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    European & African
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Coke in europe

Lately the quality of coke has gone way up and prices are dropping, any of you noticing the same? Its not just my personal expierence, there are statistics and other data that show this...
Prices do seem to be low now, I wouldn't necessarily say quality going up though, just that the good stuff is cheaper.
I guess all the coke that was waiting loaded on cargo ships, due to covid restrictions and supply chain problem's, is being off loaded and there is more coke floating around than usual. More offer + same demand = lower prices/better quality. Just a thought...
Youre actually quite right with regards to the cheaper prices, its due to an overflow of coke, but also an overflow of dealers, and the overflow of product is also due to evolving harvesting skills of coca plants by the farmers, regarding higher quality this is due to both overflow - like you said - which makes it less needed to cut up as well as evolving manufacturing process by the chemists.

This overflow is specifacilly so where I live, but since the overflow and better quality already partially originate in SA the prices over there are also dropping, which I assume has global consequences, however I suppose - at least for now - this is only really very noticable when dealing higher up the chain with larger amounts...
200 deutsche marks? 200 dutch Guilders probably 🤭
but 200 DM isn't even 100€
i also don't think he paid 400DM per g, somehow.

Im not that much into coke. Just heard someone smuggling some into Germany from Mexico via Spain. Most coke goes through big ports like Hamburg or Rotterdam. You get good quality (50%) coke for <snip> almost everywhere nowadays. Back in the 80s when coke got big you paid like 200eur for 1g of good quality.
Spain means from Morocco though
no, a group from bavaria drove to spain and got their coke that was sent from mexico.

that was before cocaine got big on the black market, 200dm for 1g of good coke.
ye 200dm is more realistic, so 100€, not that much more expensive than it is in Munich now

what weirdos, since moroccan coke is much cheaper and mostly very high quality (unless someone on the way mixed)
ye 200dm is more realistic, so 100€, not that much more expensive than it is in Munich now

what weirdos, since moroccan coke is much cheaper and mostly very high quality (unless someone on the way mixed)
In which way do you speak of Moroccan coke since, right me if Im wrong, there is no coca production in Morocco?
In which way do you speak of Moroccan coke since, right me if Im wrong, there is no coca production in Morocco?
it's the coke that moroccans sell everywhere in Spain, actually all over Europe. I have no idea where it comes from, just assumed it was moroccan
Maybe it is indeed from Mexico, originally
it's the coke that moroccans sell everywhere in Spain, actually all over Europe. I have no idea where it comes from, just assumed it was moroccan
Maybe it is indeed from Mexico, originally
Since most of the worlds supply of coke these days comes from Peru I consider it likely thats where it comes from, other than that Mexican cartels are involved in Peruvian and such coke trade Im not really sure but I dont think Mexico itself has any (significant?) Coca production... It could very well be routed via Mexico tho...

The Moroccan maffia by the way are mostly only the small time dealers, if the coke business was an arm the Moroccans would be the finger tips, if you deal with larger amounts its not Moroccans you usually deal with, at least in my experience, I cant say for sure if this is the case for entire Europe...
Since most of the worlds supply of coke these days comes from Peru I consider it likely thats where it comes from, other than that Mexican cartels are involved in Peruvian and such coke trade Im not really sure but I dont think Mexico itself has any (significant?) Coca production... It could very well be routed via Mexico tho...

The Moroccan maffia by the way are mostly only the small time dealers, if the coke business was an arm the Moroccans would be the finger tips, if you deal with larger amounts its not Moroccans you usually deal with, at least in my experience, I cant say for sure if this is the case for entire Europe...
I'm from Germany and I haven't been taking drugs for 10 years, so I wouldn't know anymore.
All I know is back in the day, Moroccans was all I saw, selling coke, xept in Germany.

