. It's 11:14 pm here. I chose the wrong time zone I guess. I'm not surprised. That invega does a number on you.
I feel that my brain Not Work, I am very nervous like the brain-tissue is destroid, but the MRT shows no scars.
@paliperidone2018 did it feel as though life was real again like instead of feeling like a video game also did your drive and motivation come back
your my hero @empty1128 i wish you godspeed you seem pessimistic though... i was about to take more i begged them not to... i guess ill have to wait and see. do you know what the half life is for 156
Hey guys! Long time no talk. Wanted to give an update. Been off the poison now for 10 months. I have been doing a very low carb diet and intermittent fasting along with a half hour of intense exercise EVERY SINGLE DAY and I have been losing my invega weight incredibly slowly. Been to the dr. They have ran so many God forsaken tests on my blood that I can?t even keep up with them. Most things have come back normal. Tried getting off the cabergoline to see if my prolactin would normalize and about a month off of that I started lactating AGAIN. So this invega crap is still swirling around in my body wreaking havoc. I got diagnosed with PCOS and mild insulin resistance since I?ve been on the boards last. I will have you know I never experienced any of these problems before I took the injections. It literally destroyed my metabolism. I?m happy to say my periods have finally returned on a pretty regular basis, but metabolically I am still way messed up. For someone who has dieted for 3 months straight with daily exercise I should have lost a grip of weight. But I haven?t. Only 17lbs and I?m very overweight from the invega ( I was only slightly overweight before invega ) so I?m just being honest, I?m still struggling. But I keep pushing forward. I have noticed that I have been able to stay focused on doing projects and completing them. I was not able to do that a couple months ago. That has came with more time off the poison. Anyway, I just wanted to give a brief update so you guys had some more information.

yes, give or take cause we are all different. it's like looking forward to something and it never happens then dealing with the let down. the removal of hope, albeit temporarily, is something that is hard to cope with. like many others in the past have said that helps in dealing with this trial and to keep from going nuts is taking it one day at a time... literally. working at it has many perks and upsides while waiting gets the job done but then again not everyone has a choice. half the people on the poison can still do things, the other half are stuck to a couch (invega/xeplion/poison, the ultimate line drawn in the sand. one of them anyway). find a way to not be at peace with this but be ok with it until things get better and you can forget about it like a bad dream or ex. regardless of what anyone says that is exactly what i've been doing for 5 years and it has worked. i exhausted too many options and now i am stuck with my head in a tv screen. you will not be as unfortunate. plan for two years and when your doing way better by january we will read either a recovery post or a raving rant about your first window. sound good?
i agree...whats a window im pretty much almot there
It has been awhile since I last posted. I was on Invega pills for awhile, and I had over 24 shots of Invega. Half I think 94mg the other 117mg. I have been off the meds for a year and 5 months now. Drugs still do not set well with me though, but I have stopped trying the last 5 months, just a bit of weed here and there and a little alcohol. Everything is back to normal for me, except I became delusional for about a week, luckily my best friend pulled me out of it and I kept to myself what was going on except for friends. This drug can turn completely normal people with no mental illnesses psychotic. When you start to get all of your brain activity back, just a warning, stay in the present and reality, do not get trapped in your own mind. Relapsing and taking more antipsychotics will only further the damage and increase your chances of becoming psychotic. Much love everyone, stay strong.
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some huge improvements for me also. After 6 month off invega, I am more talkative and I have motivation enough to play games (age of empires 3), I can watch movies and listen music. Of course it is not same as before pre invega but now I am not stuck in bed anymore witch is really a good news. The torture is far less than before and I hope I ill back to myself 100% in a few month.

also I am no longer have constipation and no more cotton mouse.
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