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Clonazepam vs Alprazolam


Jun 14, 2016
I started using klonopins before Xanax in combo with oxycodone and it used to knock me out to the point where I'd fall asleep sitting there. My neck would fall to one side and I'd wake up with bad neck ache as u can imagine. But with the Xanax it's not doing this. I'd end up taking 10mg of Xanax and no drowsiness! Nothing at all! R klonopins that much stronger than Xanax? Cheers guys.
Everybody responds to drugs differently. For myself,clomazepam is a lot more subtle, but longer lasting. While Xanax kicks my ass, but is shorter acting. Which is pretty much the opposite of what you're describing.

That being said, I would highly advice mixing either with oxy. Especially 10mg. That's highly dangerous.

Honestly if you took 10mg of Xanax and feel nothing at all, you either got fake pills, or this is a joke thread. 10mg of Xanax is a huge dose that would kick my ass, even with my high benzo tolerance.
Everybody responds to drugs differently. For myself,clomazepam is a lot more subtle, but longer lasting. While Xanax kicks my ass, but is shorter acting. Which is pretty much the opposite of what you're describing.

That being said, I would highly advice mixing either with oxy. Especially 10mg. That's highly dangerous.

Honestly if you took 10mg of Xanax and feel nothing at all, you either got fake pills, or this is a joke thread. 10mg of Xanax is a huge dose that would kick my ass, even with my high benzo tolerance.

They're definitely not fake as I got them prescribed from my doc. They're not Xanax though, they're a different brand called Galenika Ksalol. Little blue pills and they taste very bitter. I've just took 5mg. If you took 5mg what would it do to u?

EDIT: I've ran out of my oxy script a few days early so im on DHC to stop the withdrawals.
I think your issue is tolerance and that's why you don't feel the effects the way you did previously. I used to get that way with temazepam and oxy just like you- falling asleep in the chair neck all messed up. After some time, that didn't happen anymore. How much Xanax are you prescribed to take?
Help benzos stopped working

I'm at a point in my life where I'm eating at least five to ten bars a day.,. I am prescribed 90 mg of Klonopin a month 90 Subutex 90 Adderall. It sucks cuz I don't mind getting rid of swims Adderall that's 900 bucks instantly.. but swim loves his benzos and loves mixing them with pot but lately Swim can eat 20 Klonopin 1 mg and it barely touches him him. So swim just took 5 Ambien tens and gets more f***** up off them then 10 Xanax. Swim is also been doing this most of his life and is 33 years old are these Xanax receptors in my head the Gabba receptors are they just totally used to benzos and I'm f*****because swim do have anxiety but has had such an addiction problem might as well call to a trash can the only thing that works on me since I'm in recovery is my Xanax my Subutex my Klonopin. I have no memory loss anymore in the morning I could eat a plate full of benzos and tell you absolutely everything that happened while all my buddies don't remember a damn thing drugs are starting not to work on swim and it f****** sucks maybe it's time for a vacation.. swim is also an opiate addict and has lost his hand due to 16 years of shooting up heroin I just want someone else's opinion on what maybe should do been to 10 rehab so that's not the answer I'm looking for one that I will be happy enjoy waking up one thing that's never stopped is pot that always work on swim and kicks in swims meds. For swim to get his roll on it takes over 20 Klonopin or over 10 bars Subutex to StayWell and smoking a ton of chronic then swim will be okay.,... And this is all the f****** truth and I just want to know should I take a vacation should I f******by every benzo I can and just stick it in a jar like baseball cards and just collect them....smmh
I think your issue is tolerance and that's why you don't feel the effects the way you did previously. I used to get that way with temazepam and oxy just like you- falling asleep in the chair neck all messed up. After some time, that didn't happen anymore. How much Xanax are you prescribed to take?

I get Clonazepam prescribed as well. I'm only allowed to take one a day cos if its long half-life. They are not called Klonopins here in the UK, they're prescribe Rivotril. I think they are super strong, there the ones that knock me clean out if I mix them with my oxy. With Alprazolam tho I'm allowed to take 2 a day a day cos they have a shorter half-life.

I think its a tolerance thing that the Alprazolam aren't doing much because of the Clonazepam. Would u agree?
I'm at a point in my life where I'm eating at least five to ten bars a day.,. I am prescribed 90 mg of Klonopin a month 90 Subutex 90 Adderall. It sucks cuz I don't mind getting rid of swims Adderall that's 900 bucks instantly.. but swim loves his benzos and loves mixing them with pot but lately Swim can eat 20 Klonopin 1 mg and it barely touches him him. So swim just took 5 Ambien tens and gets more f***** up off them then 10 Xanax. Swim is also been doing this most of his life and is 33 years old are these Xanax receptors in my head the Gabba receptors are they just totally used to benzos and I'm f*****because swim do have anxiety but has had such an addiction problem might as well call to a trash can the only thing that works on me since I'm in recovery is my Xanax my Subutex my Klonopin. I have no memory loss anymore in the morning I could eat a plate full of benzos and tell you absolutely everything that happened while all my buddies don't remember a damn thing drugs are starting not to work on swim and it f****** sucks maybe it's time for a vacation.. swim is also an opiate addict and has lost his hand due to 16 years of shooting up heroin I just want someone else's opinion on what maybe should do been to 10 rehab so that's not the answer I'm looking for one that I will be happy enjoy waking up one thing that's never stopped is pot that always work on swim and kicks in swims meds. For swim to get his roll on it takes over 20 Klonopin or over 10 bars Subutex to StayWell and smoking a ton of chronic then swim will be okay.,... And this is all the f****** truth and I just want to know should I take a vacation should I f******by every benzo I can and just stick it in a jar like baseball cards and just collect them....smmh

I think u need a tolerance break dude and pronto!!!
This thread is dangerously close to a "how do I get fucked up thread" in terms of its usefulness to the community. Alprazolam (Xanax) and Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril) are equipotent, meaning that any given weight of one drug will be equipotent to the other. The only difference is that Clonazepam has a longer duration of effect, which can be interpreted as a "weaker" effect than Alprazolam. All in all, I've never found the time difference to be that big of a deal. I've always found the 1mg = 1mg conversion formula to be fairly accurate.

