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Opioids Chicago dope thread

Funny when I used to stop in the projects back in the day a fent mixed bag was easy to spot, as soon as you cook it up it would turn dark purple in color.....just a thought, but yea white china was around before fent for sure
Man, I noticed a lot of Filipinos always love that shit. Or rolls... ha

And, I wish they'd stop with the fent shit. It's a total scary thing. And a Hella bummer.
I know I know, itchy. Where you been? Nakedlady... yes ill be dropped tomor. Scary, yes.. I did a lot of crack last night. One dude asked me to suck his dick or let him "stick his dick in my pussy". I said fuck no snd he SLAPPED me. Hard as fuck. I drove off.. he called me and said... "that wasnt me, baby". What.the.fuck.
I changed my phone number today.

I have met up with 3ppl from here. All groovy and legit. Still in touch with a cpl of them. (Are you OK!?!?) anyone heard from banana??

Im on 8mg sub today. Strips are counted. I admit I have been improperly using them...thats all ill say about that.
What is my biggest fear (other than being locked up, sick):? Getting something that is supposed to be heroin, but is coke, speed, meth, etc is at the top of the list of fears.
But even like what happen with you Dan Kang, sitting around waiting for Diesel to pull up, all along Meth walks up and starts talking. Last thing at that moment, especially if I was starting to feel ill, that i would even want to see, let alone consider doing, would be something like meth, anything that's gonna amp me up.
Always have thought that taking an upper while waiting around for the D would just make that waiting way worse. Now if I was sick, "god, what could multiply the negative symptoms any more than something like meth?" It just terrifies me.
Am I wrong? You said your sickness went away, I just can not imagine that happening. I know a lot of people talk about using crack when they can not find any dope, but I have never been able to understand that. How does that work? How is it that things do not just get so much worse?
Because when ever i am getting sick and waiting for the diesel to come, I will do anything and everything to keep my heart rate and blood pressure as slow as possible so that the sickness does not come on quite so quickly...
Now I know that coke, meth, whatever mixed with the diesel is muy bueno. Fucking great.

Have heard a lot of people say this following, no experience here, can someone help explain???

Fentynal. People are coming across it instead of heroin, mixed with heroin, etc etc...
What does Fen feel like to do in comparison?
It's a very very strong opiate, so I always assumed it is amazing and would be one of the best
feelings in the world.
So with the exception of not knowing there is fent in the heroin cut, or the heroin is not dope at all, but fent, why arent people excited about getting it?
Does it not feel as good as heroin? Since it is so much stronger, I dont see why people do not just use less than they would in heroin, other than it just doesnt feel as good as regular dope.
I dont want to know who on here has done Fent, but what their experience was with it. And in your opinions, what's the deal with it?
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Now I know that coke, meth, whatever mixed with the diesel is muy bueno. Fucking great.

Have heard a lot of people say this following, no experience here, can someone help explain???

Fentynal. People are coming across it instead of heroin, mixed with heroin, etc etc...
What does Fen feel like to do in comparison?
It's a very very strong opiate, so I always assumed it is amazing and would be one of the best
feelings in the world.
So with the exception of not knowing there is fent in the heroin cut, or the heroin is not dope at all, but fent, why arent people excited about getting it?
Does it not feel as good as heroin? Since it is so much stronger, I dont see why people do not just use less than they would in heroin, other than it just doesnt feel as good as regular dope.
I dont want to know who on here has done Fent, but what their experience was with it. And in your opinions, what's the deal with it?
I'll tell you this based on the other day's experience with it.

It comes on EXTREMELY harsh and "noxious" I'll say. It hits like a fucking truck and wears off equally as fast leaving you with this weird, disgusting, sickness, almost immediately. The sickness feels like your body craving more to cure to it in this weird, nasty-rush, type of way. Almost the equivalent to one of those cheap gas station stim come-downs. It's very, very, disgusting and extremely dangerous. Also very unfulfilling if you're someone that inssuflates like me. You can only take bumps at a time.

I truly believe I got lucky with my first crack at it. It almost took my breath away twice and I actually ended up throwing most of the shit away. I had to do fractions of my dose for safety measures and each wad very inconsistent from the other. This shit is poison.
Be very, very, very, cautious with white powder and all bags in general. I can see how people can hotshot almost instantly even though I don't spike.

