Mental Health Coming off Invega (Paliperidone, Xeplion) injections v 6.0

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Jerry Atrick

Bluelight Crew
Oct 25, 2009
As is standard procedure, after ~250 pages the previous Invega thread has been closed and will be continued here.

This thread is for anyone currently prescribed, coming off, recovering, or completely healed from taking Invega (Paliperidone, Xeplion) injections. The thread is for venting, sharing experiences, general advice, and support for any aspect of Invega injections. Please be respectful and keep on topic as the moderating team reserves the right to edit/delete off topic or insulting posts. As always, Bluelight is first and foremost a Harm Reduction site so while it is okay to disagree or question someone's opinion, it is not okay to give harmful advice or make potentially dangerous recommendations.

Please follow the guidelines of the Bluelight User Agreement (BLUA) as well as the Posting Rules of The Dark Side.

Previous versions of this thread:

2 years fully off haldol which is similar to invega injections i was scared worse. i feel pretty normal now!! its crazy hang in there as ahedonia and lame it is its not worth u guys giving up
Do you still suffer from anhedonia?
What about your sexual function, is it back to pre Haldol?
After stopping invega how long did it take you guys for your libido/sex drive and low semen volume to both go back to normal?
I had both loading doses and it took a solid year. I beat off 6 times a day everyday thinking it would help
This is what I'm dealing with and it worries me, once it resolves I'll be fully recovered. I also had both loading doses too almost 5 months off.

Did you completely 100% recover libido and semen? Was libido completely gone and semen really reduced? When did you start seeing improvements in this area?
Hi everyone! Invega really caused a lot of weight gain for me. After a few years did the weight drop off for you?
I'm also worried about the sexual side effects, pssd can be caused by antipsychotics as well
I hope I'm not impotent for life, I used to be very sexual guy. Now I don't feel sexy about myself anymore and definitely less of a man.
Infertility sucks, and Xeplion did it to the extreme.
I can say that recovery may be possible, since I switched meds I can get an erection now when masturbating. I just have no libido and no sensitivity in my glans. I wish I could still get random erections and get horny. Sorry for the details.
I don't think it's ever going to be the same as before.
I used to cum like an animal and got aroused easily by hot chicks.
Now I'm so far from that, it really messed me up.
eh i think it definitely can be the same as before there’s been plenty of people in these threads who have fully recovered their sexual function you said a few weeks ago that your sexual function came back then vanished although it was a wave that’s progress you’re not even 6 months in yet you will be fine.
eh i think it definitely can be the same as before there’s been plenty of people in these threads who have fully recovered their sexual function you said a few weeks ago that your sexual function came back then vanished although it was a wave that’s progress you’re not even 6 months in yet you will be fine.
Yes, the sensitivity on my penis and semen volume improved quite significantly, but now it's back to stage 0 basically.
I hope it'll recover fully, can't imagine staying like this.
Yes, the sensitivity on my penis and semen volume improved quite significantly, but now it's back to stage 0 basically.
I hope it'll recover fully, can't imagine staying like this.
Nofap might help I used to be a porn addict and couldn’t get a erection naturally but nofap helped a lot if your sexual function is zero anyway might as well.
DIVONYX (from Reddit)
‘I wouldn't say I feel crazy excitement/euphoria like before, but I am content. Old interests and hobbies have really lost it's thrill for me though unfortunately, they don't provide the fufillment like they used to, so I can relate to what you have to say about listening to your favourite song and not having the same emotions you had in the past.My physical fitness is total crap right now from lack of exercise. I'd also say i'm much weaker now... I am still able to get drunk though.’

That kinda freaks me out!! I want to be able to feel crazy excitement again (like hitting the lottery excitement/want to scream and jump for joy excitement). Can anyone feel that emotion after stopping Invega??
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