Cocaine recovery


Jan 11, 2018
So I?ve been off cocaine for about a month now, ever since I had a panic attack; two in one night with me unsure what to do. At first I thought I was having a heart attack and thought I would die and didn?t seek help. For some context: I?m a teen, good grades, good parents (who don?t need to know about my past in this drug). I started back at the beginning of the summer of 2017 just as recreational use and it continued as such. I did it for fun as many do. Not gonna lie either had a great time too. Then as recently mentioned I had this panic attack bout and it changed me I quit. This was on November 25, I didn?t say anything for a week and had another random panic attack with me also thinking I was having a heart attack. Next day went to a doctor, and diagnosed me with GAD and tested my heart with an EKG. I?ve been learning to deal with my anxiety, but I still have a recess in my mind where I think I have somehow damaged myself; in particular my heart, but I know for sure I have anxiety. My question is whether I should proceed to get a CAT scan and fully check my heart, or just assume it?s anxiety and I?m contributing every little thing to me having damaged my heart. (There is history of anxiety in my family). Sorry for the long read