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Cannabis is a false remedy for anxiety, claims LSU professor

The fact that lots of people try smoking weed and end up moving away from it quickly really says nothing about the circumstances of a years long everyday user.


I think it has a lot to do with the user as well. I dont really have an addictive personality, but something about how weed effected me just clicked well. I would always stay high longer off less than my friends, and my tolerance would build slower, it seemed weed and I had a natural affinity.
Same story here.

You still have trouble sleeping after 9 months!? Wow. You might want to try to reset your circadian rhythm.
But I don't actually have trouble sleeping when I quit. Just too many dreams (and very intense).

Interestingly, when I am high on weed I cannot sleep.
It seems that the opposite of the "baseline" effects kick in when someone is in withdrawal.
For me, weed gives me lots of energy, and withdrawing gives lethargy.
People who get good appetite (I do not, BTW) on weed seem to not be able to eat when withdrawing.
Interestingly, when I am high on weed I cannot sleep.
It seems that the opposite of the "baseline" effects kick in when someone is in withdrawal.
For me, weed gives me lots of energy, and withdrawing gives lethargy.
People who get good appetite (I do not, BTW) on weed seem to not be able to eat when withdrawing.

I eat 1000 calories or less a day when withdrawing. Even if I bike several miles and work for hours in the kitchen. I don't w\d often so when I do it sucks. Weed gives me energy too. People wonder why I smoke before I go to work, college, church, everything. I just don't want to do anything without smoking first. This is kind of like how my dad needs his 32 oz coffee every morning.

OT: Cannabis definitely helps millions of people with anxiety.
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Several members of my family smoke before church. It helps me relax and focus on the message rather than worry about bills and life. Even when I was a junkie I went most Sundays. In the Southern US even junkies go to church.
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Same story here.

You still have trouble sleeping after 9 months!? Wow. You might want to try to reset your circadian rhythm.
But I don't actually have trouble sleeping when I quit. Just too many dreams (and very intense).

Interestingly, when I am high on weed I cannot sleep.
It seems that the opposite of the "baseline" effects kick in when someone is in withdrawal.
For me, weed gives me lots of energy, and withdrawing gives lethargy.
People who get good appetite (I do not, BTW) on weed seem to not be able to eat when withdrawing.

Wow that is pretty close to my exact experience with weed. I dont get lethargic (in fact I used to work out while high), and I dont get the munchies.

It wasnt getting high before bet that helped me sleep i think, it was more just that I had THC in my system, and without it I seem to have trouble.
weed can make you anxious? shock horror.

shooting barrel fish.

wonder how many with social anxiety become alcoholics. kind of more serious isn't it:\
booze is a fucking awesome remedy for anxiety. Not always the best option for the workplace or the courtroom or even church, but otherwise fantastic. Better than Xanax actually. Not as good as cocaina, but that shit gets expensive.
Said every alcoholic ever.
Well ethanol is a GABAa agonist... ;)

RE this study: the notorious side effect profile of rimonabant and friends would suggest that pot does in fact relieve anxiety and depression to a degree.
I smoked pot almost daily for over 20 years. The truth is marijuana DOES have an anti anxiety effect. The reason some people think otherwise is because marijuana is very much like prescription drugs in relation to initial side effects that lessen during continued use. For example, anti-depressants known as SSRI's help treat anxiety and panic disorder, however when a patient first starts taking the medication, SSRI's initially often have quite the opposite effect, causing increased anxiety and even panic attacs. Eventually these side effects will subside, and the medication begins to have its desired effects including helping to prevent anxiety and panic attacks. The same is true with marijuana. An inexperienced user can experience generalized to severe anxiety and panic attacks. But over time and continued use the drug can drastically reduce anxiety, and even cure anxiety and panic dissorders.
even when I was a junkie I went most Sundays. In the Southern US even junkies go to church.

Some of my fellow junky friends tried to convert me too god. It was funny and kinda sad at the same time. On the fast path to self destruction yet still wanting something better later.
Some of my fellow junky friends tried to convert me too god. It was funny and kinda sad at the same time. On the fast path to self destruction yet still wanting something better later.

I don't necessarily see it as a path of destruction. If you gave me the opportunity to do dope the rest of my life with impunity and no interruption of supply, I'd have no moral compunction about taking it. There's nothing better than wanting something really badly and getting it over and over and over again.

(that's actually a paraphrased form of another Bluelighter's "location")
booze is a fucking awesome remedy for anxiety. Not always the best option for the workplace or the courtroom or even church, but otherwise fantastic. Better than Xanax actually. Not as good as cocaina, but that shit gets expensive.

QFT! Haha
I smoked pot almost daily for over 20 years. The truth is marijuana DOES have an anti anxiety effect. The reason some people think otherwise is because marijuana is very much like prescription drugs in relation to initial side effects that lessen during continued use. For example, anti-depressants known as SSRI's help treat anxiety and panic disorder, however when a patient first starts taking the medication, SSRI's initially often have quite the opposite effect, causing increased anxiety and even panic attacs. Eventually these side effects will subside, and the medication begins to have its desired effects including helping to prevent anxiety and panic attacks. The same is true with marijuana. An inexperienced user can experience generalized to severe anxiety and panic attacks. But over time and continued use the drug can drastically reduce anxiety, and even cure anxiety and panic dissorders.

That's interesting I've heard this before that marijuana acts like an SSRI for depression and anxiety. Myself I couldn't stand it for that long I have pretty bad general and social anxiety, one hit of pot and I feel like I'm a schizophrenic, I don't think I could stand it.
booze is a fucking awesome remedy for anxiety. Not always the best option for the workplace or the courtroom or even church, but otherwise fantastic. Better than Xanax actually. Not as good as cocaina, but that shit gets expensive.

Alcohol has the potential to just make everything worse for me.

I work at a hospital as well and on the weekends we get far more attempted suicides because of drunk people.

A couple of drinks is probably alright for some anxiety but most people don't stop there.

Yea I know what you mean. If there was a way for you to tollerate the pot high for a long enough period, I'm certain you would be amazed how effective it becomes for treating social anxiety. One thing you may want to try is something I tried myself when I had the same problem: take a benzodiazapine (preferably clonapin) before you smoke. Then SLOWLY take VERY SMALL HITS of the marijuana, and don't hold it in for more than a second or two. After each hit wait about 5 minutes before you take another, even if you don't feel much. Then if you feel comfortable, take another in the same way, taking very small hits and waiting 5 mins between each, until you feel content with the buzz. This way prevents you from getting a buzz that's to intense and uncomfortable. After doing this just a few times, you will be surprised how your mind has adjusted to the buzz, at which time the marijuana buzz will begin to really help you with your anxiety issues. I had to do all this myself when I first tried it, so I speak from experience!
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^ I agree with all of that, only I have no experience with benzos. Things I've used that will diminish cannabis-induced anxiety: pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, DXM, oxycodone. Alcohol is not recommended for that purpose! Slow-dosing FTW, though