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Coming Down and Depression


Feb 22, 2002
I know most people usually feel a bit sad when they're coming down, especially after a beautiful roll. My come downs, however, are never hard. They're just a gradual descent, like on weed or something. Like "Wow, that was nice. Time to come back down now." I am also clinically depressed... could this have anything to do with my come downs being less severe or do some 'normal' people have less severe come downs as well? The quality of the roll doesn't affect my come down. I come down easy on hard rolls and on shitty rolls... Thanks guys. Play hard, be safe.
Ive realised that if Im going through a shit time I can really enjoy my E experience but the comedown will be dark and spirit crushing. If I'm happy in general the come down is just a matter of sobering. Since I broke up with my girlfriend the come downs have been sad
i believe it all has to do with the length of time and the quantity of when you use e. i was the happyest kid back in the day. nothing got me down and depression was out of the question. but then i started eating pills alot. it still didn't fuck with me too bad at first but after about 5 months of rolling a few days after eating e and experiencing the day after comedown :which isn't so bad if you have taken acid: i get really depressed. i can't explain it either. nothing used to get me down at all but now nothing can make me happy. just be really spacious when using e.
Hi,my comedowns aren't as bad as in the beginning,after a good night i get so tired,that i just go to bed and wait there very comfortebly till i fall asleep.I do take 5htp,cos i used to get a bit depressed around tuesday.Now that problem is over.
Nah, my comedowns were never bad, I've never "crashed" or anything. (Felt shitty the next day or two, but I started taking supplements for that.) And I'm "normal", well, as far as brain chemistry anyway. ;)
As longer as you roll and more often you roll as worse the comedown gets. However I think it also depends on the brain chemistry, and therefore on the person.
I believe if you don't really crush, and use it in moderation, the chances are good that you don't have any bad come down for a long time..
When I started rolling, I was in a very good mood for a few days. (afterglow) But now after rolling many times, the afterglow are almost gone, but luckily I still don't get depressed after pilling.
if your not already,start taking the pre and post role formulas that are plastered all over the boards like this.
other than that valium and xanax work great,are cheap enuff and easy enuff to get.peace
It's just the standard "everyone's brain is different."
My roommate has taken MDMA (probably like 150mg) or so, and had "Terrible Tuesdays" that have lasted almost 2 weeks, if I recall correctly.
I, on the other hand, have take 350mg of MDMA, gotten 5 hours of sleep, gone out to eat and hang out with my parents that evening, and been perfectly normal on Tuesday; Monday for that matter.
It can never hurt to be overly cautious, but maybe you're just one of us "lucky" ones that can cope/doesn't have bad comedowns.
I have yet to know anyone that ha taken humdreds, if not thousands, of pills that wads not then indeed depressed.
The last time that I rolled I had a bitch of a comedown in which I had the most intense thoughs of suicide. Thankfully that only lasted about 10 minutes and then I went into this incredible afterglow stage that lasted for like 30 minutes and felt better than actually rolling! My boyfriend, on the other hand, took the same stuff I did (same amount too) and had a great roll with no comedown whatsoever and was still feeling great well into the next day. E just effects everyone differently so you can never really be sure about what to expect.
Originally posted by antEater:
It's just the standard "everyone's brain is different."
My roommate has taken MDMA (probably like 150mg) or so, and had "Terrible Tuesdays" that have lasted almost 2 weeks, if I recall correctly.
I, on the other hand, have take 350mg of MDMA, gotten 5 hours of sleep, gone out to eat and hang out with my parents that evening, and been perfectly normal on Tuesday; Monday for that matter.
It can never hurt to be overly cautious, but maybe you're just one of us "lucky" ones that can cope/doesn't have bad comedowns.

I assume you are talking about pure MDMA?
Ive done probably 500 E's over the course of 3 years and i had horrible comedowns. But, ive never experienced this with pure MDMA and ive done doses of half a gram. Of course my memory has been kinda fucked but ive never felt depressed from it.
Kinda strange.
[ 08 August 2002: Message edited by: nagasakiz ]
My husband and I usually roll on the Saturday and I find by Wednesday we are at each others throats. Does anyone else go through this? It's making me crazy. We are so into each other while rolling and then by mid week hate each other.
havn't experienced that one, but I have to say I don't have a husband, or a wife for that matter :p
maybe you are taking pills too frequently and its fucking with your head???
just last weekend i had the worst comedown of my pilling experience. most scattered i have ever been... i sat in a chair with a doona over me, from 11am to 11pm, while my six other friends were asleep on couches all around me.. I couldnt close my eyes, could never sleep, just sat there, staring into space. I tried to read the newspaper for a bit, that wasnt too bad
very depressed aswell... I'd rolled with a close friend of mine of 4 years and couldn't stop thinking about her, how i thought I loved her, wanted to be with her, felt we were meant to be together. I've been keen on her since i met her, but never as much as when i was rolling. over the next few days i've been convincing myself that we are just supposed to be friends, but i know when i drop with her again its going to go back to how it was.
anyway i'm getting off the track, was a BAD comedown, but was also the biggest roll i've ever had
Originally posted by bichicky:
[QB]we are at each others throats. Does anyone else go through this? QB]
Yep, very irritable and argumentative after a night out. Preloading seemed to help, but I'm new to preloading so couldn't offer much advice other than to say the more nutrients your body has to use up in the first place, the better :)
You can save yourself a serious amount of cracked-out body load by forcing yourself to eat a meal before you crash out. Personally I love ramen noodle soup on the comedown and the heat of the soup starts the roll again. If you eat a meal before you go to sleep the body is able to get into its normal synch much sooner. Its tough to eat when you are still high, but it is definitely worth the effort.
Well, I had never had really bad depression until when I rolled in June (only my 5th time rolling). I was totally blah all day, and my short term memory was all wacked. But I rolled last night after I had started my pre and post loading program, and I didn't have any e-pression at all. In fact, today, I got up (in the evening because we dropped at like 3am) and went to a party (a drinking party) and had a great time, and was fully functional.
I took 200mg of 5-HTP during my comedown, and then another 200 mg when I woke up in the morning if that helps. Definatly search on the site about pre and post loading and the benefits or what not. Some people argue that preloading doesn't really have an affect, but quite a few, I believe, feel that post loading can help with the emotional downward spiral that E can leave you with the day after. So try post loading and see how that helps you.
Yes I'll go with the everyone's different mantra also.
I've been through several stages of comedowns, first couple of years of doing pills I was totally invincible, never came down etc, etc.
Then normal, feel down etc but nothing too bad.
Then became depressed (not pill related) had to stop taking pills eventually as this makes the condition worse. Before I stopped taking them the comedowns were very bad, but so was normal life so not sure exactly how to quantify it really.
Now back to normal, I come down fairly hard but as long as I get a few drinks down my neck I'm fine.
where can i get 5 htp or whatever it is because i need something to help ride out the storm, anything over the counter would be great
"the longer as you roll and more often you roll as worse the comedown gets"
i've just come to learn this. i dont think i can role anymore, i love rollin but the comedowns (2-5 days after) have been getting worse n worse. ive been rollin about once a month for 3 yrs, i think its time i stopped
Thanks everyone, we are going to be doing E this weekend and i am going to try the pre-loading and post-loading see if it helps..