I'm not preaching to you, but in the dosage range that you're experimenting with right now, you'll be lucky if you escape with nothing more than a neck-ache. 10mg Clonazepam/Alprazolam is a hefty dose. When you're in a blackout, you're capable of doing almost anything, so even though you're not using other drugs and you're just hanging out at your house, do the math and figure out the worst things that could possibly happen. When Benzodiazepines and/or Alcohol are involved, literally anything is possible.
This thread is dangerously close to a "how do I get fucked up thread" in terms of its usefulness to the community. Alprazolam (Xanax) and Clonazepam (Klonopin, Rivotril) are equipotent, meaning that any given weight of one drug will be equipotent to the other. The only difference is that Clonazepam has a longer duration of effect, which can be interpreted as a "weaker" effect than Alprazolam. All in all, I've never found the time difference to be that big of a deal. I've always found the 1mg = 1mg conversion formula to be fairly accurate.

I'm not preaching to you, but in the dosage range that you're experimenting with right now, you'll be lucky if you escape with nothing more than a neck-ache. 10mg Clonazepam/Alprazolam is a hefty dose. When you're in a blackout, you're capable of doing almost anything, so even though you're not using other drugs and you're just hanging out at your house, do the math and figure out the worst things that could possibly happen. When Benzodiazepines and/or Alcohol are involved, literally anything is possible.

I Took 5mg of Alprazolam about 4 hours ago and the only effect im getting is unsteadiness while walking, sort of like jelly legs. I'm not getting any physiological effects.
So I woke up this morning and I'lll hes still f****** wastes out of his. Smoked a bowl of chronic soon as I woke up now the benzos I ate yesterday are really kicked in I believe I am more potentially feeling the benzo effect right now more than I was yesterday night. I wants to say that it's time for vacation after today so I am going to try to just not eat anything for 3 days and try to lower my tolerance cuz this is ridiculous of eating 5 to 10 bars and not even catching a buzz unless I.smoke pot. I am telling everybody out there for real . I've lost my hand in the past I havedone so many opiates that I couldn't even afford to get a nod on simply ridiculous. .... to my friends thank you for advice I will be smoking chronic if a vacation is the answer you really think it's just the vacation that needs to happen for my tolerance to be lowered. Thanks moderation I believe is the answer but I have a hard time with that.... Benzo out
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Im more of a fan of klonopin as far as my daily benzo for anxiety, I notice less of a tolerance spike with it. As far as xanax goes, I enjoy using it to come down from uppers as it's fast acting effects bring Me back to normal, whereas Klonopin I still feel shitty from a comedown. To me, they are just as potent on a MG to MG basis
Xanax makes me way sleepier than knolopin, I find kpins are better to use throughout the day because I won't be as sleepy compared to the xanax.
So it's been awhile since swim posted but the vacation was much-needed that I've been taking 25 2.5 mg of Alprazolam a day due to a very supportive partner in swims life. It was getting ridiculous trying to get high when the only thing in life that would suffice that would be enough to blackout an elephant. Moderation in vacation was the key for me yes that tolerance takes a ton of money to stay afloat but I found myself to be a binge user then and every day trying to stay well dealing with an opiate addiction as well. Thank God for suboxone swim is currently taking a half a strip a half a bar and smoking chronic when possible. I will tell you that guy's that when you get that high up when the only thing that will touch your demon on your back trying to come in and destroy your life is IV any type of ir. Which my Suboxone keeps that in town due to I do not use works anymore due to amputation and change of Lifestyle thank you for your support any feedback will be cool if not I appreciate the feedback I got because people don't understand that yes it is possible to eat 10 bars 6&4. And eat subs and smoke bud and be possible to talk to your parents or the president but I had to take a break and now I'm feeling much better did I mention taking 2400 mg of Gabapentin a day helped tremendously as well didn't feel any withdrawal from the Xanax looking forward to Tuesday when I go to the doc. I needed a break and got one. Hopefully swim will take his meds somewhat correctly starting Tuesday.
Wisdom is learned through life experiences not bought at Walgreens. - BigBoi
Thanks man that's what my girl said to swim and I have been taking .5 every day I go to the doc on Tuesday or should I say swim and I'm very happy about the moderation and the tolerance break I took swim took I appreciate the advice I posted another thread or form you should say that says Suboxone benzo opiate Etc the monotony can and I went through no withdrawal and now I am feeling good off the actual four bars that I did take today yellow construction ladders. Ty for the simple sentence of a tolerance break.
Wisdom is not bought it is learned you cannot find this at Walgreens.-bigboi
I Took 5mg of Alprazolam about 4 hours ago and the only effect im getting is unsteadiness while walking, sort of like jelly legs. I'm not getting any physiological effects.
I no longer experience blackouts that was back in 10th Grade