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CBD extract questions


Mar 18, 2009
I've been taking CBD oil 3x daily for the pain I'm in, among other things. The dispensary I bought it from said it was water extract CBD and therefore "better" than CO2 extract. I don't really understand what any of this means. Why would a cold water extract be better? Can someone explain this to me

Also... CBD still gets me high. My first dose got me high as fuck and I took very little. It's getting more tolerable now. I doubt there's no THC in this.
Some people rave about how good their ice hash is. Personally I think once you get into 80% plus THC then the difference is miniscule. just preference as far as I can tell.

maybe I'm wrong though, don't know for sure.
'better' is definitely a personal preference from the dispensary guy. they're both solvent-less so in terms of what is cold water extract 'better' than the CO2 extract..?

CBD is still CBD doing what CBD does amirite?

as for getting you high... i was to believe that CBD was non-psychoactive? what kind of 'high' are you referring to? like a THC-like buzz or just CBD-like sedation?
Most CBD oil typically contains THC as well, but is simply high in CBD. You can get CBD-only extracts including e-cig juice or wax which is apparently legal anywhere in the US (who knew?), but if you're getting high off it it probably has THC in it. I've vaped swamp oil before (CBD-heavy BHO made from ABV) and even a high dose produced little more than some dulling of my thoughts, but combined with THC the effects were heavily pronounced.

Foreigner...I know nothing about this, as my attempts to learn about CBD for chronic pain have only confused me further.

Does this ease some of your pain? Are you able to function while using this?

I realize these questions sound silly to more "seasoned" members, but I DESPERATELY need HELP with my pain, too. Pain meds contributed to a partial bowel obstruction/hospitalization.

I don't want to interfere with anyone's thread. Feel free to message me if you like. I sincerely hope you find your answers. :)
What type of extract did you get, was is shatter/budder/sugar or something else, there's a high chance these concentrates still contain high amounts of THC along with higher cbd
It's difficult to make CBD ice wax (bubble hash) so that would be kind of weird to sell you instead of CO2 extract (at least with the super high CBD strains). Maybe not weird but definitely an uncommon product, and more connoisseur than simply medicinal (assuming it's just concentrate and not some kind of emulsion).

Since you're getting stoned I'd guess it's closer to a 1:1 CBD:THC ratio.

Any chance you could post a picture of what you've got? Feel free to message me too if that's easier.
It's difficult to make CBD ice wax (bubble hash) so that would be kind of weird to sell you instead of CO2 extract (at least with the super high CBD strains). Maybe not weird but definitely an uncommon product, and more connoisseur than simply medicinal (assuming it's just concentrate and not some kind of emulsion).

Since you're getting stoned I'd guess it's closer to a 1:1 CBD:THC ratio.

This. I don't think anyone has a IWE that's pure CBD but again I could be wrong. Seems like it would be impossible isolating just CBD with cold water since it's taking the full gland head - not just one cannabinoid from the whole profile inside the head. If it was just IWE I feel like there'd be a lot more going on in the whole mixture. Again I'm not sure 100% sure of this but almost every variety out there even the high CBD strains contain small amounts of other cannabinoids.