Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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But it is more than 10 month since the last injection.

Have you sought help from your primary care physician or anyone? I have an apt with an endocrinologist this Friday and an appointment with my primary this Tuesday in hopes to get started on Wellbutrin so I can lessen my nicotine intake throughout the day, don't really feel them much anyways.
No problem ZombieMode. I know a lot more vitamins/nootropics that can help as well but my parents just can not afford them all. I am just happy that I have what I have currently and am trying to stay as positive as possible. I am fortunate to have a fast metabolism naturally and have always believed in the power of vitamins even before my drug induced psychosis started. Staying healthy was always apart of me, slowly having urges to begin lifting again and getting a job soon.

As far as the valium goes, I only recently started to feel it alongside my prescribed adderall, which means that these vitamins MUST be having some overall impact on my dopamine levels in my brain. I prefer xanax (when I had it available, do not anymore), but valium is much safer anyways when compared to xanax. As far as the dosage I would say it comes down to the individual, what his/her tolerance pre exposure to this poison was and then try it like I did. The effective dosage I found to help a little is 5mg.
This injections were the biggest mistake in my life. I thought I did it for not taken away my child of me, because they thought I had schizophrenia, but I had nothing, I was ok. Now I don´t know, it looks like my emotions will never come back. It was more than 10 month, an I feel no dopamine-aktivity. Never.
5 Months since last injection, found the heavy depression to behind me. Now what I struggle with most is physical weakness and the cognitive impairment, namely, conversation, verbal fluency, memory, and learning capacity. In other words, I've got a long way to go. Josh, did you vitamin regimen help with the cognitive side of things? Did anyone find a way to combat these effects?
Rosi, try taking at least phenylpiracatam or alpha GPC (can easily be purchased on or caffeine pills or SOMETHING to life the brain fog. Personally I believe these shots did permeant damage to our brains and we are supposed to do our own research to find out what works best per individual. But yes Fake Cousin, the vitamins work on the cognitive spectrum of things, just mad expensive. I got motivation to begin working again!! It has been a month a few odd days since my last injection. I have full faith in my vitamin regiment. Going to doctors tomorrow to start wellbutrin for my nicotine addiction (cigarettes) and hopefully quit those completely. Wellbutrin is what someone brought up earlier in this thread. "Bupropion works by inhibiting the reuptake of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine" I also got my hormones in mail today and am feeling a lot better physically (more energy) I only plan on staying on hormones till this shot wears off, give or take five months, same goes with the Bupropion (wellbutrin) especially... I am praying to God I can manage to get either my PDoc or my psychiatrist to prescribe this drug to me. I am only 21 and I am trying my hardest to put in all the research I can to benefit both myself and others on this thread. -stay strong
@Josh Handel

Thanks Josh for your insight. Your damn right about the anxiety is really really bad some days even though I'm on Prozac (80mg) still doesn't help as much as I would like. Pitty they/the doctors won't prescribe Valium here in Australia easily as it's a "Schedule 4" lol
I second the permanent brain damage. I reached a point in my psyche where I don't see myself regaining my old self. I've become the dumbest person alive. As mentioned, it doesn't seem like it affected everybody the same way. It really messed my mind up. I have no idea what I want or don't want anymore. I don't know what's pretty or not. When I listen to someone talking about something smart I rub my forehead repeatedly because it requires so much mental power to comprehend what they're saying that my body reacts as such. So many things I was capable of doing before, I can't. This drug ruined me. I developed OCD above all. I used to compare myself to others and now it became an obsession, and I always fall short. I'm no longer in the moment with my own thoughts; I respond to everything with a comparison, with some bad thought about myself, that my real thoughts aren't showing, leaving me even more frustrated that I know & understand nothing. This drug revealed things about myself that I was not supposed to know. Yes, I don't know about others, but there are things about myself was better left hidden and they were hidden for a good reason. Knowing these stuff shattered my self-esteem and any hope for a future in this world. It's scary how beautiful this world can be for someone while a complete hell for another.