My best advice is, even if you're sick and you see you got white powder or some shit other than that vinegar-smelling, greyish, type shit, toss it before it tosses you. Deal with the sickness you're feeling right then and there before you feel this nasty shit.
I was guna say, raw isnt like some term for good dope...its litterly like a form of d usually rocked up. Its like professionally adulterated, not just blended in the coffee mixer with dormin. Although im not knocking dormin as a cut ;) lol. Ive seen bad raw too, Its hard to explain to someone but if ur from chicago im surprised u dnt know. Most of the street boys even tho their selling dont even know what raw is.
I remember asking at one spot, they like what nigga?? rocks or blows lol thats all they know no good morning or how was the last bag. Just Rocks or blows?? lol I dnt even cop off the open air block no more but I know the game lol.

whatsup itchy this is jjones
So then there is no pleasure at all in blowing fentanyl? fI know, or heard it's really strong,"hits like a truck". I guess I always assumed that since it was so strong, and has such a short half life it'd have to be the bomb. Guess thats why I never tried it, cause i dont wanna assume with something like that...
But it just doesn t make sense to me. Opiates with a shorter half life are supposed to give the best rush.
Heroin, pure pure stuff has a half life of like 2 minutes. That's why it, heroin, is better to shoot than say morphine, it's because of the half life being so short. Small half life equals Stronger rush.
Anyone else on here? Any good experiences with Fentanyl? Cause so far, it's all negatives...

In regards to the "rocked up raw"...

What you is saying that the rocked up stuff is what people should look for, because it hasnt been all cut to fuck, etc etc.

If I was in the business, what's to keep me from doing this??:

Buying some decent quality Diesel. Cut it, with something other than Dorm so there is no chance of pink specks, and then rock it back up. Then, package up little .5gram chunks. Take the Dormin pills we did not cut it with, put 6 of them in a little package with the chunk of "raw" and sell them saying that :
"It's raw with the Dormin on the side so that you can cut it how you want to".
Sounds like a really good marketing idea , technique to me... ....
Any one on here think that's done before??? :) If not thats a million dollar idea right there... Better rush and apply for the patnent number.

It's kinda like, Well I saw it on TV. So it must be true.. Just because it's rocked up, dont mean it's not been cut and cut....

Brings me to this Q other than the Fentanyl...
Why do people prefer to get dope that's been cut?
Why would someone want to buy a chunk of "raw" that comes with some dorm pills on the side?
If you have something that is pure, then you know how strong it is and how much to use. Unless the reason is because what its cut with is helping to multiply the feeling of the dope, and even then, I just do not understand. Because hearing people say they prefer to get dope that's been cut, is oddly enough, not that strange...
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And to all the above questions, in now way am I trying to prove anyone wrong, or really even contest something said. I really just am curious and looking for answers....

BTW Blue light Moderators, the above is in no way an attempt at manufacturing or promoting an idea or trying to sell/aquire anything but ideas and information!!! :)
Chink, you're saying there us China white in the city?
I don't know what you mean by "China white", to me that's just a generic term used for "raw" dope..for my definition of saw see below

Yea, but for some Damn reason when I get locked up I go through a sleepy haze, like a lot of ppl say when your brain realizes it's immpossible to get it the withdrawal is only half as bad.
This is exactly what mean, for some reason if I get locked up while sick, my wd really aren't all that bad. It really is like my brain knows I can't get any and dims the switch. It doesn't shut it off completely but won be no where near as bad as being in bed knowing I can cop if my people would pick olup or if I just had money

