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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Coca Leaf - Experienced - The Wonder of Coca Leaf

It's good for altitude sickness, but I've chewed a shit-load of coca (with ilipta too) and have never got anything close to the effects described by the OP

Perhaps you're getting "export quality" instead of the real thing.
I have always wanted to travel to south america and chew coca leaves the entire time im there, its good to know they do something to non tolerant people
I ordered some leaves from Peru, as well as tea bags. Tried to chew and make tea. I do get numb effect when chewing leaves with soda, but dont feel any energy boost or other effects described above. And tea from tea bags gives no effect as well, same feeling as from regular green tea. So I was a bit disappointed and don't want to order it anymore. Nothing compares to a good "rail" of real C stuff (which was available in Toronto about 3 years ago, not that sh#t they sell now).
chew for an hour, about 3g of tea and 1/4 teaspoon of baking powder.

Can be strong. If you have to workor perform "normaly" arond others you can really tell. If you are just slobbing atround at home on the computer, TV, it will seem weaker.

I dont know if this is all true, but it appeards benign, even beneficial

Coca is not Cocaine
COCA, (Erythroxilum coca) is a bush of amazonian origin whose habitat is the hot and humid valleys that lie between 1.000 and 2.000 metres above sea level. It is commonly called "Yungas" in the Aymara language. It has been traditionally considered to be a sacred plant of great nutritious and curative value. Coca is part of an ancient millennial knowledge still practiced by a few ethnic groups in the face of a hard battle to defend it from fumigations and forced eradication by biological methods, and to generate the recognition that it should have. For this reason, they use the coca leaf to produce tea, medicinal extracts and for curative and shamanic practices. The use of coca leaf to 'mambear', or chew dates back thousands of years and is universally recognised.
Generally, coca leaf is not recognised in its natural form. Cocaine, a chemical derivative, has been used on the basis of its analgesic (pain-killing) properties. It is extracted from the plant through a long process that extracts the alchaloid of the leaf, turning it into a stupifying narcotic. The process consists in changing the coca leaf into paste, to cocaine base and finally into cocaine hydrochlorate (this is done with the help of various chemicals, acids and even petrol). The result is a highly toxic component for the organism that causes alterations in the nervous system, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as stimulating the central nervous system, producing dependencies, and mental and physical disturbance.

There has been a campaign, spread via the U.S media since the middle of the last century, to identify coca with cocaine, -hiding the fact that from the 16 components of the drug cocaine, only the old and sacred coca leaf is produced in South America, while the other 15 elements, all legal, are imported from the U.S and Europe. This has generated a prohibition of the use of the plant in its natural form, as has been practiced for hundreds of years by the indigenous people of our mestizo America. It is a campaign to discredit the plant, with the goal of controlling the sale of the narcotics.

One of the major fears when faced with the consumption of this product is whether or not it generates dependency. The risk of developing addiction with Coca Tea, is infinitely small, if we think that one would need more than 500 bags to obtain one gram of cocaine, so we would only absorb a matter of manograms (one anogram is a millionth of a milligram) in a period of time so prolonged that it would not reach suficient quantities to produce disturbances of psycho-stimulation or conduct.

According to recent studies, coca tea can be used precisely to treat addicts that suffer from cocaine abstinence. Their suffering can be controlled using the tea to
produce more tranquility and assimilation of nutrients, according to specialist medics in this field. The concentration of coca leaf is very low according to studies indertaken by pharmacological medics of the University of Caldas, Colombia and therefore, ingested in natural form, does not produce serious toxicity or generate dependency. It acts as a mild stimulant, improveing attention and the co-ordination of ideas.

Thanks to an investigation realised by the University of Harvard in 1975 called 'The Nutritional Value of Coca Leaf', it has been proved that the daily chewing of 100 grams of coca leaf satisfies the alimentary ration recommended for adults, while 60 grams per day fulfills the recommended daily intake of calcium. In the same way, new investigations have been initiated in the proof of its scientific usefullness in biomedicine and pharmacy.
Its contents in vitamins and other elements mean that coca tea constitutes a nutritive complement of the daily diet. In the same studies of the University of Harvard it has been asserted that from 100 grams of Coca there are nearly two grams of Potassium, which is necessary for the equilibrium of the heart. Potassium has also been shown to have slimming properties.

