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Chicago Heroin v. No Touching of the Hair or Face

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I enjoy it when it is hot and I also like when it is cold. Stop bitching about it. In 3 months you can walk out on the lake and go fishing.
cold>hot...i prefer hoodies and jeans over shorts and tshirts..my house is kept so cold in the summer that i generally weara hoodie and basketball shorts, sometimes some sweatpants..well its not really sweatpants, they are designer sweats that are actually really cool and comfortable and not embarrassing to wear, not like the old school ones you wore when you were 6..

Waitin on my boy to come back with my blows.. probably gonna be about 2 hours before hes back.. I had already ordered the mayweather vs canelo fight, but i cant turn down an opportunity for dope (especially since im almost gonna be outta options here soon).. Cant wait to get high and watch this fight.
why on earth would you pay for that fight?? every bar had it advertised or you could have just watched it at home on your comp for free like i did. i actually forgot about it and it was only bc i was watching some football game on espn and saw on the bottom of the screen that the "fighters are entering the ring" and i was able to jump on and get tbhe stream going and missed only about 45seconds of the first round.
What are you doing on the days you don't get high, nothing, just a little dope to keep the sick away, or subs?
no subs, jnust keeping the scik off..ive been buying like a gram and getting high and then taking the rest and stretching out the remaining half gram or so and i can make it last 3-4 days..so yeah ive only really been getting high 1once maybe twice a weej but itrs really like once every 5-6days and if im going threw it quick instead of buying anothe gram i might buy a half amd even though that half would get me high, id rather not get high and just keep it to stretch it out over 3-4days instead of getting high today and then having to go cop agian the day after and sending more money..my tolerance has been up there and so its eaiser to just keep off the wds. along with some weed

Damn, what a FIGHT! Mayweather just RAPED canelo. I used to hate mayweather, but now I see he really is the best boxer pound for pound in the world.

Ended up getting my blows quicker than I thought, did 4.. 8 left for tomorrow. Gonna go pass out and then nod out for most of the day tomorrow.
i thoiught the fight sucked, it was so boreing like every other mayweather fight. totally validated my point that UFC>boxing and why i would never pay to watch mayweather fight. well i take that back i maybe would go watch him live, ive never seen a boxing match live so maybe that would be cool, but payin 75$ for the fight, fucxk that totally not worth it..

if floyd actually fought canelo and not dance around him and grab onto him when canelo got close inside to break them apart, i dont think he would have stood a chance..granted you must hit him to win and thats damn near impossible the way he fights, but canelo is just as fast..it was completly wrong but i can understand why the lady scored it the way she did cause neither of them did really anyhting to win, floyd just did better not losing a nd well..thats boxing nowadays. i get it that its an art and that its not all about KOs, like the UFC but fuck baseball was dieing too befoire they started juicing and hitting homeruns and one can argue sammy and mcdwire and bonds and all those other juice heads saved baseball cause "chicks dig the long ball"..the UFC is boxing and so much more because the fighters are world class D1 champion/olympic wrestlers, and black belts in every martial arts discipline. there are even people with golden glove backgorunds or were muy tai or kickboxing worldchampions, so its not a bunch of goons going out and breating each others brains in, which does happen and thats what makes it great but for every match that has a 1st round KO, there are also BJJ masters rolling around and can snap your arm in multiplaces before you even know your in a bad spot. so what they are doing is just as impressive ith what floyd does but IMO its even more impressive cause they have to be ewell rounded. you dont want to be a boxer and then end up facing a wrester and even thouh you were supposed to beat the piss out of the guy, he ends up making you tap out in the first round cause he took you down and you wernt abot to get off you back..i wouldnt mind seeing floyd fight jose aldo..matter of fact that would be the fight i would pay to watch and i would put money jose also murders floyd

i dont pay for the UFC PPvs either cause well i can watch them for free right here but if i had to choose i would pay for them over bixing everytime...watching boxing is like watching soccer, the best players in the world might be out there and yet they still only score one or 2 goals and the majority of the time they are just playing for TOP AND JUST PASS the ball around the middle playing keep away until som,eone fakes an injury and gets carried off to get a free kick and then they are back on after the free kick

Well, no shot for me. Just got done with intake at the MMT clinic. They started me out at 30mg.. also gonna do an outpatient thing for 3 HOURS a night.. not sure how long it lasts.. Hopefully this works. Good luck to the rest of you.

just get off that shit as soon as you can, you know like do it a couple weeks maybe a month or 2 but then get off it...everyone knows my displeasure ewith mmt SO IM NOT GONNA GO ON A RANT ABOUT IT..just taper off it as quick as you can.
and one more thing.....

