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Circumcised questions?


Aug 25, 2019
Okay I'm uncircumcised and I think it contributes to me not being able to last very long during sex

I was wondering if getting circumsised would help that out and also what are the benefits of getting circumsised

Also when I have long rough sex or recieve a rough handjob my cock swells up will circumsision help this also please help if you can
Okay I'm uncircumcised and I think it contributes to me not being able to last very long during sex

I was wondering if getting circumsised would help that out and also what are the benefits of getting circumsised

Also when I have long rough sex or recieve a rough handjob my cock swells up will circumsision help this also please help if you can
Circumcision has no medical benefits and it will not make you last longer during sex or make sex more pleasurable. I have met men who got cut by choice as adults and they all said how sex and masturbation became less pleasurable and that had they known this would happen they never would have gotten cut. Learn to last longer during masturbation and sex.

Also tell whoever you are having sex with not to be so rough.
Circumcision has no medical benefits and it will not make you last longer during sex or make sex more pleasurable. I have met men who got cut by choice as adults and they all said how sex and masturbation became less pleasurable and that had they known this would happen they never would have gotten cut. Learn to last longer during masturbation and sex.

Also tell whoever you are having sex with not to be so rough.

Lol I have told her and thats what I was saying I get to much pleasure so I nut real fast even with duration spray n so are you sure there wouldn't be any good in less pleasure from sex like I can but 3 times n 5 minutes only thing that ever worked was opiates but then I'm basically dead as i have a hard time controlling intake lol thanks for your response though
Male circumcision is a form of genital mutilation second only to FGM and similarly practiced by religious perverts.

There are no medical benefits as long as personal hygiene is maintained and instances of a too tight foreskin can often be remedied by frequent masturbation and rampant shagging to stretch that fucker into shape.

However, I can imagine circumcision may make you last longer as your glans will become desensitized - possibly to athe point of complete inability to orgasm thus making sex a total fuckin chore.

Keep yer hood on lads...
Why is this practice still legal? It boggles my mind

Yep. Only adults should have the option of circumcision. Much like getting a tattoo or a piercing. It should NEVER be inflicted upon a minor for any reason other than a genuine medical necessity.
Yeah when i was born my body was yellow from jaundice, so they performed it on me. There are a few cases like that but they're not very common. I still wonder if it was totally necessary
There is actually some small but measurable decrease in the transmission of STDs like HIV, penile cancer, or HPV among circumcised males relative to the, ahem, 'intact' population. I ask hyou: is it worth chopping off bits of your doodle-dong in a crude and probably painful home surgery on living, healthy tissue, located on your sensitive reproductive organs? I'll take my chances with the dick tumors, thankyou.

wiki said:
The moist, warm space underneath the foreskin is thought to facilitate the growth of pathogens, particularly when hygiene is poor. Yeasts, especially Candida albicans, are the most common penile infection and are rarely identified in samples taken from circumcised males [...]

There are also a few freak medical disorders like phimosis where surgical treatment might be required, too, but by that stage you're dealing with a young man by that point and not a helpless baby.

Pretty much the only reason it remains a "thing" in the Western woild is the association with Abrahamic faiths and its historical "legacy". When you have the males of a family all with matching bits of their willies chopepd out then it becomes a sort of marker that you are a Good Practicioner of whatever religion you choose.

I think it should be treated like any other plastic surgery- unless medically neccesary it should be performed on people who are aware enough to fully consent to the procedure and its risks and consequences. A newborn or infant does not need to deal with some "elder" removing perfectly functioning intimate parts, and, uh, wait one second, what's this say here? Hm?
also wiki said:
The ancient method of performing metzitzah b'peh (Hebrew: מְצִיצָה בְּפֶה‎), or oral suction[37][38]—has become controversial. The process has the mohel place his mouth directly on the circumcision wound to draw blood away from the cut. The majority of Jewish circumcision ceremonies do not use metzitzah b'peh,[39] but some Haredi Jews use it.[40][41][42] It has been documented that the practice poses a serious risk of spreading herpes to the infant.

Uhm. Wow. I really have no words for this. Ritualized oral-to-freshly-mutilated-baby-junk contact. You know they put people away, in big scary prisons for actions like that, normally. Us gentiles call that sexual assault on a child to put it bluntly. I guess religious exceptions can justify just about anything, huh.
How old are you and how often do you have sex at the moment?

Cutting off part of your penis is never going to be the right answer.
I'm taking testosterone at the moment and that has been my per day total sometimes:LOL:

It's like being 16 again (I'm 32....)
I feel sorry for guys who are circumcised re: masturbation (well, not "feel sorry for" them, but it's definitely better to stroke off when you're uncircumcised vs. circumcised.) You have a nice soft flap of skin to rub the head of your cock against, it feels pretty great ;)

The only thing I don't like about it is potential negative attitudes from a partner re: foreskin. No partner I've had IRL has ever reacted that way (although they'll ask stuff like "is it true that it increases sensitivity during sex", etc) but in the past I've read threads on message boards like this about circumcision where some women have reacted "ew that's gross" when the possibility of an uncircumcised dick comes up, and I guess I've kind of internalized that a little lol. I don't like those discriminatory attitudes! :LOL: And it's just skin, it's not gross as long as YOU'RE not gross and just follow some basic hygiene.

Anyway, good thread and good responses! I agree with most of what has been said already (y)
I feel sorry for guys who are circumcised re: masturbation (well, not "feel sorry for" them, but it's definitely better to stroke off when you're uncircumcised vs. circumcised.) You have a nice soft flap of skin to rub the head of your cock against, it feels pretty great ;)

The only thing I don't like about it is potential negative attitudes from a partner re: foreskin. No partner I've had IRL has ever reacted that way (although they'll ask stuff like "is it true that it increases sensitivity during sex", etc) but in the past I've read threads on message boards like this about circumcision where some women have reacted "ew that's gross" when the possibility of an uncircumcised dick comes up, and I guess I've kind of internalized that a little lol. I don't like those discriminatory attitudes! :LOL: And it's just skin, it's not gross as long as YOU'RE not gross and just follow some basic hygiene.

Anyway, good thread and good responses! I agree with most of what has been said already (y)

Look at it this way. Any dozy bint that comes out with "ew, that's gross" ain't gonna fuckin swallow. So your foreskin is an indicator of a proper dirty bitch that loves cock in all its unmutilated glory.
anyone who wants to chop bits of themselves off to please a partner or boob job or labiaplasty needs to get some more self esteem

worrying about other peoples negative reactions to your body- What about their fucking manky bodies looool tell them to look in the mirror or to fuck off. both are good choices for judegmental controlling weirdo potential partners

sometimes its necessary in adult with tight foreskin BUT doing it to babies is wrong

you wouldn't chop your boys nipples off (but does he need them to lactate for his babies? not very often)

if you want to work out is something okay or wrong, take away the "tradition" part and think of an analogous option such as baby tattoo or nipple removal then think again

OP leave ur cock alone and maybe have 2 wanks before u hook up- just wank first its really simple and like duh....