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Codeine stoppage cold turkey advice needed

Didn’t see your update until you tagged me there!!!

I am SOOOO delighted for you! Congratulations on the pregnancy and I hope all goes well! I will be sending all my positive vibes your way! I’m honestly so delighted with your update! I knew you’d do it! Listen to your Dr and you will get there! Keep up the good work!

Please let us know how you’re getting on, we are still here for you if you need to talk about anything else!! Grá mor (big love) to you! ❤️
Hey guys I know it's been a while but thought I'd come check in with ye all, taper went okay but was still having wd so my doctor has lengthened my taper that I pick up from my pharmacy on a every other day basis, I've never in 10 years feel so clarified honestly I feel 100% better even on the worst days, I just wanted to come back to say I'll never forget your guys support, ye all made me feel welcome and at ease, and I've saved the best for last.... I'm pregnant again 💜💜💜 docs says to take it one day at a time and not completely come off the taper, as long as the taper is finished by the time I'm 30 weeks gone, anyways peace ☮️ and love ❤️ guys, I'll keep you all updated 🥰😘
So nice to hear from you and congrats on taper and being pregnant again . A slow taper is good lkess of wd at end .

I know what you mean by feeling better i did heroin 13 year straight before first wd and after wd the sex drive was back with a vengeance and the colors were more vibrant keep doing what your doing any advice you need its here from us
@mimi89 we're all here to support each other. I'm thrilled to hear you're doing so well. You've got an opportunity to raise this new child. My Mother was and always has been there for me. I don't know what I would've done without her. I don't know if I would be sober if it weren't for her support.

I hope you're able to give that same feeling to yours. We're all proud of you!
Hey guys been a lil busy all is going well 🙂🙂 have my scan on Friday so will update you all again then ✌🏼 and ❤️ xxxxxx
Hi guys, don't know if you guys remember me, just wanted to give you all an update, I had my beautiful babyboy 1/1/2024 just after midnight the fireworks outside were still going, he's just turned 1 and he's the greatest little boy I could ever dream of having

Stayed clean during my pregnancy with help from my doctors but....

I'm back on dihydrocodeine and taking more than I ever have in my life, found a plug selling pharm dibydrocodeine £50 for 100 tablets, I'm getting through 300 a week 😭

I'm not here for sympathy, but I wanna stop..however, GPs and drug services by protocol WILL call social services, I'm a brilliant mum when I'm on them, when I'm not, going through the WORSE withdrawals I ever had in my life, I feel like a junkie piece of sh*t (my family has cut me off) I'm not even getting high no more
I'm guessing these are 30mg-60mg a piece? That's how I've seen them in the past.

You're probably at a point where just stopping on your own is unrealistic. People do it. I'm not saying it's impossible, but you are in a very delicate situation. You don't want to have to attempt this a dozen times

I feel like your greatest chance of success is going to be through Buprenorphine. You have a relatively high tolerance, but in the scheme of things, we have people dependent on Fentanyl right now. I think you could get it under control with Buprenorphine.

This would involve finding someone with some of the drug who has enough to get rid of on a regular basis. In the United States it is so common you could buy a day's worth for 5-10 bucks easy. I feel like it should be similarly easy to find where you are.

I would recommend trying a 3 month-long slow taper of Buprenorphine or however long it takes you to feel stable coming off.

Buprenorphine will help you adjust to the idea of not taking the pills as the DHC will be pretty much nullified by a decent dose of Buprenorphine. Let us know if and when you're ready and we can advise you.

Up front ill say i wouldn't expect you to need more than 8mg of Bupe a day to start.
I'm in the UK, I'm gonna see if pharm dude sell bupe, yeah I've tried to come off on my own but I'm taking 10-14 DHC per dose 3 times a day (depending how much is in a strip) that's just to feel somewhat functional and be able to do day to day activities, baby is doing great, walking now so he's on the go 247 and I just wanna stop for him, I know I've done it in the past and did it relatively easy but that was on a taper from doctors, I was only taking 450mg a day at that point, now it's like that per dose

Anyways I'm rambling, but thanks Keif for the advice, shall keep you posted

✌🏼 and 💜
@mimi89 you've made a great point. You mention how easy it is to do this when you have people guiding you and providing you with a plan. As addicts, we are basically incapable of controlling our intake. We can waste time talking about the "possible" as addicts often do (myself included) or we can talk about the "reality".

