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Coming Down and Depression

there are plenty of pre and post roll combos that u can take to help/prevent this but i simply like to pop a couple of valium or xanax.or a bit of g perhaps...peaece
i dont know if any one else has this problem but i usually go to a partee and for ths 1st hour i dance sober take a pill then by the end of the partee start to come down and i get mad and depressed cause the partee is over and i have to leave so thats where i get 75% of bad come downs but i get it worst when i dont have any more E to take if im at a house partee with some friends and we all drop and we have no more when i come down i get depressed and mad cause i cant continue that rush or feeling that i just had and it can go on for at least 2 weeks for me over the course of 2-3 years of taking E for me i cant even be happy no more its like i went to the bahamas last summer and its like i couldnt enjoy myself cause i missed my girl friend and all my friends i was so depressed... i think its time for me to slow down and shut up
I tried the pre and post-load after this weekend and feel alot better then before. As for my husband he wouldn't and he is being a total jacka$$... Oh well at least it helped me.
I do actually have a friend who has been raving since 1989 and has dropped over a thousand pills. During 89-92 he used to roll every other day on average. One pill still makes him roll, and he says the comedown does not normally make him depressed, but maybe it is because he has now moderated his usage to about once a month.
^ I would agree with that.
I've probably done 300 or so pills over about 5 years, but I did most of those in about 9 months. I've slowed down a lot, and I've found recently that I get good effects off one pill, and hardly any comedown (I also take 5-HTP).
Hello.. i know this is an old thread n noone's out there but i don't care all my friends are out + i need to vent, even if its into the depths of cyberspace + noone can hear me......
errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. in the grip of the worst midweek crash ive ever had, it hit me this morning.
feel like i've bleached my brain, which, i guess, i have!
it's weird tho coz altho i took too many pills this weekend they were all mda, which i would have thought wouldn't affect serotonin so much..?
thanx, i feel much better now!