While on this, would like to say my 2 cents on another mythical animal people continue to
seek or claim to have seen.
We actually had this disucssion a few weeks back and I think we all agree that "Raw" in the
definition, which implies no cut or adulterants, may as well not exist as far as the common
person or user is concerned. Access to something like that is very very limited, and for the very
few people (a dozen maybe?) that do see it, or poses it for a moment, it is not in any way
in their best interest to let it go any further before being mixed up. In fact, that's a real easy
quick way to loose money in the drug game. And what's the point of that....
When people use the word "Raw" they are saying they have found heroin that is pure. Where
what they should be saying is "something that has Less cut than most others"
Even if it is in rock form, that means nothing other than it has be set back up. There is, in my
experience, no access to something un cut to anyone other than those who are handling
something that just came off the truck from down south. Could it appear somewhere once
or twice because something go snuck out somewhere along the way? Maybe, but again I
have never seen the Loch Ness Monster, but I am confident she does not
I should not have to clarify what RAW is but I will be you're some how confused..RAW just means the dope your dboys get before it's blended with the domin and stuffed into the bags. Raw comes in different colors, grey, brown, white,It all depends on the batch and who you get it from. Normally it's grey or dark grey and stinks of vinegar or something. It is normally hard rocks that can't be crushed easily, generally you need something heavy to crush it and powder it up. Grams are generally the same price as jabs and you get way more bang for your buck.

Chances are you won't find raw on the street but I have ran across it while cold copping. Generally it was just a .1 with a dormin pill in the bag with it but that was rare. Generally to find it you need to get off the street corners and deal with the high ups like the guya who runs the corner of a good phone connect. If you're cool with the corner boys tell them you want raw and not mixed bags and they will probably be able to do it for you. They actually might charge you more then a jab price for a gram bc theyake more with mix bags but its still there

I don't know why you think it's not. Not only am I telling you its out there on the westside but so are other people in the posts above. So you keep telling yourself it's not and buying those garbage mix bags off the street or do a little searching and talking to some of them connects you got and get you some real shit. Not trying to be mean but you really have no idea what you're talking about.
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Its like professionally adulterated, not just blended in the coffee mixer with dormin.
Yeah I was just guna let someone else chim in on it. And for starters ur guna need a 2 ton press and enough dope (thus the right connections) to make rocking it up worth while lol. So no u cant just do this not to mention if u mess up, ur messing up a couple thousand $ in dope. But I think im going into a bit of detail now. The best raw is like a milk sugar lactose type stuff rocked up, No nose residue (so it doesnt block repeated doses) potent stuff.

shit chinky most ppl say when they are locked up they know they cant get none so they calm down. It was my first time in lock forreal forreal, not just cuffed to a bench. I lost my shit after the first 24 and the w/ds wouldnt let me sleep, I was cold, and they had the air on. No mat, just cold steel and concrete. My w/ds are way worse being in a small cage, I felt suicidal...I wonder if jail (short stay) would even be that bad if it wasnt for that lol.
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I know I know, itchy. Where you been? Nakedlady... yes ill be dropped tomor. Scary, yes.. I did a lot of crack last night. One dude asked me to suck his dick or let him "stick his dick in my pussy". I said fuck no snd he SLAPPED me. Hard as fuck. I drove off.. he called me and said... "that wasnt me, baby". What.the.fuck.
I changed my phone number today.

I have met up with 3ppl from here. All groovy and legit. Still in touch with a cpl of them. (Are you OK!?!?) anyone heard from banana??

Im on 8mg sub today. Strips are counted. I admit I have been improperly using them...thats all ill say about that.

I'm good. Dealing with personal drama. Local pc has been available. Dang, how long have you known that guy?
This is the dude who I went to chicago with a few months ago. He is from there. .. claims to be an ex gangster and I believe him. I met his "ppl". I changed my number yesterday so he cant contact me. Along with others.

Glad you're alive. That shit was GOOD.
Im on 4mg sub today. I have group tonight at 6. Kind of looking forward to it. I am trying to stay busy... lots of cleaning. Of going outside. Walks... lots of cigarette smoking. I miss the weed.

I am just going to pee straight up for my UA today. Its gonna obviously be dirty for cocaine, weed, ... and ill have sub in it. If I use my pee from a few days ago it'll have h traces, suboxone, weed. So...im screwed either way.

Banana did you get caught or something?
Last time I checked subs don't show up in drops for court. Testing for subs is completely different and expensive and probation never checked for it. Again this was a few years ago and times my have changed but from what I remember subs won't show.
This is testimg at an outpatient clinic. A suboxone clinic. So they will always test for it to make sure we are taking it.

Im in the waiting room now. Starts in ten! Wish me luck.
Now I know that coke, meth, whatever mixed with the diesel is muy bueno. Fucking great.