Knowing that these teas are so rich in these nutrients, they become both a food source and medicine.

Toal Nitrogen 20.06 mg.
Total involatile Alchaloids 0.70 mg.
Fat 3.68 mg.
Carbohydrates 47.50 mg.
Beta Carotene 9.40 mg.
Alpha caroteno 2.76 mg
Vitamin C 6.47 mg
Vitamin E 40.17 mg.
Thiamine (vitamin B1) 0.73 mg.
Riboflavin (Vitamina B2) 0.88 mg.
Niacin (factor p.p.) 8.37 mg.
Calcium 997.62 mg.
Fosphate 412.67 mg.
Potassium 1.739.33 mg
Magnesium 299.30 mg.
Sodium 39.41 mg.
Aluminium 17.39 mg.
Barium 6.18 mg.
Iron 136.64 mg
Strontium 12.02 mg.
Boron 6.75 mg.
Copper 1.22 mg.
Zinc 2.21 mg.
Mangnesium 9.15 mg.
Chromium 0.12 mg.

Thinking about the elimination of the coca plant is therefore nonsense, as this is an imposition on the elemental principles and rights of the ancient cultures that have used the coca leaf as a fundamental basis for their cosmovision and traditional knowledge, as well as great qualities such as its nutritional qualities (comparable with milk or soya) and therapeutic qualities.

Now that the terrible ecological consequences for flora, fauna and mankind that the forced erradication of the Coca cultivations has caused - in particular fumigations with glysophate - are being revealed, we present this alternative to take the coca in its pure and natural form to the cities and to treat various pathologies.

The aim is to commercialize coca leaf as an aromatic tea in its completely natural form, without being subjected to any processing or treatment. It is simply dried, ground down and packed into a small bag of filter paper. Its consumption does not have any alterative effects. These aromatics are consumed in other countries like Peru and Bolivia, under the name of Mate and are freely for sale in the airports.

Coca tea can be ingested by adolescents, adults and old people in the approximate quantity of three bags per day to receive its benefits. The low incidence of cardiovascular diseases among the indegenous chewers of Coca leaf is notrious. The low incidence of dental decay is also well known. Coca tea is used a lot for its digestive, circulatory, anti-fatigue and calming qualities. It also has light but significant stimulating effects for one's mood. It can be taken at any hour of the day, preferably after meals as an aid to digestion and is also advised in cases of indigestion, cholic and diarrhoea.

Coca contains 14 natural alcaloids:
Cocaine: The mettalic constituent of Bonzoil egnonina which has anaesthetic and analgesic properties.
Egnonina: A carbolic derivative of a atropine, has the capacity to metabolize fats and glucose, as well as carbohydrates. It also thins the blood.
Pectine: Is absorbent and anti-diuretic, joined with vitamin E, is regulated the production of melenine for the skin.
Papain: This product of protein (which is found in its greatest quantity in papaya) is very similar in its structure to animal catepsine, it is a fermentation that accelerates digestion.
Higrina: Excites the salivatary glands when there is a deficiency of oxygen in the environment.
Globuline: It is a cardiotonic that regulates the lack of oxygen in the environment, improves blood circulation, and avoids 'soroche' (altitude sickness).
Pyridina: Accelerates the formation and functioning of the brain, increases blood flow through the hipofisis and glands.
Quinolina: Helps prevent tooth decay with the aid of phosphorous and calcium.
Conina: anaethetic. Cocamina: analgesic.
Reserpina: Regulates pressure in the arteries, and prevents hiccups and hypertension as well as helping in the production of cells for the formation of bones.
Benzoina: Therapeutic properties for gestritus and ulcers.
Inulina: Refreshes and improves the functioning of the liver, secretions of bile and its accumulation in the vesicle. It is diuretic, helps to eliminative toxic substances. It also helps promote the production of blood cells.

These fourteen alchaloids, the aminoacids that they contain, the acids and vitamins A, B1, C and E, thiamin, niacin and roboflavin, make coca a plant with the highest quantity in the world of NON PROTEINIC NITROGEN, which eliminates toxins and pathologies of the human body and gives solubility and hydration properties. This has its optimum effect in combination with a diet of medicinal fruits.


