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Opioids Codeine super short duration?

Thanks for the reply, of course it does but it also enters the p450 liver enzyme which is exactly what prevents this effect.
Crazy, but true, it has the opposite effect.
But don't take science for all its words. Try it out.

As for making codeine stronger, there are much better combinations out there since codeine is so weak in its own effect.

Yes but p450 is a big family of enzymes, this family includes both CYP3A4(codeine-> norcodeine) and CYP2D6(codeine-> morphine).

This topic is kind of controversial because some people think that because codeine is a prodrug (metabolized by the p450 enzymes) grapefruit juice would just cancel the effects.
I did some research and to my understanding grapefruit juice is mainly a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4, it does almost nothing for the other enzymes of the p450 family, including CYP2D6.
I've tried it myself and felt stronger effects while taking codeine with grapefruit juice.

Some good links:
Yes but p450 is a big family of enzymes, this family includes both CYP3A4(codeine-> norcodeine) and CYP2D6(codeine-> morphine).

This topic is kind of controversial because some people think that because codeine is a prodrug (metabolized by the p450 enzymes) grapefruit juice would just cancel the effects.
I did some research and to my understanding grapefruit juice is mainly a strong inhibitor of CYP3A4, it does almost nothing for the other enzymes of the p450 family, including CYP2D6.
I've tried it myself and felt stronger effects while taking codeine with grapefruit juice.

Some good links:

Fantastic! I came to this conclusion as well, its a bit unknown and like you said, controversial.
Good! you can anecdotally say that you felt it increase the effects. I personally REALLY notice the difference when taking Valium with codiene. But, mind/placebo, who knows, just have fun :D
Great reply btw, we need more posts like these :)