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CD Social/ Information booth VS. Whose got the lighter?

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Musical flavor of the week: Acoustic Hip-Hop/Rap Originals and Remixes

Sage Francis and Grieves got me feelin' uplifted with these rhymes over acoustics they've been puttin' out lately. Not for everyone, but I'm sure there's people here who might enjoy it. Here's a li'l sample, courtesy of my sobriety:

Grieves - Bloody Poetry (Acoustic Remix)
I'm busy listening to some HNW, and am trying to finish my food from yesterday (still got 10 wings left 8().

I'm gonna hit some wax in a second for maximum bakedness. %)
White Russian in the hizzouse! I've been stone-cold sober, what, a day or two now? What a relief, man, that tolerance break was fuckin' killin' me.

♫I'm ridin' out
Leanin', never noddin' out♫
yo jib I know that feel with the protein shake

shit is so good when youre high

but we can say that about a lot of things really

Ive been smoking like every three days now, seems to be a good pace

I just get so damned bored sometimes and know some people who know some people who grow some people so jts like fuck it im not exactly shootin up here so why moderate what is already in moderation.

Idk, I just cant see myself stopping smoking weed unless I got like a ridic job offer
yo jib I know that feel with the protein shake

shit is so good when youre high

but we can say that about a lot of things really

Ive been smoking like every three days now, seems to be a good pace

I just get so damned bored sometimes and know some people who know some people who grow some people so jts like fuck it im not exactly shootin up here so why moderate what is already in moderation.

Idk, I just cant see myself stopping smoking weed unless I got like a ridic job offer

Hell yeah, man, that shake'll keep me feelin' full for like 7-8 hours. I got this sweet thing called a blender bottle with a little whisk ball inside, makes it way too easy to throw in like a spoonful or two of peanut butter, a sliced up banana (pre-warmed in the microwave to soften 'em up enough) and a little chocolate or strawberry syrup in there with my double-scoop of chocolate Whey. It's fucking amazing, man.

I just get so damned bored sometimes and know some people who know some people who grow some people so jts like fuck it im not exactly shootin up here so why moderate what is already in moderation.

Idk, I just cant see myself stopping smoking weed unless I got like a ridic job offer

Lol, I got a laugh out of that. I feel the same way, though. My motivation to even contemplate quitting smoking are the legal issues involved where I'm at, but I'm fairly confident all I need to do is get myself a prescription which I think I'd qualify for in a heartbeat. I don't want an official diagnosis following me around, though... I've still got military aspirations if I can ever get the waivers necessary and extra medical/mental issues compounded with my legal history would make that path even less viable in the future (probably impossible).
yeah I got the same shaker but lost the whisk somewhere in the past two years

about to go drink one now and eat some roast beef from the deli and get high have a good one man
"I taught myself how to eat pussy and cut my own hair."
"Well, I taught myself how to eat pussy hair."

How y'all fuckers doin' tonight? I'm slightly opiated and high as giraffe pussy right now, playin' some video games and stayin' the fuck out of trouble. Too many close calls these past few days, man.

yeah I got the same shaker but lost the whisk somewhere in the past two years

about to go drink one now and eat some roast beef from the deli and get high have a good one man

Damn, I'd be mad as fuck if I lost the whisk ball. Without it it's just like a regular cup with a top.
about to watch either nhl or nba depending on which game is better

lookin like the Nba network tbh

whats up ch Idk if I ever told you but ive been in two pretty ridic accidents and walked away its crazy man

actually no they made me get in the ambulance for the one
I've totaled two of my own cars while driving and done hefty damage to the cars I hit in each collision. Walked away both times with a few bruises, no bumps or anything else. I've been ridiculously lucky... I also like to point out that every accident I've ever been in I was sober for at least 24hrs beforehand and have never been found to be solely at fault. I've had about 7 minor fender benders (mostly in cramped gas station parking lots), too. I've never gotten a ticket or any points from any of the accidents I've been in, or any injuries.... it's kind of like I'm impervious to the bullshit.
just remember with all the traffic and shit its not even worth it to take like an overly agressive move like you are basically just increasing the amount of time you are going to sit in traffic for anyway.

at least in the city and wherever theres a lot of lights, on the highway its different though

although whenever I see those trucks with the logs tied on the back I just think of final destination and try to get as far away as possible
although whenever I see those trucks with the logs tied on the back I just think of final destination and try to get as far away as possible

Man, I have way too many Final Destination flashbacks when I'm driving. The second one humbled the shit out of me as a driver.
Heyyyyyy guissssssss =^.^=

Sorry I was so late starting the new Social thread, been busy with finishing art for a gallery show that is due on the 15th and designing pins to help fund my upcoming trips to Memphis for said art show. And I just got back from a short and way too stressful "vacation" with ChemSmiles to see my parents and my sister and her husband. My family and I are really close. I have some of the best, most accepting, hippy parents an artsy stoner chick to ask for and this was CS's first time meeting them. Thats aspect of the trip went fine, but we got dicked around by rental car places the day we were to leave and ended up leaving a day late for our 3 night trip. By the time we got to the hotel my family was ready to party and we were exhausted. And when my family is ready to party, they go HARD. I think this literally is a genetic trait in my fam.

