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"cocaine factory" bust in Lismore, Melbourne (3 sources)


Jun 14, 2003
Hi all, went searching for a reference to this article but as best as I can tell it hasn't come up here before. What do you make of this?

SPECIALIST police have established a crime scene at a Lismore Heights home on High Street believed to be a drug laboratory used to manufacture and produce cocaine.

Richmond LAC Detective Inspector Cameron Lindsay said the production of cocaine, if confirmed by forensics, would be unusual for the Northern Rivers.

"There are processes being used that we haven't encountered a lot of and that's why we're using a forensic chemist to examine exactly what process is being undertaken here," he said.

Det Insp Lindsay said police had discovered highly explosive and dangerous chemicals at the residential Lismore Heights property.

"Obviously it's a big worry for us to see these dangerous chemicals being used in a residential area," he said.

"We will allege that there were explosive chemicals involved and posed a real danger to the public."

NSW Fire and Rescue HAZMAT officers were also on the scene providing support to the police Chemical Operations Unit to ensure hazardous materials and chemicals were dealt with safety.

Det Insp Lindsay said the warrant to search the property and subsequent establishment of a crime scene was part of an ongoing investigation into the manufacture and production of illegal drugs in the region.

"We have a dedicated team of officers that are working on this and there will be more arrests," he said.

"There will be more search warrants.

"We're not going to rest until we continue to take action against these people who are making this type of poison in this community."

Late yesterday, no arrests had been made in relation to the drug bust, however Det Insp Lindsay said he was confident arrests would be made.


Firstly I don't know what Northern Star is, it looks like a local area news source rather than a national one. This source seems to have the most pictures and details in the write up as well as a video with the police talking abuot it. While possibly sketchy and unreliable as a news source there is small references to the story elsewhere


And as a beyond third-hand anecdote, someone in the comments on Facebook said they had tried "australian coke". I tried to correct them saying "you have had cocaine in Australia, but it probably wasn't from coca leaf grown or processed in Australia" but they replied saying that it definitely was but they didn't want to say anything further to "incriminate" themselves, despite the public admission to having done the drug from a Facebook profile that was clearly for a real person.

I was skeptical about whether to post this at all. We all know the climate in Australia is wrong for growing the coca plants and also that the size of the area of land for it is beyond what is easily available. Also you need a high elevation to grow at. So it would seem like simply the police have mistakenly identified it as a cocaine lab and the media have run with it. There looks to be a tonne of bottles of dark brown/black liquid in the pictures suggesting whatever is being made there is being made in reasonable quantities, this doesn't look like the equivalent of a small time 'shake and bake' style meth operation.
Very interesting links man, thanks. I think the police are probably well aware what meth labs look like by now in Australia though. It does happen I've heard whispers about coca plants being grown in Morocco.

I think either the leaf is being grown in Australia or it is being imported to Australia but they're actually producing it there. Think how much money there is in producing coke in Australia, there is definite motive there and criminals at that level tend to be very smart and resourceful people.
I have a neighbour who has a few plants growing in Queensland. Altitude will make a difference to the yield for sure, but humid rainforest conditions are all you need to grow the plant somewhat successfully. At $300-400 a gram you don't need that much of a crop to turn a small profit locally.

Looking at those photos it is just as likely they imported bottles of liquid containing cocaine and their processing factory was a backyard attempt to extract it.
Lismore isn't in Melbourne. It's in Northern NSW not far from Nimbin and Byron.
I'll add the pics for everyone. Yeah, I would gather it would be as either of you two mentioned, either liquid cocaine that got successfully imported from overseas and the 'lab' was just extracting it to make into powder or maybe the paste or leaves got imported. I doubt they grew enough to be a lab making it, but who knows. I've always wondered why we haven't got any coca growing here for people to be making it into cocaine, we have all sorts of climates around Aus, surely it would work in some areas?

There was also a bust many years ago in Byron shire that the police said was a most unusual lab for making MDMA, I cant recall the exact wording right now, i'll try find a link in a minute. I also recall busts in the byron shire of HUGE amounts of acid and liquid lsd, and on another occasion GBH or GBL, they have alot of drug users up there and people get into whatever they can really, but just about all that suff (liquid lsd and gbh/gbl) is imported from over seas.

The weather conditions up at lismore and surrounding areas is sub tropical. I'm not sure if that is a decent place to grow coca plants or not? It gets hot as hell and has tropical rain a fair bit in summer.

Pics from the article in the Northern Star -




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Here's the MDMA one i mentioned -

Cops crack Byron drug ring

POLICE smashed the most sophisticated ecstasy manufacturing operation in Australia as it was about to swing into full production, sparing countless lives on the party circuit, investigators say.

Officers from the multi-agency Strike Force Barsden raided six Far North Coast properties yesterday morning, arresting two Byron Shire men and shutting down Australia’s first clandestine laboratory capable of producing the precursor chemicals needed to make MDMA, the active chemical in the drug ecstasy, at Byrrill Creek near Uki.

Two pill manufacturing machines, both capable of producing a staggering 6000 pills an hour, were seized from a Byron Bay storage shed.

Australian Customs alerted police to the machines.

Police also seized ecstasy tablets, LSD, cannabis, cocaine, steroids, safrole oil (the precursor to MDMA) and cash from residences in Bangalow Road, Byron Bay; Hakea Court, Mullumbimby; and the Pacific Highway, Bangalow.

Documents relating to the operation and the supply of cocaine to Far North Queensland were seized from another residence in Byron Bay.

The raids followed a seven-month multi-agency investigation into cocaine supply and safrole oil manufacture.

Strike Force Barsden was formed in June last year with the assistance of the Australian Crime Commission and comprises officers from the State Crime Command’s Drug Squad, Tweed-Byron Local Area Command and Queensland Police.

NSW Drug Squad Commander Detective Superintendent Nick Bingham said the sharing of information between agencies was the key to the operation’s success.

“We believe we’ve broken the back of a major MDMA manufacturing syndicate here in Byron Bay,” he said.

“That should alleviate some of the problems in relation to MDMA supply in and around the Byron Bay area.”

Task force officers arrested and charged a 23-year-old Bangalow man and a 24-year-old Mullumbimby man at Byron Bay police station with the possession of drugs and the pill presses.

The Mullumbimby man was also charged with conspiracy to manufacture a prohibited drug. He was refused bail and ordered to appear at Byron Bay Local Court today.

The Bangalow man was further charged with cultivating a prohibited plant and granted conditional bail to appear at Mullumbimby Local Court on February 11.

Queensland police assisting the strike force arrested Byron Bay man Steven Miljak last November for supplying 425 grams of cocaine in Cairns.

Police are still investigating and expect to make more arrests shortly.

Byron Shire mayor Jan Barham was shocked to hear of the raids and said it was always a real concern for any community to have its profile tainted by drugs or alcohol.

“My support is 100 per cent with the police for helping create a safer and healthier community,” she said.
