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[Combo Subthread] Mushrooms & MAOIs

well 10 minutes after ingesting syrian and i feel weird already. Usually oral things take 2 hours....
werd, let me know how it goes. Are taking this syrian rue in combination with anything?

As for stimulants, they do not allow your brain to function correctly. For example, you can try to fix something that wasn't broken for hours straight on meth. Also, why would you put your mind in fight or flight mode while trying to trip?
I know MAOI's combined with shrooms can intensify effects. Could St. John's Wort potentially be used to intensify the effects of the shrooms? Also is chocolate really a weak MAOI or is that just a myth?
Get some syrian rue. Its very cheap and supposedly it potentiates shrooms 2x.
I've combined syrian rue with mushrooms twice. The rue definitely alters and lengthens the effects of the mushrooms, but overall I didn't find it much more powerful, just different. It made the visual effects more dramatic and pronounced and gave the trip a grounded feel. It also brought out the creepy side of the mushrooms moreso than usual, but at the same time I felt emotionally disconnected to some extent which made it easier to handle. The weirdest part of the experience was that I could see and feel the presence of a dark shadow figure that reminds me of F&B's avatar that was standing directly behind me on my right and leaning forward grotesquely over my right shoulder.

Oh, and I wouldn't count on St. John's Wort altering the experience. It is a very weak MAOI at best, and to produce significant enhancement you need a strong MAOI.
alright thanx for the help, yes im aware syrian rue would be my best bet but the mail system doesnt work in which i could recieve it by tonight :p
I personally find the thought of combining syrian rue with mushrooms disgusting! I do not think the body load of syrian rue would combine well with mushrooms.

Why not just take more (not twice as much) mushrooms if you want double the intensity?
you are right, I shouldnt be looking to have MAOI's to intesify the trip as I am already taking a higher dose than my previous highest.
Body load??? I haven't ever experienced any body load from syrian rue(unless you count the times when taken with Ayahuasca)8) You only need to ingest 3-6 grams of syrian rue along with your shrooms. grind it up in a coffee grinder and fill up some capsules ingest about half an hour before you eat your boom

If you can't get ahold of an MAOI just prepare your body and make the most of what you have many people could have much stronger trips by doing simple things such as fasting

Armaros what is your highest dose of mushies?
Xorkoth said:
The rue definitely alters and lengthens the effects of the mushrooms, but overall I didn't find it much more powerful, just different.

I've done rue + shroom tea three times, twice with ~1 gram of ~7X rue extract and once with a little over half a gram, combined with about 2-3 grams of shrooms each time. I definitely found that it increased the strength as well as the duration of the trip. Judging by what I've gathered from anecdotal evidence and personal experience, taking 1/8 to 1/4 ounce of rue seeds (NOT extract) with a certain dose of shrooms will produce a two- to three- fold intensification of the trip over what could be expected for that dose alone.

Xorkoth said:
It made the visual effects more dramatic and pronounced and gave the trip a grounded feel. It also brought out the creepy side of the mushrooms moreso than usual, but at the same time I felt emotionally disconnected to some extent which made it easier to handle.

This seems to imply that it did in fact potentiate the intensity of the trip. Also, I'm not exactly clear on how you could have felt more grounded yet more emotionally disconnected at the same time. Could you elaborate on this further?

I definitely agree about syrian rue bringing out the creepier and darker aspects of the mushroom trip. I also agree about the "grounded" feeling, which was very earthy in my experiences. These trips were much more immersive from both sensory and emotional standpoints than normal mushroom trips, and therefore, I felt more rather than less emotionally connected. In every trip I've had on this combo, I've had feelings of intense existential despair at some point, sometimes to the extent of feeling close to death, though I don't believe I was ever in any physical or physiological danger of that occurring. On the other hand, the side effects of this combination were much harsher than mushrooms alone. Nausea on the comeup was always present, though I never puked. At later stages of the trip, my heart rate would increase and I would experience small but barely controllable muscle tremors. These would usually go away if I meditated or did breathing exercises to calm myself down.

Despite all the caveats, this combination is very interesting, and I would do it again. However, the next time I take the plunge, I will take less syrian rue, prepare myself for a very deep trip, and have some muscle relaxants on hand in case the side effects become too prominent.
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Any of you ever use a tea of passion flowers while on psilocybin?. It totally changes the feel of the trip.
ive done rue with shrooms. i had a very... uncomfortable time. it wasnt a "bad" trip, however, id never do that again. my body felt like i was being drawn and quartered, i had intense cold-like symptoms (cramps, runny nose, fluxuating temperature), and almost felt like i was flying forward at warp speed. mentally there was not much difference except in potency and duration. physically it was enough to distract from the more enjoyable aspects of tripping.

i understand that other factors may have effected how my body felt. i still wouldnt do it again personally, but dont regret trying it.
It will bring the visual apsect out and will also provide a nice relaxed physical back drop for the trip. Brew 5g of passion flowers (only flowers) and it will work well to potentiate a low dose trip also. Drink during for relaxation, drink large dose (10+g of flowers) beforehand to potentiate significantly.
I want to try the tea with san pedro or rivea corumbosa next.
THE WOOD said:
ive done rue with shrooms. i had a very... uncomfortable time. it wasnt a "bad" trip, however, id never do that again.

Was the discomfort physical and/or mental??
samadhi_smiles, the syrian rue body load only lasts until the shrooms kick in, and then the whole experience shifts to a different energy level.
is it true that preloading on 150-300 mg of Moclobemide is a great potentiator for a mushroom trip? that it makes the experience more visual, euphoric, insightful and longer lasting. would preloading on Moclobemide as a Psilocybe potentiator be superior to preloading on Rue/Caapi/Harmaline as a potentiator? Moclobemide feels cleaner with mushrooms than these plants?

Thanks guys :p
well moclobemide is indeed a MAOI, however i don't know if it's superior to that of syrian rue or the other ones you've mentioned.