Recently I binned some mephedrone, methylone, butylone, its toxic crap, the lot of it, no matter how pleasant the hgh. Plus the hangovers.

But coca is a keeper.
I like coca tea quite a bit. Haven't had it in a couple months though. I like how it makes me feel better than caffeine or mephedrone. But it doesn't wake me up enough compared to those.

Comboed with bit of mephedrone though and it feels really close to a coke experience without the crash.
Curious about the UK legal status. Definitely appears in the misuse of drugs act as being on a par with cocaine due to its alkaloid content. Nevertheless there appear to be many testimonials from UK customers on the numerous commercial sites out there.

Looked for info on any history of prosecution for uk import and found nothing after an admittedly less than exhaustive search. Anyone have any knowledge of similar?

Been in contact with someone who was internet retailing but UK based. At point of sale the listing was removed. (I presume because of that plus my vagueness this doesn't count as sourcing?) During E mail exchanges I was assured this was not a neutered version of the tea. However, the package was opened by customs on the way in but was resealed and posted on.

Anyone have an explanation for this curious behaviour? Maybe they are only hot on parcels containing large amounts of loose leaves.

Would really love a definitive answer. If customs are not too interested in tea products I would happily shell out some filthy lucre to have a bash.
A few years ago, I had first experienced true Coca Leaf from Peru

Me too :D

Making tea from the leaves is like a better version of caffeinated beverages.
I think that coca is a very important plant with many health benefits, the problem is when people use it for hedonism instead of medicinal or spiritual purposes.

Drinking coffee is not very healthy, whereas drinking coca has many great benefits.

Snorting lines of caffeine is more dangerous IMO than snorting lines of coke.

But it's like coffee gets propagated everywhere and coca gets suppressed, why is this?

My personal opinion is that coca has a deeper spiritual connection and coffee tends to block intuition rather than enhance it. So the people who make these kinds of decisions probably are wanting to keep intuitive input to themselves rather than sharing. This is just one of my opinions, and I admit that I may be completely wrong about this.

Just frankly I don't see why coca tea should get demonized while coffee shops are so very ubiquitous. They should be selling coca tea and coffee at the same places and letting people choose for themselves.
You can buy the green coca powder in the UK, which I assume comes directly from the leaves? Tastes disgusting, but if mixed with bicarbonate of soda then gives the numbing and a bit of a stim effect. Quite cheap too.
can anyone point me in the right direction into what variants of the tea are the best?

i see so many different kinds but unsure what to get? some are pricey?

I read about a combo with a little dxm..Just the recommended therapeutic dose.

Sounds safe.

Anyone know anything before Itry it.

I've never had dxm, but Ican get it easily at the supermarket.
Used to drink/chew coca and had mixed results. Definitely stronger chewed than brewed. I always got the cheap 100-bag Lupi brand. Maybe that's why it wasn't all that mind-blowing? It kind of gave my stomach a gnawing feeling and was almost sedating in a way...still, an awesome plant with massive potential.

Thinking about getting some more and trying a different brewing method (i.e. 20 bags boiled down to a cup or so) just to experiment. Maybe some loose leaves are the way to go?
Some stuff is stronger than other, but the decocainised thing is a fake.

Because of amounts involved in packaged products it is no concern to customs, so it seems, but I bet if you ordered a hundred boxes they'd be on your case.
Well, fool couldn't wait.
15 mg of dxm cough syrup and 2 chews.

Definite synergy.

What brought it out more was 20 mins on the treadmill.

I often find exercise adds to a good vibe.

More experiments are in order, but I have no interest in dxm tripping, just a cheerful little entertainment.
lol i got a bunch in my cart at amazon..

emailed the seller and was told to get the powder..

this is what she said.

"Get the powdered tea! Tea bags only have one gram per tea bag, you can get the powder by the pound and brew it as stronger as you want and you get the best price and quantity for your money. Leaves ate good but too expensive
Well, fool couldn't wait.
15 mg of dxm cough syrup and 2 chews.

Definite synergy.

What brought it out more was 20 mins on the treadmill.

I often find exercise adds to a good vibe.

More experiments are in order, but I have no interest in dxm tripping, just a cheerful little entertainment.

DXM has awesome synergy but 15mg is not much. I hope you meant 150mg, as that would make more sense...non-rec medicinal dose is 30mg ;)