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Cannabis sativa pre resistance exercise , and cbd sativa


Nov 15, 2012
Hey guys, so Ive tried mixing cannabis thc anf cannabis cbd to be more social, and noty as spaced, it may work. Its worth a shot. That said it may be down to ther fact that thc is hyddrid, highest sativa ws 80/20, 70/30, currently a 50/50, and does a person need a 100 sativa ?

Thinking the indica mix is causing possible less mellow feeling, which is okay if one wants to be a bit lasier on resistance exercise . That said, Have not gotten chance to expirement because never got to get a high sativa, well 80/20 and 70/30 but itts been a long time. Probally best to get pure sativa or close as possible for this purpose.

Can someone whos donea high sativa say its helped resistance exercise?

is there a difference between thc and cbd sativa?

Of course if a person is tired, one still will be dragging, does anyone find cbd sativa mixed with or solo as a pre workout helps give energy ?

Of course ones has to do resistance exercise, and ss nutrition is most important for ones pohysique goals, does sativa seem to cause one to be hungeir than indicas, or hybrids?
In the studies ive seen regarding Cannabis use and Exercise , it would appear that Cannabis reduces your strength (or 1 Rep Max potential) However, it does improve endurance significantly so apply this knowledge to your workout regime

CBD is best used for afterwards/later on that day/ the next day to help deal with muscle ache or pain later on and to aid in recovery
...so Ive tried mixing cannabis thc and cannabis cbd...

Are you aware of the 2-D plot drawn to represent THC vs CBD genetics in some Leafly article published years ago? If you seen it it was reflectling a most striking property: genetics had been divides into 4 main groups as a result of HUMAN selection, once driven by the good-old illicit market guided by THC in days nobody talked about CBD - much less pay for it! My conclusion? The 2THC:1CBD been systemically avoided because it was fitting the interest of conflicting groups, the "dealer" exploiting vulnerabilities to THC, politi¢ian$ & friend$ denying the buzz, etc.

And since it's NOT Nature's work when we blend that's not equivalent to genetic selection where the « entourage effect » would be the result of a slow/patient evolutive process anyway. Being against prohibition i can only support exploration but also hope for less confusion about quite a few things. See my "reality filter" to get an idea what's the rest about as far as i'm concerned.

But right now this reading felt like the elusive quantum particles avoiding observation: the observer influences the outcomes and you've been very specific on what's expected, too specific as i pointed out above IMO.
Are you aware of the 2-D plot drawn to represent THC vs CBD genetics in some Leafly article published years ago? If you seen it it was reflectling a most striking property: genetics had been divides into 4 main groups as a result of HUMAN selection, once driven by the good-old illicit market guided by THC in days nobody talked about CBD - much less pay for it! My conclusion? The 2THC:1CBD been systemically avoided because it was fitting the interest of conflicting groups, the "dealer" exploiting vulnerabilities to THC, politi¢ian$ & friend$ denying the buzz, etc.

And since it's NOT Nature's work when we blend that's not equivalent to genetic selection where the « entourage effect » would be the result of a slow/patient evolutive process anyway. Being against prohibition i can only support exploration but also hope for less confusion about quite a few things. See my "reality filter" to get an idea what's the rest about as far as i'm concerned.

But right now this reading felt like the elusive quantum particles avoiding observation: the observer influences the outcomes and you've been very specific on what's expected, too specific as i pointed out above IMO.
It appears you're not a fan of CBD.

I'm asking specifically about sativa , thc and CBD pre workout.

@Darksidesam it looks like you're not a fan of CBD pre workout. Have you tried it? Super silver haze sativa CBD, seemed to not cause as much sedation as purple ice cream 50-50 sativa, indica thc.

May be best to do sativa only pre workout or nothing if you don't want increased appetite. Hybrid indica strains seem to cause increased hunger spells hours afterwards.
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It appears you're not a fan of CBD.

I'm asking specifically about sativa , thc and CBD pre workout.

@Darksidesam it looks like you're not a fan of CBD pre workout. Have you tried it? Super silver haze sativa CBD, seemed to not cause as much sedation as purple ice cream 50-50 sativa, indica thc.

May be best to do sativa only pre workout or nothing if you don't want increased appetite. Hybrid indica strains seem to cause increased hunger spells hours afterwards.

have tried both cbd and thc before riding bike and it does make my music im playing sound better lol and i feel a like i can ride for longer (not the CBD alone tho) and the combo of THC and CBD seems to ease any sports affective asthma when its cold outside, decreases it a fair bit due to its bronchodilating properties i guess

Not tried CBD before weights/workout tho ill have to try that sometime
It appears you're not a fan of CBD.

