Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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Knowing this and the mountains of other important roles dopamine plays....why would they block dopamine with zero evidence IT EVEN TREATS IT.(schizophrenia)

anti psychotics just brain damage people into zombie hood. This is what mainline science has to offer.
So I don't want to get my hopes up but I think my weight might finally be stabilizing. I weighed myself yesterday & instead of weighing in at a heavier weight the first time then weighing myself a second time & it being lower like was happening most days finally my first weight was 75.6kg yesterday then today it was 75kg. Then unfortunately the scales battery died so now I won't even be able to check for atleast the next few days to see if I really have stabilized. That's all I want is to be at a stable weight of 75 - 75.5kg so then I can start losing the weight I don't care if it takes me 6 months to a year to lose it all just as long as I can start my journey to losing it. I also want to get liposuction I've almost got enough for the first area. I need to be at a stable weight so I don't end up just putting it back on again.

The night before last I almost felt like I could remember the feeling of staying up late being a night owl & enjoying it. I also used my jade roller & gua sha tool on my face, neck & jawline which I used to use everyday or night before invega it used to slim & de puff my face & sculpt my jawline I used to be blown away by the results it was a miracle. But now it does nothing because there's so much fat on my face & my double chin. But it still felt kind of good to do it & remember what it used to be like doing it. I stayed up past midnight & when I went to bed I felt kind of happy only a tiny bit but felt like my mind had more images in it like it used to & even some memories. I also had a new song stuck in my head & I kind of enjoyed the feeling of having it stuck in my head like I used to & I was looking forward to listening to music the next morning which I had been feeling a little like I wanted to do for a while. I listened to music the next morning & felt a tiny bit I even danced a little but it still wasn't the same. It was a bit rushed too because I had to start work in less than half an hour. The morning before I also had the motivation to vacuum & tidy my room a bit it felt a little satisfying.

I tried ginko biloba yesterday but it made me feel really dizzy & out of it I even had a moment where I was talking to someone on the phone for work & I felt like I was going to pass out or couldn't read the words properly of my script & felt for a moment like I wasn't sure what words were going to come out. It was weird I've never experienced anything like that. Then I did a google search & read apparently it can make antipsychotics more effective? "It has been suggested that the extract of gingko biloba (EGb) may enhance the efficiency of the classic antipsychotic haloperidol in patients with chronic schizophrenia, especially on positive symptoms, and reduce serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels." So I won't be taking it again I don't think. I might do a bit more research.

I had a zoom meeting for work yesterday & I'm devestated because they asked us to turn our cameras on. Alot of people including myself usually have our cameras off especially since we work from home most people can't be bothered to make themselves look good. My other computer I was using broke the webcam was much better quality & I didn't look as horrible so didn't mind as much but my new laptop the new camera is horrible & in Zoom for some reason it flips the camera the opposite side so my face is the opposite side to what it's supposed to be if that makes sense even though when I tested the camera just on the computer it wasn't flipped it was showing my correct side. Anyway I looked so horrible like a scary looking ogre it was so embarrassing & then I saw that alot of people still had their cameras off so I turned my off. But even though it was only for less than a few minutes I am really upset that happened.
I then had a shit afternoon I messaged my exes new gf because he had still been sending me messages telling me he loves me calling me up until a couple of weeks ago. I haven't let him see me since invega because I know he won't accept me & he used to cheat on me anyway. The girl he's with now he went behind my back calling her in jail & writing to her. I kind of wanted a bit of revenge because she knew I was in a relationship with him & didn't care. But she wrote back saying she doesn't care who he sleeps with. I then had him calling me leaving an abusive message it really triggered me. I felt like crying but couldn't but my eyes were watery & a few small tears formed I also kind of felt the emotions & felt that down emotional feeling of wanting to cry.

My vitamin D came today which I was excited about but it doesn't even have a proper dropper & it broke when I first opened it then I was able to fix it but it's not even a proper dropper that you squeeze it just drips off the end & it's very short. So I don't even know if I've had the right amount & disappointed I'll have to order a better one but hoping I'll see some improvements.