Np man. And I was lucky enough to have found some hahaha. I survive off of vistaril for my anxiety lol.
I second the permanent brain damage. I reached a point in my psyche where I don't see myself regaining my old self. I've become the dumbest person alive. As mentioned, it doesn't seem like it affected everybody the same way. It really messed my mind up. I have no idea what I want or don't want anymore. I don't know what's pretty or not. When I listen to someone talking about something smart I rub my forehead repeatedly because it requires so much mental power to comprehend what they're saying that my body reacts as such. So many things I was capable of doing before, I can't. This drug ruined me. I developed OCD above all. I used to compare myself to others and now it became an obsession, and I always fall short. I'm no longer in the moment with my own thoughts; I respond to everything with a comparison, with some bad thought about myself, that my real thoughts aren't showing, leaving me even more frustrated that I know & understand nothing. This drug revealed things about myself that I was not supposed to know. Yes, I don't know about others, but there are things about myself was better left hidden and they were hidden for a good reason. Knowing these stuff shattered my self-esteem and any hope for a future in this world. It's scary how beautiful this world can be for someone while a complete hell for another.
I feel nearly like you. Every day I stand up and first a want to smoke. I feel that a piece of my soul is hidden, it is not here. But today I could cry about my little son. People tell me, I should live a active live, but I feel no active energy. I can´t enjoy watching TV, painting a picture or reading a book. I can´t enjoy liing on the couch, I even can´t enjoy to go for a walk. Will it be better some day?Did you have schizophrenia or were you mis-diagnosed?
This day, when they gave me this, I should have saying: Stop, No, I don´t want this, it is to dangerous for me and my little son!!
Found all of these drugs to be benefitial for me during my waves which start at this time when i cannot feel my body:
Vistaril (histamine)
Wellbutrin (dopamine & serotonin agonist)
Phenylpiracetam (focus)
Alternate between adderall and phenylpiractetam for focus & energy.
Drink lots of tea: chamoile & regular.
With antipsychotics such as resperdone + Invega + haldol they are not posion they do treat schizo. It just sucks being misdiagnosed and now living with the side effects of a drug and especially a sustnon brand drug where u never know when it will hit you. I found that it hits me (after being off a month) @ 6 is when I die. Cigaretes help because they just do what wellbutrin does to a lesser degree. Time heals all wounds, I study this shit and I know that the brain naturally regenerates over time, just gotta know how to treat it and not give up, that is key, no ;)
There's also binaural brainwave. Those on youtube sorta works, but they are compressed to 2% of their original quality. I might cop one of them soon.
Found all of these drugs to be benefitial for me during my waves which start at this time when i cannot feel my body:Vistaril (histamine)Wellbutrin (dopamine & serotonin agonist)Phenylpiracetam (focus)Alternate between adderall and phenylpiractetam for focus & energy.Drink lots of tea: chamoile & regular.Cigs.With antipsychotics such as resperdone + Invega + haldol they are not posion they do treat schizo. It just sucks being misdiagnosed and now living with the side effects of a drug and especially a sustnon brand drug where u never know when it will hit you. I found that it hits me (after being off a month) @ 6 is when I die. Cigaretes help because they just do what wellbutrin does to a lesser degree. Time heals all wounds, I study this shit and I know that the brain naturally regenerates over time, just gotta know how to treat it and not give up, that is key, no ;)
Were did you read, that the brain can regenerate of this damage?
I disagree that the damage is permanent. just last year i believed, felt, and had myself convinced that it was truly going to be permanent.

Whilst a year has passed, ive been on increasing levels of antipsychotics, and for a longer period of time (also mood stabilisers because the psychs dont like their patients doing backflips from trees)... and the damage has certainly goten noticebly more severe and seemingly irreparable as a result.

However, like i say, i dont believe it is permanent. The most effective way to come to your own realization about whether it is possible to heal (and to a limitless extent) or not, is to first change your limiting beliefs that it is NOT possible. Change your self talk, it really is our biggest and most accessable self defence thru this shit.

The spiritual concequences of doing so, whether you are thay way inclined or not, will become noticeable.

Least thats how i did it.
post might be fiction.
420 paranoid skitz out.
I believe in science, I also believe that you need to get an adhd script and keep fighting it, adderall will get u through the day just explain to a psychiatrist that u cannot focus properly and they must treab your symptoms. Same goes with an endocrinologist (invega spikes estrogen causing gyno)- get script for nolvadex/aromasin to lower estodial levels in your blood. Its a lot but iv found my way with all of these drugs and vitamins. If u just give uppp of course it wont come back on. Just have to stand strong, take in the symptoms, and see a specialist. If not there are methods.
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