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CD Social/ Information booth VS. Whose got the lighter?

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high off weed and oxycodone and alprazolam and a li'l bit of weed and I think I took a part of a perc' earlier and then I looked at those xanax chunks like... man..... you look so beautiful right now, I think.... I think I'll just.... yeah, lemme crack that in half....


that zanny's hittin' me hard 8( lol

Just picked up gta5 for the ps4. gettin' playstation plus next week (probably) so if anybody's online with the ps4 y'all need to link up, mannnnnn. On 360 I was always playing with random fuckers I didn't know, it sucked. I wanna play with random fuckers I do kinda, sorta know just li'l bit, you know? Makes all the difference. %)

Captain, I feel like you're always in CD social when you're broke and out of drugs. Boredom maybe? lol, fuck if I know. Hope you restock soon, though, bruddah.
I had some good training today at Red Rocks. It's nice to see some muscle mass return to my legs.

I know I lost a ton of body mass when I as on opiates and benzos. I'm really glad I don't have to deal with those severe problems anymore.

Finally going to take a dab tonight. Ahhhhhhhh
I know I lost a ton of body mass when I as on opiates and benzos. I'm really glad I don't have to deal with those severe problems anymore.

Is there an implication here or is this just some kind of tangential thought?
I'm also glad not be tied to opiates and benzos like the ball and chain they are.

Wake and bake up in this bitch %)
If you have something to say, w01f, don't be cryptic. You want to give some soft ass advice? I'm here for you, bro, my ears are open and I'm ready to argue. No need to be rhetorical when I'm right here.

You want to talk about decarbing some more? I'm cool with that: you don't have to perform it separately-- happens on it's own, bruddah.

You want to throw up a straw man and ask if I even smoke? Yeah, you could do that again. It'll just reaffirm the image I've got of you in my mind, though, but I'm sure you don't care about that so yeah, just be you, w01f. Antagonize the all fuck out of people and then report their posts when they respond like the good little internet hero that you are.
You want to talk about decarbing some more? I'm cool with that: you don't have to perform it separately-- happens on it's own, bruddah.

This is the social man, you can go here or any one of the several threads here in CD about decarbing if you want to get into it.

You want to throw up a straw man and ask if I even smoke?
lol wut
No, man, I want you to stop following me around dropping little hints of disapproval. Man the fuck up and say what you mean-- you feel some sort of way about the things I do? Speak up on that shit, don't follow my postings around and dropping little hints alluding to how I've got a fucking ball and chain around my ankle.

The following part is cool if you want to get into it every time you want to chime in to something I've got say, but you've got a real talent for beating around the bush when it comes to direct communication and it's fucking irritating.

I've got a link you could follow but I fear you may report me again for suggesting it. PM, maybe? I'm sure you'd fit in there.
Went to the doc yesterday, been having a hard time with the whole wife thing. My flights coming up Tuesday and the doc was kind enough to give me 30x.5 mg clonazepam or more commonly known as klonopin. I have an anxiety disorder and used to be prescribed 3mg daily. I have not taken any yet but I know I will be pleased. Flyings stressful to me, its not the flight that bothers me its everything that comes with it. Bought some Valerian root extract, phenibut HCL. I also have gabapentin, vistaril, seroquel, and inderal to help keep me in a relaxed state. I think I'm pretty well equipped.
Should've fished for the Xanax. That'll knock that anxiety/depression right the fuck outta ya. ;)

The klonopin should do the trick too, though... But as long as you're not flying Malaysia Airlines I think you'll be juuuuuuust fine, man.
Lol. Yeah dude I was OBV hoping for xanax but I didn't want push it and get labeled drug seeking as I may continue treatment for anxiety/depression and poss jump back on the benzo train. I also went to rehab for booze when I quit doping and shit... Psychs don't like seeing ANYTHING to do with gabaergic drugs including alcohol while questioning whether to prescribe the ultimate gaba agonist lol.

Anyway so it looks like I'm going back to PA for a little while, bought ten of these chocolate bars I really love. There 200mg THC I still have nine, i don't think I'll have any trouble getting home with em' tho. That's all I'll say on that.

Hey @jibult you ever fuck round with phenibut?
Phenibut? Nooope, it sounds vaguely familiar, though. Why, is it any good? %)

Shit, you just reminded me that I need to give that weed chocolate recipe that AE posted a shot. Next weekend, I'll do it next weekend.... Still can't believe all you need is a god damn candy bar and an 8th.

Oh and hey, it's cold as a mother fucker over here right now. You're in for a real treat when you touch down in PA.
I've been digging it a bit I take low doses tho, high doses make me dizzy but there common. Its a CNS depressant its an amino acid. It has potentiating effects to narcotics and is an anxiolytic shown to be just as effective as diazepam in trials. It was developed in Russia and is used there for insomnia? I forget and other things. It is not fda approved but also not scheduled. It is sold as a supplement online and I got it easy and 40 gs for cheap. I'm dosing like 4-500 mgs 1-3 times a week. Most folks that really dig benzos have anxiety issues and maybe its something to look into. May make a nice addition to what u already enjoy but obviously the extra CNS depression is not something to just glaze over. Do with the info as you wish.
Word if you look up reviews there will be a lot of folks sourcing this one particular place. That's because they offer a discount for reviews. I went through them and it came with a microscoop plus a tracking number. I got 40 gs for around the price you would get a high quality gram of bud on the east coast.
just topped off my nyquil high with some grinder scrapes. I love my little helper Mary. All I neeed is youuuuuuuu<3 They could never puuuul me awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!:!
I've been buying so many herbs/supplements that are potentiaters the combos I've been taking are hard to list lol. Threw some Valerian root in the mix tonight as well as some grand daddy purp bong rips going. Gone threw a gram today but no oil. Giving that a break but I'm feeling chilled out tonight.

Ended up with a free gram, I found it on my garage floor, which is clean so it was a score. The delivery driver must have dropped it because he had his duffle bag and edible cooler in the area I found it. The funny part is it was super wet and not even trimmed haha.
It smells great and I did not see this type of bud in any of the the jars so I have no clue where it came from. Confusing things. I didn't bother to call them they wouldn't have wanted it back as it's prolly not enough to warrant the gas. Its like 2 gs but seriously like off the plant. I put it in a sandwich bag and not long there was condensation around the bud in the bag. If it was cured id estimate it to be a g or so. It's a nice bud. Idk it was exciting.
fuckin' dickheads here going on about winterizing BHO. now i gotta try it.

got about 5-6g of BHO chillin in 99% iso
fuckin' dickheads here going on about winterizing BHO. now i gotta try it.

got about 5-6g of BHO chillin in 99% iso
This sounds like the attitude of someone willing to learn. Good luck brother!

Incoming edible pron
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