Wrong conclusion. But it was about « resistance exercise », which refers to "endurance" IMO, while i was simply pointing out there's a significant difference between blending THC + CBD vs consuming some dry flower where it's got those produced in the desired ratio, plus a fair set of entourage effect... In humans it's risky to attempt sexual reproduction between cousins, one has got to assume dame Nature has her own way to mix genes together, an evolutionary mechanism of sorts. I've done blending for a long time but never assumed this was natural, and since i'm against prohibition that implies i'm open to exploration, on the contrary, and that's the begining of emancipation. Well, i may be wrong thinking your consumption method is smoking, but if it is that's where i'd suggest to act: instead of relying on your own drive let it being tainted by a tool other than wood fiber + glue, for starters. Smokeless consumption makes more sense, i've also tried buccal stamps but found them most inapropriate for any practical use. it seems i like the « rush », the method type that's *ADDICTIVE* the most, euh... I can't describe the smile it gives me right now. Are you addicted? At times it seems we all are, and now we hear of seringes on TV to inject go figure what... I bet it's been on the menu as well, you can tell, nobody will know!
Wrong conclusion. But it was about « resistance exercise », which refers to "endurance" IMO, while i was simply pointing out there's a significant difference between blending THC + CBD vs consuming some dry flower where it's got those produced in the desired ratio, plus a fair set of entourage effect... In humans it's risky to attempt sexual reproduction between cousins, one has got to assume dame Nature has her own way to mix genes together, an evolutionary mechanism of sorts. I've done blending for a long time but never assumed this was natural, and since i'm against prohibition that implies i'm open to exploration, on the contrary, and that's the begining of emancipation. Well, i may be wrong thinking your consumption method is smoking, but if it is that's where i'd suggest to act: instead of relying on your own drive let it being tainted by a tool other than wood fiber + glue, for starters. Smokeless consumption makes more sense, i've also tried buccal stamps but found them most inapropriate for any practical use. it seems i like the « rush », the method type that's *ADDICTIVE* the most, euh... I can't describe the smile it gives me right now. Are you addicted? At times it seems we all are, and now we hear of seringes on TV to inject go figure what... I bet it's been on the menu as well, you can tell, nobody will know!
Hey Cuz, it sounds like your thinking too much into this. lol. Do you find sativa strains thc to be uplifting and a head high like it say in literature?

Like I said highest ive found was 70/30 and 80/20, or what was supposed to be. Recently had some devil driver , which supposed to be 70/30 and it was a high percent of indica. I told guy i got it from, he laughed, and told me these people make up names. I told him I like to know exactly what it is. Im not addicted to cannabis. Recently hasnt been enjoyable bc on a diet and could be incorrect, seems to cause way too much hunger and even a good bit over maintaince calories and not caring so much while on it. That doesnt mean I wont enjoy it now and again or try another strain at another time.
Egzoset was created nearly 13 years ago, the day after St-Valentin exactly. Is that too much? No, but certainly quite a bit late because before that i was pretty much like what you seem to suggest, e.g. the opposite of « thinking too much ».

Well, your initial topic refered to "endurance", yet there's still a need to seek some compatible comfort zone for YOUR personally-specific application. What i'm pointing out is that blending ain't no breeding and the later process is just as THC-centric as ever anyway! So, how can WE assume the consumption method & associated ritual are both actually centered on said comfort zone? How reasonable is that to expect "balanced" outcomes from extreme THC or CBD boundaries?? 'cause what i'm saying is the sexual reproduction mechanism were chosen by dame Nature for a fairly clever (but slooow...) purpose, its fruit given to us as a gift of Providence.

Only good-old "$treet dealer$" and current monopoly-ta$te indu$trial$ now made "legal" are to blame for extreme genetic makeups realized at the expense of crucial characteristics as the « entourage effect », problem being a physical limit on genetic endoding capacity so to speak, remindering the reader it's unrealistic to expect THC concentrations higher than around a third of the weight, not to mention wood fiber left behing for even more mercantile motives... If that capacity of a plant to "encode" THC production is at the roof then this leaves little room for the entourage effect, to begin with. Talking about THC/CBD ratios is only the begining, there's more than meets the eye, in gardening lamps, for example, light have become very narrow-band and specific compared to natural sunlight. Yet, other process in the plant may happen to benefit from the extra spectrum it evolved under very patiently since humans were hardly human at all... At least 600 thousand years as i vaguely recall, hence long before the dynosaures!

Now YOU can argue i've overdone it.

