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Opioids Chicago dope thread

Sodope ...you finally got your mind back!!@! Solong ... (it took you)
But two different photos in two different backgrounds??? Are you the police ?? Showing the dope you took from the users??? Yeah... watch out everybody !!!! Sodope is an undercover police officer!!!
It aint even funny to me anymore. Some of u dope users aren't shit that's for sure.. gives us the bad name we deserve when ppl do grimey shit. Even when someone wants to help them and break them off they want more and burn ppl etc. Then wonder why karma be catching up with their asses.
Y'all been seeing all these shootings? The most recent one in N.Carolina were they planted the two guns on the unarmed man while CNN was shooting live. U can see the cops drop a gun (two guns) next to his body, put some gloves on and then bend down and pick the guns up like they found them like that smh.
Same here sodope, unless im horribly sick I wont use without smoking first. almost 2x the feeling, floatly stress free feeling
Man I have been hearing it is hot as hell and there are lots of cops around. Seems like some of this budget compromise included some step up in law enforcement.

Lots of fent as well. I did see a spiderman bag on the floor (my recovering junkie ass still notices these things). While walking.
If the tolerance is high enough, I would equate it with not being able to breathe while being on fire. Its no joke, the honeymoon phase will make you think oh whats the big deal. This stuff can make someone commit suicide.

No shit, I have felt that way too often. Thankfully I'm good now but its still a lot of work and I would like if I said I didn't like being high, the consequences are too much for me now. And yeah, I know a few people, including my uncle who killed themselves due to addiction. When I get in a really dark place, I will catch my subconscious trying to figure out a way to use. Its almost, well it is, automatic. I was a major alcoholic, but booze doesn't entice me. Opiates though....

these are what I usually see... altho I seen some white ones with some sort of red stamp... I cant tell what it's supposed to be a stamp of, tho.

Just saw an empty blue bag like that, torn open at the side (got scrap it off you know) on my walk to the drug store.
For the last time, no source discussion is meant to be taken in the most liberal manner way possible when it comes to buying and selling drugs on Bluelight. This includes speculation about L.E. a activity here, other than the general statement that if you buy drugs from strangers on the Internet, that's not a very bright idea. Which I take to be axiomatic. If there is enough sourcing going on that this site is a "goldmine" for your local task force slanderously implies that there is so much dealing going on here that it not only would be worth their while but that it would be, well, just as you put it, a goldmine. If either proposition is true we should shut down, now and forever, this thread and others like it. Sourcing, dealing, etc. all are banned and it says so front and center. If someone solicits you, REPORT IT. It's not snitching, it's upholding the rules of our site which are here for the purpose of keeping all stakeholders safe. The purpose of this site is harm reduction, information exchange, and socialization. In that order. Drug supplying has no place in any way here and it will be met with bans. Bluelight also complies with legally valid subpoenas in the appropriate jurisdictions, etc., and your private messages, etc. aren't encrypted; what's more, we sure as hell don't warrant that what's behind whatever username that you're talking to isn't a task force or a stick up artist. END OF TOPIC. NO MORE.
Somebody please softban this dude sodope, he's a thorn in the side of this thread. All he ever talks about is LE, like wtf... nobody is using this thread to sell drugs and anybody who tries to use it to buy drugs should either be robbed or arrested for their stupidity anyway. People come on here to talk, not to make "in real life" friends (although maybe thats happened a few times). So please, if you're not talking about Chicago or heroin, stfu. Nobody wants to come to a thread where somebody who registered not even a year ago goes on and on and on about some stupid bullshit.

While I'm sure that cops have come to this thread at one point or another, I'd be willing to bet it didn't net them much... because thats not what this thread is for. If it was a "goldmine" for them, I'm sure it would turn up in their yearly report just as the other site you named... But that site is strategic to them because it's a cesspool of prostitution and sometimes there are underage girls on there or people who are forced into prostitution. That falls a little more on their radar than a bunch of junkies shooting the shit, since the junkies aren't selling drugs...
cop logic ^

Actually from where I'm sitting it's pretty solid logic. This thread barely gets bumped once a day. It is pretty much full of regular online friends who are pretty much a random selection of small time junkies (no offense; pot calling the kettle and all) and you seriously believe that the Chicago PD, let alone some task force, sees this as some big time hub of trafficking? And worth their time given the amount of IRL murder, rape, robbery, drug sales, etc. some detective is hitting reload here? Get real.

Over the past 2,300 odd posts probably the worst thing that happened is that a couple of you got together and shot up. We don't recommend meeting random strangers and we don't allow meet up and roll call threads, but friendships do develop online, sure, I've even gotten high with friends who somewhere eternally back I knew here. But use of this website to sell drugs or arrange their sale is forbidden, and we're very aggressive enforcing this. You don't see it, but I typically ban at least one person and day in this forum (not just this thread/section though) for this stuff. Now you're on your way to the same through a lot of frankly weird paranoia. If you think we're a risk to you, please feel free to cut ties. If you or anyone else poses a risk to us including criminal activity from incidental to ongoing, the ties will be forcibly cut.

Craigslist and back page and prostitution is another story but there are other sites for that.
Focus, everybody. Lets put our adult panties on and stop fucking around

I'm stoned and ive been watching far too many trailer park boys episodes to put up with this shit. Haha. No but seriously, these are some wild streets these days, huh. Ive been laying pretty low minus the herb. Shitty thing is I really DO need to hurry up and quit smoking cuz we geta UA every day or other day (supplemented w breathalyzer) so I fucked up my 'passing UA's' 101. Ive hit a plateau in my 'recovery', folks.
When you get busted, it becomes more than 1/3 of the game, especially if you go to jail, then its 100% of the dope game, cuz your in fucking jail, and thats it. Money, time, lawyers, court, fees, fines, tickets, community service, a record to explain to possible employers.... all this shit, you're telling me, is bullshit, that has no place in this thread? It shouldnt be talked about, cuz its not about "drugs or chicago?" Cuz in reality, thats all its about. For those of you who have never had a run-in, on this thread, talking about dope and getting high like that's all there is to it... yea right. Thatts just a small part of it. If your in this game, i think its a service to inform you of how much legal bullshit is coming your way.
Good post sodope, now your talking some sense. U were just fucking the thread up earlier that's y we were tripping at u. Yeah u gotta be on ur SHIT out here otherwise u won't be out here long. This is the United states of America, next time u do a line or shot remember u can lose yrs of ur life to this shit. It's like an attempted murder charge having this shit on u. I'm on the phone now I'll post more later