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Opioids Chicago dope thread

Wtf man has happened? I didnt check the thread for like 12 hours.... whatever we are all moving on, or i hope so... SoDope has lost his mind?? Finally my work here is done!!
Wossa appreciate the "evidence "but cant you make them a little smaller man? Its like a whole page of the thread.
I think you guys get the picture of what I've been dealing with the last 2 days.
I don't think I can make them smaller, there is only one option. But I'm done anyways. It doesn't really matter if it takes up a whole page anyways. Nobodies paying for page space, lol.
Is SoDope this mysterious mike keating?? This is like a mystery movie plot thing un folding in front of my eyes. If it turns out he is this keating guy then im not sure what to say, other than wtf. This is crazy. So when do you guys thunk we can go back to a post site about drugs? Anytime soon?
Desert snow? Black asphalt? What the fuck are u guys talking about? Im sorry but I can not
Stop saying what the fuck.
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I see sodope has lost his mind. I keep thinking of the movie a beautiful mind, minus the whole mathematical genius part.

i agree meeting up with ppl on a website is risky, but so is most of the dope lifestyle.. While I know woosa isn't a narc, it doesn't really matter...use your own discretion in your own life and please keep your judgements to yourself..

am am I a narc?? Holy shit I'm posting on bluelight awfully early! Only LE would be up so early in the day to post on BL...hahaha


HAHAHAAAAAAAHAAA! That's hilarious!
Damn thats a lot to read (or scroll past). I finally got my lyrica script and and loopy as hell. Super stoned. This weed is tasty.
Turned down free crack the other day. It made me very uncomfortable. But I busted out my "no im good" and toked instead.
Nodding on my lyrica weed combo. Plus my suboxone. Not bad! How are all you fuckers?
Personally things here are good. It is a beautiful sunny warm spring day. And, 2 jabs just happened to be in front of me at this exact moment. Supposed to be accomplishing a list of things today. That all just went out the window 30 minutes ago.....
Crack doesn't go too well with warm sunny spring days. Better crack on a rainy, cold, late winter day.
But, someone did previously mention heroin goes well pretty much any kind of day!
Good luck with that Lyrica, weed, suboxo soup. Personally that sounds like a really frustrating high to me.
sodope STFU!!!!!!! godamn....ur just some white traah hillbilly out in the rural part of illinois thats a reckless junkie....i soeak for everyone when i say im getting sick of the shit now...dude ur a fucking junkie, the worse kind....i remember i called ur stupid ass out months ago claiming u dont do dope but yet ur a drug forum 24/7.....i know for a fact youve hit several ppl up on here looking for drugs...now stfu faggot
Woa motive gots his herbed lyrica soup mix, anyone else "enjoying " this spring day under the influence?? And just what kinda chemical have you chosen to pair with this friday???
from here on out EVERYONE ignore SODOPE and his fuckery....so we can get back to what this thread is supposed to be about....anyways, in regards to Karatom123, yea man looking fwd to pretty much the 1st official nice weekend in Chicago. and i dont have to bartend this weekend for the first time in a LONG time...so im def gonna takr advantage of it...i have a competution im in saturday morning, but after that i plan on getting a good run/workout outside and then ill start getting high as a kite and prolly go somewhere with my girl and just continue to enjoy the weather. maybe a rooftop bar or something....but u know one thing i really like?! having my sumglasses on while high!!! hahahahab.....idk but when its hot and im outside with the shades it just makes the high that much better to me anways, as i can only speak for myself.
Woa motive gots his herbed lyrica soup mix, anyone else "enjoying " this spring day under the influence?? And just what kinda chemical have you chosen to pair with this friday???

About to bang this bad boy and go sit out on my sun deck with my pure leaf peach ice tea and pizza rolls fresh out the oven. If you've never had pure leaf ice tea, I strongly suggest you try one immediately, especially in this beautiful weather.

Wooas looks like you and I are on the same page in a few ways. I already did the diesel, instead of leaf tea, have fresh batch Litchi Noir here. Outside as well, laying in the sun. Took the rest of today off since noon. It was a LONG week and have been looking forward to this moment for previous 5 days. Girl is goin to kill me Caus there was a list of things for me to do if I got off work early. Well, guess as far as she is concerned I worked until 6.... That doesn't make me a bad person does it?
Haven't heard from SoDope recently. Which is FINE!! But really unlike him. Hope he didn't get jammed up during one of his under cover stings. Or that he didn't take what's been posted in response to his comments personally.
Woosa how many dimes is in that? Wanna hear something sad? Even though I'm blasted right now when I saw that photo my mouth still started to salivate. That's not even sad, pathetic? How about scary? Mm, but it does look tasteY! ;). This is addiction is not complicated at all any more. It is broken down to the simplest of conditioning. Was it Pavlov with the dogs? Ok well whatever can worry about that tomorrow. Today is all about a beautiful day and a bunch of dope right in front of me
Wooas looks like you and I are on the same page in a few ways. I already did the diesel, instead of leaf tea, have fresh batch Litchi Noir here. Outside as well, laying in the sun. Took the rest of today off since noon. It was a LONG week and have been looking forward to this moment for previous 5 days. Girl is goin to kill me Caus there was a list of things for me to do if I got off work early. Well, guess as far as she is concerned I worked until 6.... That doesn't make me a bad person does it?

Not in my eyes. I was thinking you should just tell her you didn't get off early but then as I read on you were already thinking that. If she won't understand that you had a rough week and needs some relax alone time then you have no choice but to say you worked all day to avoid an argument. All of the men on here probably agree.
Woosa how many dimes is in that? Wanna hear something sad? Even though I'm blasted right now when I saw that photo my mouth still started to salivate. That's not even sad, pathetic? How about scary? Mm, but it does look tasteY! ;). This is addiction is not complicated at all any more. It is broken down to the simplest of conditioning. Was it Pavlov with the dogs? Ok well whatever can worry about that tomorrow. Today is all about a beautiful day and a bunch of dope right in front of me

That's just one sawbuck. I'm not as hard core as I used to be loading 6-7 sawbucks in one rig. Now that was pathetic.
For fucking sure on the 6 or 7 bag shots. WTF. One of the worse feelings in the world. When its saturday morning after copping enough for the weekend(2 jabs ) friday evening and seeing that you only got half a dime left. Thinking to myself, "why the fuck so selfish man? "You had enough dope to have a comfortable weekend and you blew through it in less than one day. Now, its ssaturday morning and you gotta cop again. God forbid you spent your last 2 c notes on fridays purchase because now before you can even re up you gotta raise the funds!!