Cocaine. How long do you normally wait between lines?


Apr 2, 2022
45 minutes about right?

I did one and then another in about 15 mins.. although they maybe weren't too big.

Difficult to tell if it made the feeling better or just last for longer 🤣
What time? Rack them up!

It can get very stimulating if you don’t put a little time between lines.
All joking aside, in the voice of Tony Montoya: take it easy. If you aren’t seasoned, have no tolerance, what’s the hurry? Take it easy, enjoy your new experiences. New experiences become significantly fewer and farther between as life goes on. Safety first, and enjoying the good times. Can’t go wrong with that. ;)
Usual thing is to wait for it to hit your teeth as they go really numb.. My speech speeds up.
Usually every time I go for a cigarette with fresh mixed drink I’ll blast a line before heading out to balcony. 30min or so

This is after my oral Brompton Cocktail has peaked….

Methadone 80mg
Ritalin 30-40mg
Pregabalin 150-300mg
Diazepam 10mg-20mg
Lorazepam 1-2mg

It’s usually Cocaine & Ketamine in 50/50 mixture
About 20-30 minutes if I'm doing full lines, or 5-20 minutes if I'm doing smaller bumps.

Like most dopaminergic drugs, coke makes me redose compulsively. I can't really stop myself or stick to a timeline, which is why I generally don't buy cocaine because my gram will be gone in 4 hours and there goes my drug money for the day.
Yea anyone with even the slightest bit of an addictive personality that can wait 45min between every line has god like discipline with one of the most addictive drugs on the planet…but like snaffy said typically within a couple hours your money is gone your coke is gone and your zooted for the next couple hours
At first I wait a lot than I almost don’t wait at all. Fucked up drug. Like with cigarettes, at first once in a while feels good and before you know it you’re chain smoking.

There’s truth to this. And why I only do 2-4 bumps per session. On a very rare occasion I’ll lose all control though, usually I just blasting lines to get rid of the shit. Tolerance builds so quickly to this drug.

There’s truth to this. And why I only do 2-4 bumps per session. On a very rare occasion I’ll lose all control though, usually I just blasting lines to get rid of the shit. Tolerance builds so quickly to this drug.

That’s the other thing, if you haven’t done it in a while a tiny line will get you high as shit then by day 2 you can do a whole gram in a couple hours
i'd say it's around 30 to 45 mintues between lines but we're talking nice fat lines - if you're doing little lines, well then yea, it's gonna be sooner

crack hits were the only time i ever used a timer and i'd set it to 20 and then cheat at 15

i'd say it's around 30 to 45 mintues between lines but we're talking nice fat lines - if you're doing little lines, well then yea, it's gonna be sooner

crack hits were the only time i ever used a timer and i'd set it to 20 and then cheat at 15

Wasn't talking about crack just to be clear