Have heard a lot of people say this following, no experience here, can someone help explain???

Fentynal. People are coming across it instead of heroin, mixed with heroin, etc etc...
What does Fen feel like to do in comparison?
It's a very very strong opiate, so I always assumed it is amazing and would be one of the best
feelings in the world.
So with the exception of not knowing there is fent in the heroin cut, or the heroin is not dope at all, but fent, why arent people excited about getting it?
Does it not feel as good as heroin? Since it is so much stronger, I dont see why people do not just use less than they would in heroin, other than it just doesnt feel as good as regular dope.
I dont want to know who on here has done Fent, but what their experience was with it. And in your opinions, what's the deal with it?

What's wrong with Fentanyl ? It's NOT Dope.
To put it succinctly, fentanyl is significantly less euphoric and less long lasting per unit of respiratory depression thus the frequency with which it kills.

Also, most people who have experience with proper dope prefer it's subjective effects over those of fentadope.
If it's cook county, done here in town, they send all samples to a lab, and they will distinguish sub's from HEROIN. I am 100 percent absolutly positive, I still have a lot of my drop receipts, if you want i can see what lab if that helps you out...
If you have a sub script, then 100 percent, along with anything else, give it to your P.O., they send that info in with the lab as well so that when something comes back they compare the results to what they have scripts for. If something appears that is not on the script list, they run it again to double check theres not a problem. If it still pops up with something foreign, it's no longer the labs problem, but yours and your lawyers. For example, if you drop and it comes back for ambien, that's great as long as you have a script for it. If not, it's as good as a drop for anything else that's illegal, unless your lawyer can spin it off somehow...
My P.O. showed me one time the results that they get back, they come digital, and it shows EVERYTHING. Even percentages, so they can tell for example if last month you dropped dirty, and this month you drop dirty again, it's possible your lawyer can argue it's "trace", IF, the amounts are lower than previous. But that only worked ONCE for me.

I knew that my drop from the month previous was dirty. No chance it was not. The judge that I had was very nice, and my lawyer knew her very well. So I was comfortable doing this....
(Not sure how it is working with you, but I had to go to court once a month, and that once a month was on a day of the week every time I went, that the person who runs probation would be in the court room that day for all the people with drug cases coming in. ) Anyways.
So got to court, told my lawyer what had happened. He suggested and I agree'd that the best course of action, or what he thought was the best chance for us to get through.
Clerk called us, went up with my lawyer. Put on my best "dont put me in jail today" face and up we went.
She asked how things were going, in which we replied, "great, things are going well. going to meetings, blah blah, got a job lined up, yada yada". Before they could call probation for the results, my lawyer told the judge "that we had had a slip up. We were not sure what the test's would say (of course we really did), but we wanted to be honest in our recovery, and it would be a shame for all the other stuff, "the meetings, the job, the yada yada's" to be thrown away because of a mistake.
Called probation, she came up and responded "yes, he dropped dirty for heroin".
Judge looked at me, but I knew already what her decision would be before she even said it.
"Mr. xxxx, i really appreciate your honesty, and that's going to go a long ways in your recovery. The fact that you would bring this up before even knowing your drop was dirty show's me that you commited to your recovery."
That was it.
I should not say this, but fuck it. So the next month comes, and I was dirty again. (at this point in my ride I really didnt give a fuck about anything, thank god my lawyer did. any other person would have been in jail by now) My lawyer was able to argue, again, this time that since the results show'd a drop in the percentage, that with the combination of all my other medications, benzos, etc that it was a trace from the month prior. Got a pass that month as well. But I knew after that, there would be no more passes, so if you have not tried either of the above, of course number 2 really only works with number one, but you may want to consider it. Also, it had not been a full month between 1 and 2. I had for some reason been scheduled because of prior engagements and short month's, so it was more like 3 weeks. So, though extreme, it's not entirely impossible depending on the size of your habit.

Anyone on here got any "get out of jail" secrets they would like to share? Guess they would not be secrets if so, but if we all put our heads together on here, who knows what we can accomplish! Let alone maybe giving some one some advice on passing their drops. Other than, "Not Using Drugs"...
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