Today I'm 7 months off
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I was thinking of doing a juice cleanse for 3 days or even 1 day I was willing to pay the money even though they're expensive. But then I saw the high amounts of sugar the juices combined would contain & I decided not to. Plus you have to drink so many. But I'm thinking of having 1 day a week or fortnight where I order on menulog from a juice place 1 or 2 nice juices & then order a healthy soup from somewhere like soul origin & have my coffee & healthy banana smoothie in the morning then a juice & soup & water then maybe a 'healthy' chocolate protein shake for desert or something. A day of liquids to see if that helps
I was thinking of doing a juice cleanse for 3 days or even 1 day I was willing to pay the money even though they're expensive. But then I saw the high amounts of sugar the juices combined would contain & I decided not to. Plus you have to drink so many. But I'm thinking of having 1 day a week or fortnight where I order on menulog from a juice place 1 or 2 nice juices & then order a healthy soup from somewhere like soul origin & have my coffee & healthy banana smoothie in the morning then a juice & soup & water then maybe a 'healthy' chocolate protein shake for desert or something. A day of liquids to see if that helps
Tea does the same thing but probably better. I used to drink 4-8 bags of tea a day.

NAC and SJW will also help Detox.
Guys, I have had 12 injections over the last year and have experienced all of the fucked side effects: anhedonia, no ability to talk, a dud in social situations, no problem solving, muscle weakness, no libido, cognitive function fucked, no thoughts in my head and have put on 20kg (even skipping meals) my face is swollen and bloated, I used to be shredded and jacked I now look partially obese.

However I'm 50 days off the injection after convincing my psychiatrist to put me on rexulti (only comes in oral tablets) and my thoughts are starting to come back, I have to drink pre-workout which is loaded with caffeine, taurine, l-arginine and beta alanine and my mind is slowly coming back, have faith! The damage is not permanent neuroplasticity is a thing.

You should also try get a modafinil or armodafinil script from a psychiatrist who acknowledges the drowsiness and cognitive blunting side effects - most reasonable psychs should because it literally says it on the invega sustenna box: "may cause drowsiness do not operate heavy machinery" if you keep saying you constantly sleep during the day and your cognition is cooked they should give you a trial on a psuedo stimulant like armo or moda even if they blame the psychosis, it snookers them into giving it to you if you just lap it up and agree it could be the negative symptoms of the psychosis because there are studies which affirm armo or moda for treating the negative symptoms of psychosis. This is so even though I believe its the dopamine depletion of the invega sustenna, however you don't need to argue what the cause is, simply state that you have severe drowsiness and lack of concentration symptoms and they should give you a trial, for me it brings me back to normal.

I should mention there is a trade off though if you take too much or you just react badly to stims there is a risk you can become manic, but once the armo or moda wears off the mania should subside. Obviously its a calculated risk and if you are prone to mania or can't control the pre-psychotic state you should avoid taking these drugs, however for me the lack of thoughts and problem solving was debilatating - so it works for me.

Also do not let them convince you its depression, you must constantly say you do not feel depressed otherwise they will make you take an anti-depressant which makes brain fog and sexual side effects so much worse not to mention the withdrawal potential.

Will keep you updated on my progress, feel free to message me if you want further help about switching to orals or getting a moda or armodafinil script from your psych. This is my first time posting hope it helps somehow.

Why am I 6 months feeling the same from day 1 and I only had 2 shots then you don’t have a specific amount of months you recovered
I guess people just differ. That's part of the point in this whole thing that people recover differently. I am not a doctor so I can't really say why you're having such trouble, but we really do care about you here and expect you to be better than ever in not too long! I got three shots, and it took about three months without it to feel a lot better. But I definitely did. Other people may take longer or not as long. But if I wasn't working and going to school then I imagine that it would've taken me muc longer.
Why am I 6 months feeling the same from day 1 and I only had 2 shots then you don’t have a specific amount of months you recovered
Yes, everyone recovers differently, at different rates, and there are a lot of different factors as well e.g diet, exercise, supplements, sleep etc
So I don't want to get my hopes up but I think my weight might finally be stabilizing. I weighed myself yesterday & instead of weighing in at a heavier weight the first time then weighing myself a second time & it being lower like was happening most days finally my first weight was 75.6kg yesterday then today it was 75kg. Then unfortunately the scales battery died so now I won't even be able to check for atleast the next few days to see if I really have stabilized. That's all I want is to be at a stable weight of 75 - 75.5kg so then I can start losing the weight I don't care if it takes me 6 months to a year to lose it all just as long as I can start my journey to losing it. I also want to get liposuction I've almost got enough for the first area. I need to be at a stable weight so I don't end up just putting it back on again.

