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Combining sudafed tablets and nicorette patches


Jun 29, 2017
I was wondering what is the combo of Sudafed tablets plus a Nicorette patch is like. I will be starting a fast food job and many have told me that they do things from coke to amphetamines to stay awake and alert. (live in Ireland so they don't drug test as much as the US/Canada.)

I know you might say I should only just take pseudoephedrine for a stuffy nose but I've found it incredibly potent and 'clean' when it comes to keeping me awake compared to caffeine. I've tried drinking coffee or taking the pills and every time I feel slightly awake (which isn't like pseudo), I feel incredibly nauseous. I decided on pseudo last year. Tried it when I was in school for the morning and couldn't believe how energized I felt. I actually had a tear..lol. Took 5 (60mg) tablets in the morning.

That was only Sudafed so I wonder how taking it with a Nicorette patch will feel like. I have tried nicotine in cigarette, gum and lozenge form but never the two together.
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First you should change your font color if you want anyone to read this, I had to go into an editor to read it at all.

If pseudoephedrine gets you awake and alert why push it by adding nicotine? If i had to guess i would say that this combo is just gonna cause nausea and heart arrhythmias.
To Falsifiehypothesi [put your mouse in the invisible area push [CTR-a] or manually select the text as if you are about to copy it with your left mouse button] ;)

And indeed bummer a invisible text. Like an anticlimax as in those techno bullshit trance anthem's that totally missed the point.

My exp with nicotin replacements let me to conclude they worthless for my goal. Cessation of Tobacco. If you want to experience anything remotely like Tobacco try a Betelnut powder.
Caught some of it. I would never recommend nicotine patches for anything other than trying to get off cigarettes. The weird and horrible dreams they cause is not fun....not fun at all. As long as there's a patch on your body your sleep will be disturbed.
Caught some of it. I would never recommend nicotine patches for anything other than trying to get off cigarettes. The weird and horrible dreams they cause is not fun....not fun at all. As long as there's a patch on your body your sleep will be disturbed.

Sorry about the text, changed it hopefully.

What vivid dreams do nicotine patches cause? I've taken a lot of the lozenges right (8mg before I sleep) and I don't remember weird dreams.
I can't explain them. They were just vivid crazy dreams every night and I started to dread going to sleep. But they work great to help stop smoking because if you wear a patch and try to smoke that cigarette will be the worst tasting thing you've ever had. Plus you can OD on nicotine if you wear a patch and smoke. Not like dying I assume, but there are doctor warnings everywhere that you can OD.
You may feel some stimulation from pseudoephedrine by itself but if you do it frequently, you work up a tolerance and you won't get the same pleasant effects. Nicotine in any form will cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate so if you're prone to nausea, you might want to skip the patch altogether.