yall should see my plants..i must have planted at least 20-30 seeds in 2 seperate batches but i didnt germinate them, ,i just threw them in the ground and only 2 plants came out, and i got lucky that both are female.the odds of plantei ngall those seeds and having only 2 comeout and for both to be female is just crazy unheard of..i just got real lucky but both these plants are well over 7ft tall, well the big one is the smaller is still in the 6'6 range..the big one is alot more fuller and i think thats cause its about a month older then the other one but they both look great, im just wondering when i should pull them out the ground. my uncle says wait til the firtst frost but that might not happen til november and plus the pant will start to degrade if you leave it on too long.

but regardless they are monsters, i can already tell imma get hopefully a QP or more off the big plant a nd maybe 2-3oz on the other.i was thinking pulleing the bigger one at the end of the month and then let the other one go a few weeks more and then pull that. ..the only thing is i dont want someone to see or smell the fuckers and come steal them like they did to my uncle a few years ago. but im stoked the cola on the big plant will prolly be a half oz plus by itself. its already about as thick as a kilbasa and about 7-9inches long

any ne have anytipe, iu know i should prolly post this in the CD forum but since im here i might as well ask what yall thinko make simple possession of heroin and coke into a misty and not a felony..nuts
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the leaves will all change colors and start to die but that just means the plant is getting ready chinky, usually they say until mid october is good. If you can get a small magnifying glass you want the trichomes to be about 50% cloudy then you will know its done. I would say september is early, mid to early october. Also I would not wait til first frost as plants turn mushy after they have been frozen and thawed so you will end up regretting that.
Chinky said:
why on earth would you pay for that fight?? every bar had it advertised or you could have just watched it at home on your comp for free like i did. i actually forgot about it and it was only bc i was watching some football game on espn and saw on the bottom of the screen that the "fighters are entering the ring" and i was able to jump on and get tbhe stream going and missed only about 45seconds of the first round.
I always stream fights on my computer, but my dad wanted to watch the fight too so he paid for it. I gotta admit it was nice watching a fight in HD and on a large screen TV for once. And IDK why you think the fight sucked.. I'm not a fan of mayweather, but watching him in that fight was amazing.. he showed so much fucking skill it was great. He frustrated the hell out of Canelo.

As far as the done goes.. I'm staying on it for a while.. probably 6 months - 1 year. Gonna try and keep my dose low though.. like 60mg.. 80 max. Its pretty nice.. Really helps with cravings.
OG the done helped me a lot. I made the mistake of going up to like 150mg. It took a long time to taper from there
SO HIGH TONITE I DIDNT EVEN POST..i came and turned on the computer and then went bacl and I SNORTED A FEW LINES and then i sat down to watch some tv and wait ffor the drip and the nex thting i know is im waking up at 10pm...

kinda el out alittle xcause it was one of those wake up and cant remember even noddin off..just snorted some lines and boom come to 3-4 hours later lol
60mg of done would have me high as fck... so it seems like u just want to replace one high for another... kicking 60-80mg of that shit is gonna be 2-3 times harder then kicking dope.

that fight did suck too..

just my 2cents....
60mg of done would have me high as fck... so it seems like u just want to replace one high for another... kicking 60-80mg of that shit is gonna be 2-3 times harder then kicking dope.

that fight did suck too..

just my 2cents....
80mg is the 'theraputic' dose of methadone for MMT, says my counselor. But seriously 60mg of done is a pretty small dose (I'm currently only on 45mg, and there was only a buzz on the first and 2nd day).. And there is no high from it man after about 3 days or so, its just feeling normal/a little bit of opiate feeling (pretty hard to notice) but it seriously kills the craving/obsession part which is why Im using it. I don't doubt that it will be hard to kick.. but at that point I will have made so much progress in other areas of my life (school and work) that it will be worth it. If I kept doing dope.. in a year I'd pretty much be in the same position I was in 2 years ago, but I'd just be older and still have a dope habit. The done is gonna help me get shit accomplished and not be obbsessive about dope like Ive ben the last 4 years..

