• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Careers based on major/minor


Dec 14, 2010
Ok, so after a period of nothing but sex, drugs, and rock & roll I am finally deciding enough is enough and I'm going to finish school. Here's my plan:

Associates degree- Major in Psychology - Minor in Criminal Justice

Bachelor's degree- Major in Psychology - Minor in Sociology.

What types of jobs do you think would be suitable? Im going on those because they are topics I am interested. Something I would like to help try and do (if it helps) is finding a way to update the penal systems around the world. Locking people up had been proven time and time again not to work. I would like to work with people who are incarcerated and also repeat offenders to lear what puts them in and out; and to also determine what sane inmates prefer their punishments to be, as well as society at large.

I'm rambling now. But thanks for any input! This is the rest of my life here... scary! haha
IMO, the penal system will continue to produce specific systematic injustices due to corrupting co-optation by elites, particularly monied interests. However, with graduate training, you could go into social work, criminological research (well...soc or anthro maybe), or work in a policy-directed NGO.

That's funny, when I read the OP I thought of social work, too. Like ebola said, the penal system is a massive machine that cannot be changed from the inside. If you wanna change the penal system I'd suggest going to law school to become a politician.

However, if you want to help people who are entangled within the penal system, I would also suggest what ebola said by getting a graduate degree. With a Master's in social work you can get a job as a social worker to work one-on-one with prisoners or you could work for some non-profit that helps the population you are interested in.

With psychology, sociology, and criminal justice as your background, you could always be a cop. But then you'd be a part of the problem rather than the solution.

Regardless of which path you take, grad school is probably in your future.
When I worked for the Department of Human Serivces it seemed like everyone had one of those degrees (criminal justice/sociology) - especially with child protective serivces.
Go for post-grad in psychology, one of the branches that does experimental work, be it with people, animals, or brains in jars. Go into that. ???? Ramen noodles and your name in a journal no one reads. At least this way you'll be working with facts instead of myths, and with intelligent people rather then idiots.