Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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I hope you do feel better, but this stuff is aparently really effective at making people feel like sh*t with just trace amounts in the bloodstream. I suppose they go for the large MG dosages to make more money, knowing full well that the stuff would work with just a few MG. Sometimes it will seem like people feel better at 7-8 months, and then they realize it's just a window that the medicine hasn't been releasing into their system. I think a year and a half would be the time it takes to start feeling true Pre-Invega, if it's possible to ever get there again. I sure hope it is.

Holy invega batman! That would be absolutely devastating, to go back to that space. I hope this isn't a break and I'm close to this garbage getting out of my system.
Why are you guys still complaining when the antidote for Invega is clearly mentioned in this tread,.. it's DETOX JUICE (EDIT: I mentioned baking soda, NO ITS NOT BAKING SODA MIGHT BE DANGEROUS because I felt sick just now from taking 2 tsp, my vision got darker and I felt weakness. This could be due to invega either releasing faster into the blood, or because it is being retained in the blood because Baking soda acts like an anti-diuretic!) Guys it takes time even with Detox. Take and exercises. There are many many good things mentioned in this thread that work. I think detox time lasts years, but if you take this then you can pretty much neutralise a lot of it, but this still takes a long time, especially with more of this invega leaking out. Basically less than .5mgs of invega can take all the brain receptors because that is just how bad this drug is from experience, knowing that months out this stuff is raging strong. That said, baking soda will do a lot of good, but you gotta take it daily. See y'all.

P.S. Detox stage probably tiekes an year. And recovery can be forever.
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Recovery won't take forever the receptors are naturally recycled due to the brains neuroplasticity. Not everybody read the baking soda thing because not everybody read every page. How are you feeling though? I heard you're about 5 months threw and you feel better. I'm on day 39 and feeling slightly better
I am feeling less invega in my system. My vision is clearing up. My mind is clearing up. Ability to start dreaming again. I'm resorting back to my natural personality. Sharper, stronger, better. Still not out of detox phase, that's clear, dilated pupils, weakness. Libido is increasing, my penis doesn't feel like rubber at all, and i can hold for some time before ejaculation. I still have some inches to grow. I have been able to neutralise invega with detox juice quite a bit + exercise, that clear. Time really also effected it this far out, so rate of getting better is more rapid from here. I just have to stick to routine of swallowing that nasty detox everyday. But I'm getting better, slow rate but I think this is good news and a window in detox stage. I hope to make double progress in the next 2 months, see you guys. Take care
Add-in: start of slowly with baking soda. It might cause the drug to release in the blood stream. Or so that's how I have felt. ... pick up the dose slowly. And it's not fun.

An other thing I should mention is that invega, the powder in the oil, is a crystal like substance. I used to see the shiny dots all over my skin in sunlight. I actually even once picked this shiny thing up. it was greyish in color. Maybe the second ingredient is very heavy metals. like Willow said, this was the inactive ingrediate. I remember that strength got better 2 weeks off the shot, didn't recover, but I was able to carry on with the workouts. Maybe the paliperidone doesn't last that long, and the nano metals need detoxing. A lot of the shiny stuff shows up in my palms. And even though I am only lifting 90lbs in deadlifts, my palm gets bruised. Take into account that I was easily able to DL 500lbs. Last time I did a 450lbs DL 4 months off invega. Knowing this is a crystal, metallic like in color, can someone do research on how to metabolize/get rid of this solid toxic waste?

Edit: I mentioned baking soda earlier but I edited that part out, it is not the antidote without problems. Nope I do not think so. DO NOT TAKE TOO MUCH BAKING SODA. Well I took 2 tsp of it right now, and I feel sick. I am retaining the water instead of flushing it out as piss. My vision just got darker. I haven't been truthful. I don't really take baking soda that often. When I was, I would only do 1/4tsp a day, for about a week, 3 weeks ago. Recently I have been taking in detox more. That is really making the difference. Baking soda seems a bit weird, invega gets way stronger just from a little bit of it. I'm unsure is that's because invega is flushing into the blood stream by interacting with baking soda, or whether it's building up because baking soda acts like an anti-diuretic. I took Baking Soda right after my semester ended, and that day was the worst. I thought it was bad because of exerting myself during exercise. I need to re-evaluate my position on Baking Soda. It may help, because it neutralizes acids. but it may also have side-effects if invega is currently flooded in your system.
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@nybryx yeah my penis problem is no big deal cause i guarantee itll go away when my brain gets healed. Im actually pretty fine to say the least, i feel and act completely normal. But i do suffer everything you guys all have. I dont get the best sleep anymore, i cant bestly express my emotions anymore(i cant feel emotions that good anymore), my eyes cant focus/concentrate that strong anymore, and i also cant exercise good anymore cause my brain makes my body tight that it starts to get too hard/painful. I was way worse the first 1-2 months but nothing worth celebrating has changed. The side effects only feel like theyve lightened up but havent healed/come back to life strongly.
My bones are hurting, but I dont think, that much poison could be in my Body after so much time.
My bones are hurting, but I dont think, that much poison could be in my Body after so much time.

