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Cigarettes in NE Ohio age limit being raised to age to 21 years old

Speed King

Mar 7, 2014
Just stopped at local gas station and their was a big sign that said 4/14/15, minimum age cigarettes in at least NE Ohio going to 21 years old in order to purchase. I like freedom, but, I don't support poison cigarettes. If I smoked weed at 14yo, instead of trying cigarettes, I'm sure I'd be healthier.
If anyone can add, feel free.
Tobacco is a nasty drug, imo.
I have no clue why they would ever allow 18-year olds to use it.
All drugs - except maybe at the level of caffeine and chocolate - should be freely available to 21+ year olds.
But not before.
^^that run along the lines of getting little kids hooked on 500+ calorie Frappachinos?
^ not sure what you are saying, but I don't give my kids caffeine (or, for the most part, sugar) for health reasons.
I was just being careful to recognize that some drugs are more like food than typical "drugs".
My bad. No disrespect. I was chiming into what I have witnessed with my own eyes, as far as witnessing mere children going to coffee shops, purchasing IMO, very unhealthy beverages.I am proof positive that moderation is key, but what I have noticed is complete lack there of. I hope this cleared this up a bit.