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Opioids Chicago dope thread

When I'm sitting in traffic going to or from work sometimes I wonder just how many people around me are on a mission to score.

What's funny is the deeper you get in,the more you think everyone is doing it. Maybe because at some point it becomes your normal and you project it on everyone.
It says explicitly that you deleted it. Was not a mod we "unapprove" but do not "delete." Perhaps you tried to edit it and accidentally hit the delete button instead? Or our software's acting up. I put it back again either way.
The mobile version deletes posts when u try to edit, everyone knows u should copy ur posts before submitting. Lots of long posts have been lost.

Never been ripped off in Rockford. It's very good dope. No .... if you wanna get ripped off fo to Beloit. Mother fuckers...

Im outta the game trying to score. Unless I get enough loot To buy a Rockford gram.its that purple knock you on your face shit again.

U shoulda knew something was up when u were copping from a city named Beloit, where the fuck is that at lol sounds like Detroit lol. Purple dope? from what I've heard sounds like a dope + fent mix.

What Im getting is so fire right now, I wonder if its got fent in it lol. Like I cant find anything comparable outta like 5 different connects. But they say the fent only last 2 hours without much euphoria, & thats not the case. But if its a mix, and a good mix at that I would u really know outside of extra sedation supposedly.
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The mobile version deletes posts when u try to edit, everyone knows u should copy ur posts before submitting. Lots of long posts have been lost.

U shoulda knew something was up when u were copping from a city named Beloit, where the fuck is that at lol sounds like Detroit lol. Purple dope? from what I've heard sounds like a dope + fent mix.

What Im getting is so fire right now, I wonder if its got fent in it lol. Like I cant find anything comparable outta like 5 different connects. But they say the fent only last 2 hours without much euphoria, & thats not the case. But if its a mix, and a good mix at that I would u really know outside of extra sedation supposedly.

Can someone like explain their story when they started shooting up & is it really like a different drug?

Like Woa
Wassup, yep you got the dark purple sometimes violet blue, project, watch out for zip tie strings, the cops will hire the front door security kill you if your not careful project h n fent bags. Gotta admit 1 bag can do you in, but if you put d in a cooker and it turns dark dark purple, your dealer cares about you liking his shot or die trying, for real...... Anyways be careful, their fun, but withdraw is the worst I ever had with regards use.....

You, today is I think like my 5th day getting off da raw n powder.......
My experiment worked, only took one and a half subs over two days, then smoked and shot up about 20 dollars worth of the crystal cry's and been awake ever since......