I know even Nicaragua has huge coca fields, as my ex gf went there for 3 months. No idea about South America, but there's definitely production in Central America. Just no chemical stuff iirc
Since most of the worlds supply of coke these days comes from Peru I consider it likely thats where it comes from, other than that Mexican cartels are involved in Peruvian and such coke trade Im not really sure but I dont think Mexico itself has any (significant?) Coca production... It could very well be routed via Mexico tho...

The Moroccan maffia by the way are mostly only the small time dealers, if the coke business was an arm the Moroccans would be the finger tips, if you deal with larger amounts its not Moroccans you usually deal with, at least in my experience, I cant say for sure if this is the case for entire Europe...
Yes in my crack smoking days I must have gone through dozens of morrocan dealers and none of them ever dealt in premium grade product. For some reason it was always caribean dealers who happened to be the ones selling better product in my region.
what weirdos, since moroccan coke is much cheaper and mostly very high quality (unless someone on the way mixed)

they dealt everything. coke, h, hash, mdma, speed.
young guy got turned over by the police one night, 20kg hash and 2kg mdma. since he was on h he only had to go to therapy, no jailtime. and this in bavaria. i knew him from therapy. the only one that had to tell some stories, rest rest were plain idiots. mostly meth, speed and weed kiddies.
Yes in my crack smoking days I must have gone through dozens of morrocan dealers and none of them ever dealt in premium grade product. For some reason it was always caribean dealers who happened to be the ones selling better product in my region.
yes, over here for example among others Surinamians deliver way more quality product than Moroccans, the coke from Moroccans I dont buy and I consider to be rip off, as well regarding quality as well as the delivered amount, if you buy coke from them over here its only about 60% pure (which is actually still pretty good considering global quality) and they only deliver 0.6 when you pay for one g...

I know ppl buying 20 g's of them per transaction, thats madness, thats 20 times 0.6 and far from actually 20 gs... I also know that they dont deal amounts - to me at least - as small as even 100g.

If I buy coke, well I actually dont really buy it, I can get a k without paying right away, take 100g off it for myself and sell the rest in one go with profit to what I after that pay my supplier, its from carribean sources, quality as high as around 80% and delivering the actual full amount to the dot.
Balkan (Serbian, Croatian, Albanian, Monte Negro) mafia rules EU. That's all I will say. 🤐
Yes I know.of Albanian being big here too.

I dont have contacts with Balkan big suppliers tho, maybe its a judgemental pre concieved notion of mine but I feel as if they are more hostile and its a more dangerous scene to be involved in...
Hey man! Any idea how much coke in the US is from Peru? I think I just got a little taste of your lovely country.
Im not from Peru but its likely you got some Peruvian charlie over there since the global market, after many yrs of Colombian domination, is now mostly dominated by Peru...

I actually consider this to be less good, cause what I can say of my (not really extensive) experience with both Peruvian and Colombian during my stay there, is that Colombian hits.you harder, whereas Peruvian is smoother and seems to build up more gradually, Colombian kicks in quite sudden and hits you in the face which gives a kick and shows a power I greatly prefer...

This is also what I know of theoretical sources to be this way.
If you look at the cocaine seizures in UE, last years it has been consistently around 210 tones a year.
Also consistently over 70 % of the total has been seized in Belgium, Neterlands and Spain in that order.
But, no matter where it has been seized, you get the impression that Albanians teamed with italians are the big ones here. Sure they have dutch and spanish crews working with them to recibe the drug (speaking Spanish is a good skill when you import something from SA), aswell as they work with other balkan mafias, but I think they all are secondary gamers.
Just like turkish have the big hand on heroin and they work with others or like spanish and morrocan gangs are the main players in cannabis but they need cooperation beyond the Pirineos.

About production yes, Perú is the place now it seems. There is an incredible remote area that they call VRAEM, valleys of rivers Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro, where they produce over 33% of SA cocaine, reports say. Said place is a wild mountanious jungle, remote enough to allow the last members of what once was the Shining Path guerrilla to hide for 40 years now. Apparently, they give security to the narco routes there. US have placed a $5 millions reward on their leader's head.