You could wake up tomorrow with a newfound willpower that allows you to decrease your dose on your own. That is just not how it works for us. We need some kind of infrastructure. We need to give the control to someone else. There is actually an incredible freedom mentally that comes with knowing this is what you're getting, you can't change it, you might as well start thinking about others things.

You do not need that much DHC. Your body and mind are hungry for it. You're conditioned to feel that a good dose of DHC will provide you the relief that you want. You have passed an event horizon, one that I know well (I was once injecting 3g Heroin per day, so, at least a dozen times more than you're using) where you are getting diminishing returns from the drug. These diminishing returns are telling you to solve the problem by taking more and each successive dose increase is making the drug less effective.

The only way you're going to get out of this is by getting someone to help you. I understand you don't want to go through treatment. I understand that. Your next best bet is your significant other or a family member. You're going to need to set aside a week or so for being sick while you get through the worst of it. You'll use that time to get through the most serious symptoms. There are plenty of medications that can help you get through this process more easily.

Clonidine (Catapres) - Lowers blood pressure, creating a pyschosomatic loop that helps make a person feel they are less anxious. Likewise, higher doses are used as fairly potent sedatives. You generally will use smaller doses during the day, followed by larger doses to initiate sleep.

Gabapentin (Neurontin) - This medication is key. If you can get it, get it. It will help you and I navigate this much more easily. If you're able to get it and/or Pregabalin (Lyrica) do it and let me know so I can break down the usage for you.

Cannabis - Sleep, Nausea, Anxiety, Depression. It's just great medicine in general. Even if you are not a huge fan of Cannabis, it's physical effects and its hypnotic effects are amazingly helpful when you're sick. They can help if you're feeling nauseous, it can spur your appetite.

Benzodiazepines/Z-Drugs - These are self-explanatory. They are powerful sedatives that ease anxiety/tension, help with sleep etc. They have a built-in amnesic effect that will also help you forget some of the worse parts of this process. These are only to be used for a week or at most two weeks. We absolutely don't want you to get comfortable with different drugs.

This is my method. You get everything you possibly can to help you get through. You hunker down and devote yourself to the process. After this 7 day cleanse, it will be much easier for you. You will continue to trust someone else with your Opioids until you're completely through. This could take 3 months.

I always tell people, do not rush this process. People spend decades doing dope then get the bright idea on January 1st that they're going to quit Opioids altogether. They have great intentions. They want the same freedom you want. They try to do it all at once and they inevitably fail. You tell someone the process could take 3 months and they often say "that's too long".

It's not. We live for up to 100 years. If you have to slowly, methodically reduce your dosage over the course of three months...? For a lifetime of freedom watching your kid grow up, being a great mom.... it's a fucking trifle.

If you want to do this, I will help you the whole way. You won't be the first and you won't be the last. I had people help me get better and that's what we do for each other here. You can get to me through this thread or send me a message. Good luck.
Hi Mimi!
Your news about your baby being so well are awesome to hear, it makes me happy to know that things are that way. That's the ultimate subject here.
You doing that big of a dose is, on the other hand, an obvious bad new. But, as far as your habit has gone, stopping it still falls into the doable.
I totally agree with Keif about the buprenorphine thing, but you need to get it prescribed, getting supply on black market for detox purpouses has ended badly more than once.
I also agree with all the meds that Keit listed. They sure work, some work wonders like Lyrica. We use to call them "confort meds", but please be aware that you will be far away from any kind of comfort during a detox.

I wish you and your baby all the best. Just be strong, do it and don't overthink too much.
Hi guys, don't know if you guys remember me, just wanted to give you all an update, I had my beautiful babyboy 1/1/2024 just after midnight the fireworks outside were still going, he's just turned 1 and he's the greatest little boy I could ever dream of having

Stayed clean during my pregnancy with help from my doctors but....

I'm back on dihydrocodeine and taking more than I ever have in my life, found a plug selling pharm dibydrocodeine £50 for 100 tablets, I'm getting through 300 a week 😭

I'm not here for sympathy, but I wanna stop..however, GPs and drug services by protocol WILL call social services, I'm a brilliant mum when I'm on them, when I'm not, going through the WORSE withdrawals I ever had in my life, I feel like a junkie piece of sh*t (my family has cut me off) I'm not even getting high no more
Congrats on your baby boy dont worry about being back on the codeine high amount of times it takes many falls to get clean keep trying .Try to get clean on ur own if u can u don't want social services on ur back use comfort meds but that easy part just keep at it