The night before last I almost felt like I could remember the feeling of staying up late being a night owl & enjoying it. I also used my jade roller & gua sha tool on my face, neck & jawline which I used to use everyday or night before invega it used to slim & de puff my face & sculpt my jawline I used to be blown away by the results it was a miracle. But now it does nothing because there's so much fat on my face & my double chin. But it still felt kind of good to do it & remember what it used to be like doing it. I stayed up past midnight & when I went to bed I felt kind of happy only a tiny bit but felt like my mind had more images in it like it used to & even some memories. I also had a new song stuck in my head & I kind of enjoyed the feeling of having it stuck in my head like I used to & I was looking forward to listening to music the next morning which I had been feeling a little like I wanted to do for a while. I listened to music the next morning & felt a tiny bit I even danced a little but it still wasn't the same. It was a bit rushed too because I had to start work in less than half an hour. The morning before I also had the motivation to vacuum & tidy my room a bit it felt a little satisfying.

I tried ginko biloba yesterday but it made me feel really dizzy & out of it I even had a moment where I was talking to someone on the phone for work & I felt like I was going to pass out or couldn't read the words properly of my script & felt for a moment like I wasn't sure what words were going to come out. It was weird I've never experienced anything like that. Then I did a google search & read apparently it can make antipsychotics more effective? "It has been suggested that the extract of gingko biloba (EGb) may enhance the efficiency of the classic antipsychotic haloperidol in patients with chronic schizophrenia, especially on positive symptoms, and reduce serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels." So I won't be taking it again I don't think. I might do a bit more research.

I had a zoom meeting for work yesterday & I'm devestated because they asked us to turn our cameras on. Alot of people including myself usually have our cameras off especially since we work from home most people can't be bothered to make themselves look good. My other computer I was using broke the webcam was much better quality & I didn't look as horrible so didn't mind as much but my new laptop the new camera is horrible & in Zoom for some reason it flips the camera the opposite side so my face is the opposite side to what it's supposed to be if that makes sense even though when I tested the camera just on the computer it wasn't flipped it was showing my correct side. Anyway I looked so horrible like a scary looking ogre it was so embarrassing & then I saw that alot of people still had their cameras off so I turned my off. But even though it was only for less than a few minutes I am really upset that happened.
I then had a shit afternoon I messaged my exes new gf because he had still been sending me messages telling me he loves me calling me up until a couple of weeks ago. I haven't let him see me since invega because I know he won't accept me & he used to cheat on me anyway. The girl he's with now he went behind my back calling her in jail & writing to her. I kind of wanted a bit of revenge because she knew I was in a relationship with him & didn't care. But she wrote back saying she doesn't care who he sleeps with. I then had him calling me leaving an abusive message it really triggered me. I felt like crying but couldn't but my eyes were watery & a few small tears formed I also kind of felt the emotions & felt that down emotional feeling of wanting to cry.

My vitamin D came today which I was excited about but it doesn't even have a proper dropper & it broke when I first opened it then I was able to fix it but it's not even a proper dropper that you squeeze it just drips off the end & it's very short. So I don't even know if I've had the right amount & disappointed I'll have to order a better one but hoping I'll see some improvements.

