Can't Function With Anxiety


Dec 13, 2011
As the title reads "Can't Function With Anxiety", I really can't.
I feel as if I rather stay in my room then go outside to be faced with this intense anxiety. From the panic,ocd,and social anxiety features... its to much to bear. I've been trying to go to school and at times trying to do other little things like go to a store or two...but its no way to go through life. It isn't typical, it isn't normal....I'd like to experience the life of the majority instead of the few blessed with the burned of anxiety....note its not a blessing at all.

I've tried benzos,they do help but they're addictive....I almost feel at this point the benefit would outweigh the risk. I don't want to take ssri's, I feel as if the risk don't outweigh the benefit. I've been going to therapy with little progress. I hate it, I hate myself...inside and out ...fuck my life.
i have severe anxiety as well. it can get better. what benzo were you on? i reccomend klonopin. actually these are the meds i am usually on:
klonopin - benzo
vistaril - for anxiety but not a benzo. essentially, it is like benedryl
paxil - a strong anti depressant
ambien - sleep (but tbh i sometimes take it during the day to supplement klonopin)

this combo changed my life. there is also a drug called gabapentin thatis meant to help anxiety without being addictive. if you want to avoid any addictive medications, i would ask you psychiatrist about vistaril and gabapentin. if that isn't enough, try a small amount of klonopin. i get prescribed .5mg 4x a day. it doesn't hit you like other benzos, it kicks in slowly and stays in your system longer. i can relatively control myself with it and i have been a drug addict for a long time. xanax and even librium and ativan would be a different story. if you have someone you can trust, you might have your meds dispensed to you so that you do not have the bottle in your possession.

good luck and let us know if anything helps.
I was on klonopin but truthfully it didn't do much in the long run.
Holy God, you take Ambien during the day? I appreciate that you are trying to help, but I cannot recommend that to anyone under any circumstances.

I went through a period where I was crippled by anxiety. It manifested itself by a fear to open the mail (it was based in reality somewhat as I had received a devastating letter in the mail not long before). I couldn't go to the mailbox. My therapist helped me to break the tasks that I was afraid of down into its components that I could handle so that I was gradually desensitized.

I don't understand your concerns about SSRI's--what do you perceive the risks to be?
Just worried about increased anxiety/insomnia,sexual side effects,suicidal thoughts occuring, and stuff like that.
TBH, SSRIs never worked for me. I'm in the same boat as you; whether the side effects I was experiencing were due to the actual SSRI or my mind I'll never know, but benzos have helped me greatly.

I fully admit that I am dependent on my benzo. I take xanax 3 times a day, 1 mg per dose. To me, it is better to be 'addicted' with a legal prescription than to experience the crippling anxiety.

I wish you the best
Do you own an mp3 player? I find that when I feel nervous about being out in public and/or interacting with people, if I have some really good music on, then my nerves calm down a bit. I think it's because the music distracts me a bit (and in a good way). I know that this isn't realistic for all situations, but it is something that works for me (and I've got a host of psychological issues as well).
I got an IPhone I thought of this before but never gave it try recently.
music is vital for anxiety... even if it doesn't feel like it, it's doing a lot "under the surface" of your mind, making your brain dance... i feel like music can help the mind channel anxieties into thoughts more healthily...
I think it does but like any other recreational activity(besides drugs) it is still an escape which eventually comes back to down to reality but I guess we have to soak up the good times and take stride through the bad times.
Well, i can sympathize. It can be at times a struggle just to goto the bank or the store.. i mean really? It's absurd that i can be so paralyzed with anxiety that i cannot perform simple tasks.

The 'only' way i've been able to deal with it in-so that i'm not dependent on anything is forcing myself into situations i would usually avoid, i wouldn't recommend this for everyone but for me it's the only way i can manage my anxiety.. the more im involved with talking to people, been around people and on-the-go the more i settle into that mode of being and the less im trying to anticipate the next moment which is usually the cause of my anxiety. When i spend weeks at home on my own, it can be a monumental task for me to go out and interact with people. It's by no means a solution; i still deal with anxiety.. but im beginning to have a better understanding of it.
I feel as if I rather stay in my room then go outside to be faced with this intense anxiety. From the panic,ocd,and social anxiety features... its to much to bear. I've been trying to go to school and at times trying to do other little things like go to a store or two...but its no way to go through life. It isn't typical, it isn't normal....I'd like to experience the life of the majority instead of the few blessed with the burned of anxiety....note its not a blessing at all.

I've tried benzos,they do help but they're addictive....I almost feel at this point the benefit would outweigh the risk. I don't want to take ssri's, I feel as if the risk don't outweigh the benefit. I've been going to therapy with little progress. I hate it, I hate myself...inside and out ...fuck my life.

Hang in there pal. Don't take your life. I also suffer from anxiety disorders/conversion disorder.

At this point, I would suggest Clonazepam 1 mg twice a day. Who gives a fuck if they're addictive? We are all human, and at the end of the day, all deserve right treatment.

Judging by your comments about self-hatred and shit, and fucking your own life, man, I've been there and still am there from time to time.

I'm about to post a new thread on this website, but if need be, I can be your friend through this tough time in life. PM me sometime bro. Add me on FaceBook etc. etc.
Well, i can sympathize. It can be at times a struggle just to goto the bank or the store.. i mean really? It's absurd that i can be so paralyzed with anxiety that i cannot perform simple tasks.

The 'only' way i've been able to deal with it in-so that i'm not dependent on anything is forcing myself into situations i would usually avoid, i wouldn't recommend this for everyone but for me it's the only way i can manage my anxiety.. the more im involved with talking to people, been around people and on-the-go the more i settle into that mode of being and the less im trying to anticipate the next moment which is usually the cause of my anxiety. When i spend weeks at home on my own, it can be a monumental task for me to go out and interact with people. It's by no means a solution; i still deal with anxiety.. but im beginning to have a better understanding of it.

Another Aussie in the same predicament. Hit me up with a PM sometime bro.