Almost no withdraw wasoever, just a little toe and leg anxiety, weird huh, cuz da coke does the exact opposite. All together by my expert scientific experience I should fall asleep well after darkfall tonight, so I'll take the other half a strip when I wake up, if I need it...... So yes boys n girls the substitution detox so far is awesome, just lucky to have a great gf that understands that if I'm healed and sitting at the kitchen table with the same needles for 7 hrs that it's all for days greater good lol!!!! BTW weed helps you calm just some mild anxiety away and also to calm down that x man that peaks out here n there while your going on some of those, I've been up so long I expect my nails and hair to fall out while I sleep!!!!! LMFAO!!
Dank sign-in off be safe and manage this shit so we look like a society ha ha, a world where rap artists won't lie and admit to publicly that they get down, respek our name biotch!!! Lmao
Damn Made in Da Chi wassup your prob right....My whole life was based so much on partying and finding da next vibe simply things are hard for me lol!!! JK thx for da info though cuz I sure wrote a six page essay on how I normally detox from da lady with minimal discomfort as possible with just da subs a handful of benadrylls and some of days dank green. Yes I know technically it's not a real detox cuz I'm subbing out with still illegals to ween, but let's just call it a detox for da D.
Hey everyone, been busy the last week and daaaaamn, this thread is going, I was behind like 5 pages or something like that. But, I wanted to comment on the fent. I got some fent cut bags from my guy a few months ago, didn't know there was fent in it tho. The product itself wasn't purple, it looked pretty much like any other bag of dope I've gotten from him. But when I cooked it up and drew it up into the syringe, it was a cloudy purple color, didn't know about fent at the time and did a whole bag in a shot like normal and fuuuuuck. I hit in the neck so I'm standing in front of the bathroom mirror and before I finished injecting I was slowly falling face first into the mirror. But I managed to finish the shot and sat on the toilet. It was weird cuz I was kinda conscious but my body wouldn't do what my brain told it to do. I was in the craziest nod ever. I couldn't stand up no matter how hard I tried. I was hallucinating and hearing things that weren't really there. I ended up during on my toilet for about 3 hours straight faded. Once it wore off a little I felt great. Euphoria and all. So after that I would only snort a half bag at a time and it was perfect. I'd nod but not to hard and have really strong euphoria. Now people say that the fent doesn't last long and not much euphoria but this stuff did. Maybe when mixed with good dope you get a great combination cuz my guys regular dope is really good by itself. If I came across it again I would definitely be happy about it. That jab lasted almost 2 weeks. I would only do a bag a day at most, sometimes less. It seemed the high lasted almost all day and I'm taking about an intense high, not just that lingering high that just keeps you well into your next dose.
reading these post make me realize just how fucked up i was... you all should consider quitting. it can be done i been clean for 2 1/2 yrs now.. and even tho once in a great while i get the urge to go score. i know its not worth it.. the closest i come around dope nowadays is reading here lol
Hey everyone, been busy the last week and daaaaamn, this thread is going, I was behind like 5 pages or something like that. But, I wanted to comment on the fent. I got some fent cut bags from my guy a few months ago, didn't know there was fent in it tho. The product itself wasn't purple, it looked pretty much like any other bag of dope I've gotten from him. But when I cooked it up and drew it up into the syringe, it was a cloudy purple color, didn't know about fent at the time and did a whole bag in a shot like normal and fuuuuuck. I hit in the neck so I'm standing in front of the bathroom mirror and before I finished injecting I was slowly falling face first into the mirror. But I managed to finish the shot and sat on the toilet. It was weird cuz I was kinda conscious but my body wouldn't do what my brain told it to do. I was in the craziest nod ever. I couldn't stand up no matter how hard I tried. I was hallucinating and hearing things that weren't really there. I ended up during on my toilet for about 3 hours straight faded. Once it wore off a little I felt great. Euphoria and all. So after that I would only snort a half bag at a time and it was perfect. I'd nod but not to hard and have really strong euphoria. Now people say that the fent doesn't last long and not much euphoria but this stuff did. Maybe when mixed with good dope you get a great combination cuz my guys regular dope is really good by itself. If I came across it again I would definitely be happy about it. That jab lasted almost 2 weeks. I would only do a bag a day at most, sometimes less. It seemed the high lasted almost all day and I'm taking about an intense high, not just that lingering high that just keeps you well into your next dose.

likewise. im just now catching up as well. i hate reading the posts about ppl rap sheets. i recently had a guy that would buy for cut off the kid was just too much of a fucking spazz.....i absolutely HATE ppl that cant do simple tasks....like for example dont say "im 2minutes away right at wallgreens waiting" and then when i go to wallgreens hes like "oh i had to stop and do such and such" im like WTF?! and a few days ago was the last straw, so this dumb fuck comes back with the shit and of course hes always begging for extra shit and im like dude im generous enough GTFOH and were downtown and i work in a very professional environmenrt for a finance firm and im like dude get the fuck away from me now, that deals over were done and ANY second my g,/f will be out here and I cant be seen next to u!!! and this fucker just keeps coming back to where im standing!!!!! im like dude dont you get it?! idk, im kinda ranting randomly alil but junkies like this kid really annoy the fuck outta me. and he lies about going to rehab every fucking day, im like dude why are even telling me this? i know and u know ur stupid ass aunt quittin so stop with the bullshit.
What's funny is the deeper you get in,the more you think everyone is doing it. Maybe because at some point it becomes your normal and you project it on everyone.