That's just me though, its not for everyone.
Good luck OG!!! Man kicking methadone about 8 years ago was the worst and I was tapering and at the end even kicking 2mg of it was 2.5 weeks of misery. I hope to get on subs after the new year. But to that point I knw methadone worked and at least I was not shooting up. OG u were on subs weren't u? So why would u go onto methadone when it seems likes suboxone is the new way to treat? Have u ever came off methadone? Well I have a hand ful of dope and my guy went out of town for a few days so I think I will have to hit the block. More nervous about getting ripped off then caught. But if I only buy a few and I should b good and hit them back up. Well to all have a good weekend and b safe!
OG as long as you don't keep upping your dose you will be fine. I had a friend that was at 240mg or so and he would drink extra Saturday out of his Sunday take home. He is the type of person you don't want to be. Once you find the right dose to stabilize you life gets better. The best advice I can give is follow their rules to the letter. They will fuck you over in a heartbeat. Never piss off the nurse that doses you either.
damn no one has posted in 3 days??..whgre the fuck are yall at?

*team nod assemble", its been as few days for me
yeah, it did sorta slow down around here a minute ago. i been giving the blows a break, upped my sub dose, trying to stay clean more often than not, and been successful at it most of the time. I can tell my wife appreciates it. Makes life easier over all.
I have been out there though, last time was Friday. Picked up 6 blows from my regular spot. I actually like hitting the street, I explained all that before, even tho I got a number from a real good guy. He just wasn't up early that morning. Sort of a bummer, cause I coulda got more for less, but oh well.
Spread all 6 out over the day, went to sleep with a nice heavy nod at the end.
Same good shit the spot always has. And boys out on all the nearby corners yelling at the car.

I was out on the WS today for work between 3 - 4pm. School was getting out. Cops and Safe Passage people everywhere. I drove down a bunch of streets I know are spots and yo, the boys were out, just standing around. I didn't want to fuck around with work and all, but with all the action and cops everywhere, that woulda been a rush to score in the middle of that scene. Looked sorta crazy actually, like the cops were focused on the schools and not so much on the bizness.

Oh well, party on everyone. I'm just gonna eat ice cream and watch a movie with my kid.
Same,been chillin and I was.on vacation for a.week,but it is good to be home,rock on yowall!
Been trying to stay clean,but that aint happening,whats up with u Grinds??
Well, no shot for me. Just got done with intake at the MMT clinic. They started me out at 30mg.. also gonna do an outpatient thing for 3 HOURS a night.. not sure how long it lasts.. Hopefully this works. Good luck to the rest of you.

I just 'stepped down' from my intensive outpatient to regular outpatient. IOP was 3 hours a day, 5 days a week, and went on for 4-6 weeks depending on progress. Now I just go a few days a week for an hour each time. I'm going 2 days a week which is quite a drop, so I might do 3 days a week at least for a little while.

80mg is the 'theraputic' dose of methadone for MMT, says my counselor. But seriously 60mg of done is a pretty small dose (I'm currently only on 45mg, and there was only a buzz on the first and 2nd day).. And there is no high from it man after about 3 days or so, its just feeling normal/a little bit of opiate feeling (pretty hard to notice) but it seriously kills the craving/obsession part which is why Im using it. I don't doubt that it will be hard to kick.. but at that point I will have made so much progress in other areas of my life (school and work) that it will be worth it. If I kept doing dope.. in a year I'd pretty much be in the same position I was in 2 years ago, but I'd just be older and still have a dope habit. The done is gonna help me get shit accomplished and not be obbsessive about dope like Ive ben the last 4 years..

That's just me though, its not for everyone.

The thing is, whether you are at 60mg or 80mg you are just going to get used to it after 3 days just like with the 45mg, so it might be a waste to up the dose since what goes up must come down, and you're going to want the taper to be as easy as possible when you finally decide to come off of it.

I know plenty of people on 60mg so that's definitely considered a therapeutic dose around here, so I would try to stay there if you can. I guess just see how well it helps with the cravings and go from there. Don't be chasing a buzz though since it's just going to go away after a few days, and you will be kicking yourself in the ass in the long run.
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The thing is, whether you are at 60mg or 80mg you are just going to get used to it after 3 days just like with the 45mg, so it might be a waste to up the dose since what goes up must come down, and you're going to want the taper to be as easy as possible when you finally decide to come off of it.

I know plenty of people on 60mg so that's definitely considered a therapeutic dose around here, so I would try to stay there if you can. I guess just see how well it helps with the cravings and go from there. Don't be chasing a buzz though since it's just going to go away after a few days, and you will be kicking yourself in the ass in the long run.

Exactly. Unless you really need high doses of methadone coming off of a super heavy habit, you're only causing yourself more work and pain in the future by getting up to a high dose. You don't wanna be one of these people on 100mg's plus having to face tapering down from that, especially if you've been on it for a while. Not fun.
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