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Codeine and CWE Megathread - The long awaited!

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How about something on potentiation of codeine.

from what ive tried.

grapefruit juice - seems like a myth but as everyone is different maybe some people's livers who maybe don't do the codeine conversion thing well do it well with the help of grapefruit juice. For me it does nothing. TRied it many times.

DXM - It's a strange one. I think the brain easily becomes addicted to it and after a while it does the opposite of potentiation of codeine. infact it stops codeine working. Here is an example:

I had not used codeine/dxm in 4 days, took 400mgs with 15ml dxm 45mins before {why 45mins? no idea, people here just say 45mins so i blindly do as they say}. Anyway after 20mins I"m not noticing anything at all, 30mins later there's just a tiny feeling of something but not the codeine feeling I should be getting. NOw here's the weird bit. I go look in the mirror and instead of normal to pin point pupils I actually have hugely dilated saucer pupils.

I have no idea what's going on there, but this usually happens if I"ve been taking the dxm/codeine combination for too long. Unfortunately dxm decreases the effects more than it potentiates so I don't take it now, but will try again after it's not been in my system a few weeks. I actually think the codeine might be potentiating the dxm, would explain the dilated pupils.

PHenergan 3x25mg - Not sure if it's real potentiation because this amount can make you feel tired and out of it anyway. It helps with the itches though so well worth using, and even if it doesn't directly potentiate the combination of phenergan and codeine is synergistic and worth while {I think}

So maybe people can detail their experiences with other potentiators or their opinions on the 3 i started wtih.
^ Make sure if you're taking phenergan with codeine you take it after your codeine kicks in, otherwise it'll actually inhibit the codeine converting to morphine, so you'll waste your dose.
^ Listen to footsy, she knows her stuff :) Of note also is that whilst phenergan (promethazine) is a very effective 1st gen. anti-histamine, it has anticholinergic properties, causes strong drowsiness (hence is somewhat synergistic with opiates), but also has a massive half-life of ~ 16-19 hours. 75mg is also a very large dose unless you're tolerant (25mg is still strong and will be felt well into the following day for someone with no tolerance to it).
Thanks for those important messages about phenergan.

Would you guys know if Rantidine interferes with codeine?
Either the codeine or the ibuprofen that gets through the filter causes me a lot of problems as far as acid. I think ideally {for acid reflux} you'd take the tablets before but don't know if it reduces effects of codeine. Nexium works well but I don't like it because it reduces/removes my sense of taste, which is a bit crappy.

Also don't take Stemizine {Prochlorperazine} just before you take codeine. I did that once and got absolutely nothing out of it. Stemazine is used for nausea and I was feeling pretty sick that day, so thought i better take it before I take the codeine. BAD MISTAKE!
^ Ranitidine is a CYP2D6 inhibitor, so will inhibit conversion of codeine to morphine. To what extent, I do not know.

There's also no mention of potentiation or CYP3A4/norcodeine, but they're admittedly way less important compared to the information you've already listed.

The reason for that is because drug_mentor once made an excellent thread on the topic that was closed down when codeine discussion was closed down last year. I'm going to dig it up and either add it to this thread or do something with it because there was some great information in there.

Regarding the dead link for the filter papers: I'll check that link out then add it in. :)
Regarding phenergan I agree totally with the above posts. Been taking phenergan lately and its been smashing me the next day. Need to take a break from it.

Re filter papers... do people actually bother with those? The main coffee filters you get at woolies/coles/IGA (for people in Aus) work great. Just get the medium size. Also filter your liquid through a t-shirt first THEN refilter through a coffee filter. Way less messy and works great... I get essentially crystal clear water the majority of the time using that method. (only time I dont get crystal clear liquid is when I have to use 40 panadeine/chem brand 10/500 pills. Using pan extra or any brand of 30/500 pills I get crystal clear liquid. I never use ibu pills really as I usually take 10 pills in the normal fashion with food about 20mins before drinking a cwe solution).
Re filter papers... do people actually bother with those? The main coffee filters you get at woolies/coles/IGA (for people in Aus) work great. Just get the medium size. Also filter your liquid through a t-shirt first THEN refilter through a coffee filter. Way less messy and works great...

Yeah thats what i usually do. But lately I've been lazy and just filter through a t-shirt since the amount of apap that get collected in the filter is usually no more than 500mg anyway so why bother? Or is that a habit to get into??
Since CWE's do fuck all for me and I'm only doing them while tapering off oxy.. I just ate a mushy cap. lol thanks fuck I don't have work tomorrow!!
I SWEAR I'm 'addicted to buzzing' as noted in one of the threads in TDS. aaaannyywwaaayy..... :):D=D8o

mmmnn.. cos i've got nothing better to do at 1am on a friday morningg!!

edit: Yeah another fucked post on my behalf. ^Thats a sunglasses pouch I'm using btw, pretty self explanatory.
What i've been using recently for my cwe's, which is waaay quicker than using t-shirts/coffee filter i've found.
From start to finish is less that 10 minutes. Would be even quicker if ibuprofen wasn't such a bitch to crush up!
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Regarding phenergan I agree totally with the above posts. Been taking phenergan lately and its been smashing me the next day. Need to take a break from it.