M'well, i've certainly worked hard to get my hands on a proper tool but there's nothing i can do to avoid exposure to mari-¢a¢a. I had a microscope session recently and found uniform pits drilled into cannabis leaves at the base of a calix, obviously performed by an insect, which implies the savvy mix of synergy-boosted "sanitory" additive "traces" was quite possibly augmented to stop the infestation before it ruined all profit$. The most unusual aspect of it was that it looked like a perfectly healthy nugget, with mature features - except the finger touch reminding me of salt/sugar/flour making scheeching noises as i stirr. The sound & touch are gone with my former "dealer" who was just too proud to allow such lame practices to destroy his image. Québec's SQdC has no such concerned since it's the 1 & only "dealer" for law-abiding citizens. Never mind about the 42 teen schools where Wax Pen used trippled i 4 years of « légaleezation »... A « Head High »?? Maybe if i listened to music, but then ain't it the music doing it's magic, cannabis only being a falicitating catalist.

Before vaporism and flowers i was a "haschich" smoker and those were the dark ages, the word "strains" was replaced by country names, euh... The one smart thing i was shown: hot knives! Ah, then eventually i adopted my venerable « Tokeu », a tool with a flapping valve to keep the precious fumet inside. This was a lot less excessive than hot knives as it multiplied opportunities to develop/acquire self-awareness, essential for any further canna-emancipation IMO. But i was lucky to attempt to grown my own before « $mart meter$ » came around, it felt too little too late and yet an exquisite privilege of life that renders memories hurtful in retrospective, 'cause i didn't suffer as much from Prohibition before i started to educate myself a little.

The heavy body "narcotic" range of sensations never specially appealed to me, for a « reset » LSD proved being better suited to manage with my insatiable urges, but that was rare and so long ago anyway. To vaporize my own harvest after studying it closely was a privilege i lost with Trudeau's « légaleezation », those stolen years cannot be repaid nor compensated for and it would raise a more fundamental topic over 1-Way neuro-plasticity, but i must resist!

Twice the THC for 1 CBD is my ideal target simply because man-made genetic selection left a virgin spot there... That's motivation enough for me to have at least the choice to experiment it. So far all i seen was buccal stamps marked 5THC:2.5CBD, or 2THC:1CBD in my book. The dosing was so ridicule it got obvious in no time the contaminants were intended to dull any envy. It's supposed to "save" our children, yano!

All our local SQdC monopoly store offers is mari-¢a¢a that was made THC-centric (to "fidelize" the good-old way...), so-called "balanced" 1THC:1CBD (actually deafeating the "fun" too much), then finally Full-CBD in plain denial of the « BUZZ »! They do provide product classification with labels as sativa, indica, hybrid and blend. That's my unique "dealer" some 100 Km around or so, delivery delay is 3 ~ 5 days i hear... Ah, and it requires a credit card 'cause Justin wanted to "¢ard" us.

Head-high, m'yeah. It happens once in a while but not at the moment.

In any case i believe you'd be correct to argue over the importance of food regime relative to endurance. To me that's yet another side-effect promoted by dose abuse, the remedy then is to adopt a tool capable of rendering the choice unconscious to some level: e.g. relatively effortless on the long run, 'cause i will support the idea that our user profile is shaped/influenced by our personal preference of consumption method & associated ritual.

Alcohol is rarely consumed without a class, those who drink directly from the bottle often end up with a possessive behaviour, like mother and baby... At that point it's a bit late to think of a glass, more repair work may be required. That's what society done to us by paving the way to pure bio THC distillate Wax Pen for teens, go figure the rest when future generations finally get long-term studies!
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I lift weights everyday and i find that any weed makes me wanna lift weights more but landrace sativas are the best
I'm in the 3rd age and sunny sessions seem to boost my motivation in dusting off the kitchen.
In the studies ive seen regarding Cannabis use and Exercise , it would appear that Cannabis reduces your strength (or 1 Rep Max potential) However, it does improve endurance significantly so apply this knowledge to your workout regime

CBD is best used for afterwards/later on that day/ the next day to help deal with muscle ache or pain later on and to aid in recovery

In my experience, this is on-point. There was another post that mentioned endurance, though?

And i have to say that that's on-point as well. There's a certain balance of drunk-and-high that leaves me doing push-ups, sit-ups, squats and lunges to failure.

And when it's like that it's not even exercise, it's just a game to burn this weird energy that dumped itself in my lap.

I'm in the 3rd age

...Is that how Canadians say they're in their 30's?
You need to use a multiplier.

Two things.

1. You just reminded me of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, so thank you for that.

and B. 3rd age with a multiplier, but the only number is 3.... so like 30 to the third?


Jesus christ, Egzo, how old ARE you?!

(I don't even want you to answer that, I just want to pretend your response was "As old as the moonlight that strokes your cheek to sleep every night..." or "Young as the rainbow you see with every rainfall..." or "Ancient like the halo surrounding every light at night when you feel even the least bit drowsy....")

....dude, I swear to god, it all sounds like something you might say.

but i really am interested in the usb microscope though. On god, no cap.
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