Today I'm 7 months off
I think that’s a big thing and people think they’re getting better…the remembering what it felt like part. I’ve been chasing that high for almost a year now. Certain songs will come on and I’ll remember “oh I could really get down to this song before all this mess happened” but it still doesn’t hit right at all.
Guys, I have had 12 injections over the last year and have experienced all of the fucked side effects: anhedonia, no ability to talk, a dud in social situations, no problem solving, muscle weakness, no libido, cognitive function fucked, no thoughts in my head and have put on 20kg (even skipping meals) my face is swollen and bloated, I used to be shredded and jacked I now look partially obese.

However I'm 50 days off the injection after convincing my psychiatrist to put me on rexulti (only comes in oral tablets) and my thoughts are starting to come back, I have to drink pre-workout which is loaded with caffeine, taurine, l-arginine and beta alanine and my mind is slowly coming back, have faith! The damage is not permanent neuroplasticity is a thing.

You should also try get a modafinil or armodafinil script from a psychiatrist who acknowledges the drowsiness and cognitive blunting side effects - most reasonable psychs should because it literally says it on the invega sustenna box: "may cause drowsiness do not operate heavy machinery" if you keep saying you constantly sleep during the day and your cognition is cooked they should give you a trial on a psuedo stimulant like armo or moda even if they blame the psychosis, it snookers them into giving it to you if you just lap it up and agree it could be the negative symptoms of the psychosis because there are studies which affirm armo or moda for treating the negative symptoms of psychosis. This is so even though I believe its the dopamine depletion of the invega sustenna, however you don't need to argue what the cause is, simply state that you have severe drowsiness and lack of concentration symptoms and they should give you a trial, for me it brings me back to normal.

I should mention there is a trade off though if you take too much or you just react badly to stims there is a risk you can become manic, but once the armo or moda wears off the mania should subside. Obviously its a calculated risk and if you are prone to mania or can't control the pre-psychotic state you should avoid taking these drugs, however for me the lack of thoughts and problem solving was debilatating - so it works for me.

Also do not let them convince you its depression, you must constantly say you do not feel depressed otherwise they will make you take an anti-depressant which makes brain fog and sexual side effects so much worse not to mention the withdrawal potential.

Will keep you updated on my progress, feel free to message me if you want further help about switching to orals or getting a moda or armodafinil script from your psych. This is my first time posting hope it helps somehow.


Same here with the the weight gain. I've put on 25kg & my face looks swollen & bloated & I look like I'm obese. It's the worst I look like a completely different person, My hair is so horrible also because of invega so that makes me look even worse
so we are crap and big pharma and its psychiatrists are the heroes? not one of us is a danger to society or anyone. who are we?i don't see a single fucking fool here?who here would be able to inflict invega in someone's blood?none.we are fucking good people who don't deserve what is happening to us. Who are we? Fucking pawns to manipulate, they abused our trust for their profits. To death all those who killed us. Tired of being a victim, because of this poison I see life as an obstacle to happiness , the war of the people against the institutions is the only solution, but it is only a sweet dream, look at what they have made of us! certainly for many of us life was not perfect, but Killing us for money is a big mistake, it's worse than adding fuel to the fire, we are the good people and all those who want to help us. I dream of a day when we inject invega into our executioners, and have them injected for life! a day when we will burn the laboratories and their poison worse than witchcraft! look at what we let's become! this poison kills us! the lawyers are stupid and don't want to attack our executioners! day will certainly not happen 😭 we are all in different countries and it would have been so much easier to be all together to be able to demonstrate in front of this laboratory, put pressure on it, do everything so that at least this poison is removed! Let the world revolt! Let the world revolt! Too much harm has been done! Let the world revolt! Like in Panama, Sri Lanka, go let the world revolt! Our children, our families 😭😭😭 for them? are we going to die a victim? live a victim? be us I fear. who will be 100%? who will not be? who will replace our stolen years when we are only good people?! since we cannot revolt against this mixture of injustice and tragedies and that the people will surely not take up arms to go and fight the real people responsible for the evils of the earth, since I refuse to live without living, I will certainly choose death to land if God wants it in a just world where all people well will be there, a peaceful and magnificent world where invega would only be a memory. we are good people.
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