Although I agree wtih you about the nexd day hangover meanign you'll problay sleep through most of the day I still think 3x25mg is great for getting you on the nod from 300-400mg's codeine.. so you should choose the next day where you have absolutely nothing to do.
Props on the thread Mr Blonde, its looking excellent.

Just thought I would add a link to the potentiation thread mentioned by Mr Blonde for anyone who is interested.

P-Man, I am curious on your method of using a sunglasses pouch, I have seen it mentioned elsewhere on the site iirc and that account also seemed to think it was much faster. I am VERY curious as to how exactly one performs this with one of these and also what the results are like as my CWE's take about 40 minutes or so when using the standard shirt then coffee filter method. Has anyone tried running the solution through a coffee filter after to see if it catches anything? Also, will any sunglasses pouch do or is there one or several brands that are favourable?

I think I can maybe help you cut down your time a bit, I used to crush my pills for months until one day I decided to just try dumping the pills in a glass and submerging them in lukewarm water. If you let this sit for a few minutes then give it a good stir the pills should be pretty well dissolved. I have always felt since that this must be less wasteful as when you crush up 40 odd tablets you are bound to lose a bit of powder. Dunno if you have tried it this way but for me personally it is quicker and better than crushing the tablets.

Any advice you could give on your sunglass pouch method though I would greatly appreciate as it can get quite annoying routinely spending 40-60 minutes preparing a mixture.
Has anyone tried running the solution through a coffee filter after to see if it catches anything?

I used to do shirt + coffee filter, but stopped bothering quickly because the coffee filter didn't seem to catch anything. Now I just run it through the shirt, squeeze out any trapped water and I'm good to go, takes 10 - 15 minutes max if you disregard the time the pills spend dissolving.
Such a pain waiting for the codeine to filter through huh? Well having done no more than 15 CWE's all up as I only started recently, my knowledge is far from what you guys know.. but I've always experimented with different ways to speed up the process. Since filtering through a t-shirt & then coffee filter catches no more than 500mg of apap, I just stopped using them since I didn't see any problem in ingesting such a small amount of apap? So I switched to Ibuprofen and just started using sunglass pouch to act as a filter replacing the t-shirt method.

I use a herb grinder(if thats the right name for it?) to crush up the Panefen Plus tablets and just dump about 50-100ml of cold tap water straight into the powder preventing loss as you mentioned when crushing up the tablets. Give it a good stir, pour it straight into the sunglass pouch/glass(^refer to pic), lift it up the pouch and squeeze the codeine though. I'm not sure how much Ibuprofen I'm digesting tbh, but I've had no problems with it so far so I'm guessing it's safe amount..

Think my post is a bit messy, let me know if I missed out on anything lol
^ I don't really wear sunglasses and am not too familiar with pouch design and whatnot, will any kind work or is there a specific brand that would be best? As a guideline what brand of sunglasses pouch are you using? Do you find that you get a very clear solution after this process or is it still a bit cloudy? Also, I am assuming that you wet the sunglasses pouch before filtering as one would wet the t shirt and coffee filters when performing the more traditional method?
I haven't experimented with different pouches as I just found this one lying around, but I don't think it really matters as they're all pretty similar and you can't really go sunglass pouch shopping, can you? But if anything, I'd suggest avoiding cheaper brands fearing the stitching will come apart. If you get your hands on one, you could filter through the pouch and then a coffee filter to see how much apap or ibuprofen you'll be ingesting first? And yep, wet the pouch before hand as always.
Yeah I never crush the pills. Just drop in water.

Also no need to wait for the stuff filter all the way through the shirt... just let it sit for maybe 5 mins then squeeze is through. I always refilter with a coffee filter though and that can take time. If Im in a hurry Ill gently prick the bottom of the filter with a sharp knife so it goes through quicker. This isnt ideal obviously.
^True. Correct me if I'm missing something, but I don't get why some are so fussed about trying to get their CWE's almost crystal clear when a gram or so of apap or ibuprofen certainly doesn't do any harm.. Unless your doing several a day or in large amounts.
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^ I imagine the clarity of the liquid often comes down to peace of mind, nobody can really say how cloudy a mixture would look with an unhealthy dose of para or ibu in it and it would vary widely depending on the amount of pills and the amount of water used. I have ingested many cloudy CWE solutions and been just fine, there are dyes and binders aside from the para/ibu which can potentially discolour the solution. If you have performed CWE properly then I think it would need to be a very cloudy mixture to be concerned, that said if you are in doubt it is always best to filter again.

I feel it is always best to strive for the cleanest extraction possible because if you are lazy with it and it becomes a habit I imagine it may be easy to become somewhat apathetic about correct procedure, especially when how quick you get your dose is concerned. Even if minute amounts of paracetamol or ibuprofen aren't particularly harmful it seems better to avoid using them unneccesarily if possible.
Very much awesome work M_B! Good job!

One (extremely) minor addition however, maybe just add it is also medicinally used as an antitussive (and to a much lower extent but not unheard of, an off-label use mild antidiuretic).

Thumbs up though bro!
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I'm out of H so I did my first CWE in a fair while today to see if I can releive some of the pain, bought a pack of "Chemist's Own" brand, they're now only 9.6mg codeine, plus they've added a yellow dye to the tablets. I normally mix my CWE with lemon cordial to mask the taste and the colour of the liquid was a brighter yellow straight after filtering than it usually is after I've added the cordial.
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