Yep, your whole social circle circles around dope, so it's totally normalizing. Same thing tends to happen with barflies and potheads but it's on a little different level I guess. When you're on the hustle 24/7 and you find those people around you who you know are down, especially if one of them winds up being your romantic partner, there's a real special level of connection there that squares don't understand. Except of course when you wind up being those junkie couples screaming at each other on the street but that's just from being sick. We're our own breed that way.
[MENTION=396393]TMT247[/MENTION] Thanks for posting that, because that means I may be right about my post above urs. You may not be able to tell the difference as much when it is mixed. When you mix the two, it may just make good stuff. Even tho they say u dnt get a rush with snorting, I feel like I do after every bump lol. [MENTION=97341]SKL[/MENTION] Yeh in the hood, u see relationships where the dude treats the girl like shit and it makes her want him even more. Theres a psychology to this up & down rollercoaster of emotions that like hooks her mentality through her own brain chemicals.
The posts are being deleted by the admin. I thought I go by the rules at all times... I guess mine wasn't interesting enough to leave it in the thread. Stay safe ppl
We are deleting posts that are explicitly breaking the rules by offering to buy or supply. We are also banning anyone who has joined our forum apparently solely for this purpose. I recently went did this to about 5-10 people recent posters in the local dope threads. If any of these people were your friends, apologies, but they violated the most important rule of this forum and the one that stands right at the top of each screen here. If this does not apply to you, we are not deleting your posts, and we do not delete your posts unless they are problematic and even then we don't do so without notifying you in some way; actually, more often we edit your posts and replace them with something like

does anyone know the best corner to
you shouldn't be doing that next time may result in a ban/disciplinary action --mod.
No, this is not my post! I would never ask people where to buy drugs!!! Never did and never will!! I have no idea what's going on but this was not my post. That's why I was so surprised when my last post was deleted.And In it... all I said was that there is no difference between the City and the Burbs
It was my post guys jeez lol. U can lay off @SKL now. Mfs got ripped off and I called out the person who ripped them off. By me calling them out on it, I guess it attenuates that they have drugs which is against the rules. If I had of got banned with warning, suspendion ever, I woulda been pissed especially since I just got a couple ppl off our thread asking for drugs a few pages back. But like I said:

My bad mods, I was just tryna help a brother out. Ppl rip ppl off, then they dnt have any $ left & are left in withdrawal. It's shitty & I thought calling someone out would be harm reduction my bad lol. A real fiend wouldn't let it go down like that lol. That was a fat post they deleted lowkey... lol.

Im soooo screwed. Cops are corrupt as hell. Threatened me and fucked me cuz I refuse to be a narc.straight up bullshit. Turning myself in this week.

Fuck :(
MIC thanks for taking one for the team...? no I mean it.
WOA this is some complicated shit you got yourself into. I wish you all the luck ... and I mean it too.
Be wise in ur decision to either taper while u can since w/d in jail is hell on earth. Getting high while u can might definately catch up with u later. I wish u the best, I liked having u here. We will be here for u when u return, alot of us know how it feels having a case. Thread got killed
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Im soooo screwed. Cops are corrupt as hell. Threatened me and fucked me cuz I refuse to be a narc.straight up bullshit. Turning myself in this week.

Fuck :(

damn man!!! did u speak with a lawyer yet? i feel soo bad for u. all those fucking charges, i mean wtf happened and why are you getting charge with soo much?
I am going to speak with him today. I met with him months ago for this, but before I got charged, when I was being harassed. Now that there's a warrant Im going again but this time to hire him officially. I REALLY hope this turns out better than it looks and feels.

I cant sleep and I want to so bad. I hope to tonight. I have two bottles of vodka I wanted to drink myself into oblivion with but... I dont want to be hungover when I turn myself in. Ill go first thing in the morning in case there's jail court. I want out asap, naturally.

I won't use h before...and really gotta be careful with anything. Its all so complicated. OMG. I hate this shit.... its enough to make you prefer death. :/
seeing a lawyer is a good idea and oftentimes things do wind up better than they seem and quite frequently better than they feel
what to do before jail is a tricky thing; being hungover is bad, whether being drunk is worse is debatable
pretty much everything is debatable, a long acting thing (methadone, valium) letting you down easier vs. avoiding the inevitable
I don't know what detox facilities they offer out your way but definitely suggest trying to get into them even if it means exaggerating your habit
if you present as an alcoholic with the shakes you will probably, or should in a better world, get more urgent medical care, as this is potentially lethal
(opiate withdrawal is only in the most exceptional of circumstances so they can really get off saying you're just kicking it out as you are,
benzos are a different matter but unfortunately this is not always recognized by the professionals either medical or corectional)
best wishes, thoughts & prayers for you and a thousand times this, even though it wasn't at first directed at you,
thanks for taking one for the team
this is an endless cycle, an ouroborous, cops need junkies, junkies need cops (to paraphrase Ram Dass), around and around
you're at a point in the karmic wheel (I'm Catholic and believe exactly none of this stuff literally but consider it a great metaphor)
it will end, even when it feels like it never will