How are you typing and reading if u have no vision? I had blurry vision. Went away around month 4 or 5. I'm at 7 months off the shot. I can feel a huge difference but the medicine is still in my system. I can't feel the effects of cannabis.
How are you typing and reading if u have no vision? I had blurry vision. Went away around month 4 or 5. I'm at 7 months off the shot. I can feel a huge difference but the medicine is still in my system. I can't feel the effects of cannabis.

That's too bad you can't feel the effects of cannabis, i felt them extremely strong when I smoked one joint about a week ago. I'm smoking more cannabis tonight so we'll see what happens. Right now im on day 40 and nothing is entertaining to me, anhedonia and akathisia still present.
That's too bad you can't feel the effects of cannabis, i felt them extremely strong when I smoked one joint about a week ago. I'm smoking more cannabis tonight so we'll see what happens. Right now im on day 40 and nothing is entertaining to me, anhedonia and akathisia still present.

I don't get why I can't get anything from weed, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes.. I've been off the shot for 7 months. I hope I don't have permanent damage. ? the anhedonia and akathisia went away about a month ago. I called my psychiatrist office. Talked to his nurse. She's saying it should b out of my system.. Will probably feel better next month. I don't think she knew what she was talking about.
I think she means no vision as in thoughts or feelings ..and i had blurry vision the first month it was pretty bad and it did not help that i already have poor eye sight i am glad it went away after the first month sorry it too so long for your to clear up
I think she means no vision as in thoughts or feelings ..and i had blurry vision the first month it was pretty bad and it did not help that i already have poor eye sight i am glad it went away after the first month sorry it too so long for your to clear up

I'm gonna try to call invega sustenna maker directly to see if I can get my question answered.
CALL THE MAKERS OF INVEGA SUSTENNA. 18005267736 ask for medical information. Explain what your going threw. ALL OF US NEED TO CALL. ALL OF US need to COME TOGETHER and SUE the maker of this poison. The more of us there are, the LOUDER our VOICE will be. The STRONGER our case will be. JOIN ME!
Are you able to drink and get drunk is you anhedonia gone like what exactly still lingers for that long ?
2 years pill, 10 months injection, 5 years healing.
think i'm just dealing with atrophy and trauma from poison. emotional and physical trauma is easy, brain is delicate thing so mental trauma takes time to get past and use to again.
oh ya, drunk and high is way too easy now. got to build up a tolerance if i ever try to get drunk or high again.

Do u remember around when u were able to get drunk and high again?
We need a big public campaign for awareness. I know that these bull shitters will probably say that they didn't know and are already working on new meds. But this is definately intentional. We need to bring this to light.
Why can't people here write letters out to natural health specialists, trusted news, politicians, scientist? I'm sure Trump will listen after a flood of letters hit him. Eventually one letter will go thru. You should email, and write hand written, incase the letter gets lost.
And Another easy solution too: Coconut oil!

Does someone here have chemistry experience? Can someone take the initiative to learn chem to find an antidote 4 invega?

Add-in: But if you don't want to learn chem, they try computer science. I learned how to code in 1 semester while stuffed on invega. I can pretty much make programs in JAVA and python. Still a lot to learn, but it's easy. 1 semester covers 1 language. most people only need to learn 1 language because who cares about other languages if all you need is one language to code... So that's why coding is easy. the other languages are similar. Please take my advice and live you life. Because you, we are not a team. ANYWAY GUYS, i've been posting a lot, but things may be looking to move more in the positive direction for me, I will update you in about 2 months. see y'all. Also PM me if you find a good solution to curing invega. thanks.
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