Anyways I am whipped and still playing catch up from being out of town. And I havent seen Chainer in awhile, so forgive me if CD is a bit messy at the moment. i'll get is cleaned up more tomorrow. Time to get baked with my lover and sleep another 10 hours.


you can find the old CD social/info booth thread here:

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"I taught myself how to eat pussy and cut my own hair."
"Well, I taught myself how to eat pussy hair."

If I ever feel like I need to vomit, all I'll need to do is read these two sentences.

whats up ch Idk if I ever told you but ive been in two pretty ridic accidents and walked away its crazy man

actually no they made me get in the ambulance for the one

Yeah? Tell me about them.
If I ever feel like I need to vomit, all I'll need to do is read these two sentences.

Lol! I heard it on 30 Minutes or Less and it wasn't disgusting in the least with the context the movie used. Rereading my post just now reminded me of that scene in the beginning of Baseketball where Reemer finds Brittany's Mom's vibrator and starts licking it and shit, then out of nowhere a few scenes later he starts choking and randomly pulls the longest pubic hairs I've ever seen out of his mouth. It was like a cat coughin' up a hairball, man, hilarious.
Lol! I heard it on 30 Minutes or Less and it wasn't disgusting in the least with the context the movie used. Rereading my post just now reminded me of that scene in the beginning of Baseketball where Reemer finds Brittany's Mom's vibrator and starts licking it and shit, then out of nowhere a few scenes later he starts choking and randomly pulls the longest pubic hairs I've ever seen out of his mouth. It was like a cat coughin' up a hairball, man, hilarious.


So I normally enjoy cannabis/wax before going to sleep but it isn't working to repress me remembering dreams anymore. I've been having some awful nightmares that I wouldn't wish on anyone. :|
I haven't had nightmares in a long, long time. I mean, I have tense, stressful dreams that I tend to die a lot in, but once you've faced a couple dream deaths there's not much that'll shake your sleep. The most intense one in recent memory was a plane crash. It was in the middle of a vacation/family reunion in VT, I had just been on the plane the night before, and, lo' and behold, that night I dreamed that the plane I was on went down into the middle of a body of water. Interestingly enough, the crash wasn't bad at all... it was when the cabin started filling with water and I couldn't get my seatbelt off that I started to panic. Next thing I know I've got a lungful of water, the dreams fades black and all I remember is thinking a lot of fucked up things while I was... I dunno, I guess in limbo? Happens a lot when I die in a dream-- everything fades black and I just go into a long monologue with my thoughts. It's pretty weird to reflect upon.

There've been a few times I found myself hoping that it wasn't a dream this time and it was real. Not because I want to die; I'm very much in love with Life-- but because it confirmed (in the dream at least) that death wasn't the final step in all of our respective journeys, that there was at least something that comes afterward. Again.... weird.

[EDIT: If you don't mind me asking, what's a typical nightmare like for you, CH? I always get a kick out of anything dream-related and it's pretty awesome when I find people that actually remember having dreams (or at least people that don't deny having dreams). I can't stand when I hear someone say "I haven't dreamed for 25 years," or something similar... it just irritates me that they're missing out on on of the coolest things I've ever had my mind do without drugs.]
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I had a really strange dream a few nights ago. I was at my Grandma's house who passed away in 1998 or 1999 and I was walking around the back yard. My Grandma was there gardening, but with her back turned and I was walking towards her. Everything was fine but then when she turned around she gave me this scary smile but all of her teeth looked reallly whack like meth mouth or something and it ended up waking me up. I don't know why I would make her out as that because she was always really nice to me, but it was just really really strange.

Most my other nightmares involved me being chased or trying to escape from something then I fall down and can't get up. It's not like there's something preventing me from getting up or an injury, I just can't physically stand up. I never picture myself dieing or anything I usually wake up after a bit of struggling on the ground. That life after death stuff sounds dope though
Most my other nightmares involved me being chased or trying to escape from something then I fall down and can't get up. It's not like there's something preventing me from getting up or an injury, I just can't physically stand up.

Are you able to run when you're being chased? For some reason running feels so robotic to me in dreams and I really am incapable of it. It's hard to explain... real jerky movement like foot up, step forward, foot down, but with every step feeling like I'm trying to pop a dislocated limb or bone back in place. It sucks... on the upside, it's led to a kind of hop-skip movement to substitute running in my dreams, and more often than not the skip turn to leaps, the leaps to long jumps and before I know it I'm flying everywhere.

Those dreams aren't weird, they're pretty god damn awesome.

That life after death stuff sounds dope though

It was terrifying at first because I used to have a hard time distinguishing dream from reality within my dreams. Now, though, dying in my dreams is my main way of inducing lucidity. As I'm talking to myself in the black, most of the time it hits me that this has happened before and that time it was a dream, so this is probably a dream too. I haven't been able to maintain a lucid dream for extended periods of time, though... It seems like things in my dreams catch such undivided attention that I lose my self-awareness fairly quickly, but I tend to gain it back frequently.]
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