I admit I have not read this thread, but I saw something about neem oil potentially causing this because actually while neem is considered safe, ingestion like through smoking weed can cause adverse effects many of which seem to correspond with a syndrome like this.
So my question is: are there people who exclusively smoke home-grown organic weed with this hyperemesis syndrome? Because if there are that would invalidate this argument.
hey guys, I was led to this thread after an emergency room visit on monday. I figured I would add some more anecdotal data to this thread. This is the second time that this same set of symptoms happened to me and this time the doctor mentioned it could be CHS. She noticed because of the really strong odor of terpenes in my sweat.
Here's what happened:
I was trimming some bud at someones ranch last sunday. The people who were growing on the ranch make this concentrate called "The Clear" which is super hot in at least southern CA right now. Some kind of distillate, supposedly the purest thing you can inhale. Almost pure thc, most of everything including terpenes are stripped out - I have NO idea how it's made. In retrospect, this was probably like taking a shot of moonshine instead of a glass of wine or whiskey. I took a glob-sized dab of it and immediately felt nauseous and light headed like the old days when I first began smoking (about 8 years ago). I have a really high tolerance and was surprised at how strong it was (shouldn't have been, it is a distillate after all) The nausea eventually subsided and I continued trimming. I was a bit too medicated for my liking all the way until I fell asleep later that night. (Edit: just realized I had a 7mg edible when I got home like a complete idiot)
The next morning I woke up and felt like I had really bad gas, like a lactose reaction. Just as described many times in this thread, I went to the bathroom and sat, trying to clear it all out of my stomach and nothing really was happening until my body heat started to rise, my forearms started tingling, and I started dry heaving like I was about to throw up. Had to sprint to go get a trash bag so I could be ready for anything. It got worse and worse, the retching got louder and louder. At this point I'm sweating so much that there's a puddle on the floor where I'm crouched over, trying to throw up but only getting stomach acid.
I had no idea the shower thing was a common symptom but the only thing I could think to do was to climb in the shower and sit down and let the hot water run over me. This helped temporarily and then it just went to hell from there. I couldn't lay in bed because I would instantly soak the sheets with sweat so I had to just stay in the shower. Tried to take some activated charcoal, all it did was make my throwup black. Stabbing pain, nausea, every time i transitioned form inhalation to exhalation, I felt like I was going to puke my guts out.
I went to the ER and the first thing the doctor says when she walks in is "It smells like a pot farm in here". I told her I smoke daily and she mentioned I should look up CHS. Had to be hooked up to an IV, they gave me like 4 or 5 liters of liquid along with a bunch of different nausea medications, none of which worked. Just the pain meds kind of worked for the burning but it came back shortly thereafter.
They finally ended up giving me a "GI cocktail" of maalox, lidocaine, and benadryl which helped immensely. Didn't know you could drink lidocaine. The day after (4th of july) I hadn't yet researched it and I ate an edible for the nausea like an idiot. To be honest it didn't make me relapse and it did help (it was a pretty big dose of RSO syrup). Then i took a dab and I instantly got a migraine and felt nauseous. I didn't make the connection but I figured my body had enough stuff in it for the last couple days and I put the wax down.
The time before this, I thought I got food poisoning. This was months ago. I chalked it up as a stomach bug because a lot of people were getting the stomach flu that week. Same symptoms and I daresay even more painful. They thought it was an infection and put me on antibiotics.
The thing is, two of my friends got the same thing I did (albeit not as bad, no ER visit). One of my friends and I were smoking a LOT of rosin at the time and I think it was when we really first got into dabbing. Another friend of mine got dab sick around the same time and he thought it was improperly purged BHO.
What I'm getting at is that both these episodes happened after dabbing way more than usual or way more than needed, supplementing with needless edibles, etc. I don't know if its because of contaminants or because a toxic level of terpenes are in your body. I know they've done plenty of studies on THC toxicity but I haven't seen any done on bodily reactions to terpene levels, which are way more abundant per weight in a concentrate form than they are in flower (right?).
My friend who got dab sick went back to smoking flower only and he hasn't had a problem.
Also I clearly remember last week eating pizza and waking up with a miniature version of what happened to me monday, i thought it was the cheese and that my stomach was getting less tolerant with dairy but I can eat ice cream or eat a cheeseburger with no issues. Maybe it was my body warning me in the prodrome phase? Come to think of it I get little "lactose" attacks all the time but I'm beginning to think its CHS.
I've been nauseous since monday but nowhere near as bad and my appetite is good.
My plan is to take a tolerance break, dry myself up, take some coQ10 and b12 and see how I feel. Cannabis really does help me with a lot of things but if I go back to flower and this happens again I think I'm going to quit. Not worth it. Still hopeful.
My cannabis use... … Could this be hypermesis?
Yes so i started consuming cannabis flower at 13. At 18 the stomach issues began just a constant pain in my abdomen accompanied with loose stool and constantly feeling like i have to use the restroom even when i dont. Then i would start to consume more cannabis (getting up to 25,000mg of RSO daily along with flower and vaporisors. The main thing i notice as i have taken breaks due to many different reasons lasting 1-6 months is that when i start using cannabis it starts with vaporizers flower or edibles. But very little like 2mg THC edible and im feeling it, this usually is fine i sometimes get tongue sores when starting again but not sure if thats related. Then as the concentration of cannabis in my cells grow as my use goes up I notice the pain getting worse which then causes more use as im a life long opiate addict and cannabis is the “lesser evil” or just more maintainable, that is until the stomach pain possibly being caused from cannabis leads me back to opiates. This cycle has gone on since 2014 and i am now 25 dealing with this most recent cycle. I have gotten to the point of using kratom and concidering suboxone not for cravings per say but for the pain relief as well as the cannabis cravings. I have a hard time obstaining from all substances so when i dont get to use cannnabis due to CHS or stomach pain (if thats even related) then i need benzos and sleep aids. It also tends to flair up when i have a lot going on hence also why im not sure it is for sure CHS. I have had 4 upper endoscopies and 4 lower endoscopies only showing SIBO once or twice. I sometimes get SIBO Small intestines bacterial overgrowth treated with xifaxian but again all of my stomach pain comes back at one point or another. The only times i have had relief for long periods of time were when on opiates and or abstaining from cannabis. Sorry as im having a flair up now and that effects my brain leading to not being able to think/describe my symptoms well. I would love to answer as many questions as you have in pursuit to find the answer to my problems which would end my need for opiates as well. But the cycle seems to goWould you please use this home-made reality filter of mine and try to provide some more global context:
Neuro-plasticity;Contaminants;Consumption Method & Ritual;Socio-toxic 3rd-party interference.
Like how/where you got it, how long this has been going on and what age group you belong to, smoker or vaporist preferences, medical background, etc.
Happy Halloween!![]()
PatUr all smoking to God dammm much put down the bong and go get a job or to back to college.
Wow you are incredibly well spoken and thank you for that breakdown. I’m sorry to hear about your relative. Life isn’t fair but at the end of the day what is… still on this journey we call life.. peace and loveHi again,
One nice thing with human dialog is how this may invite us to find words so to liberate speech, which may further develop similar to a rolling snow-ball if/when even more humans join such a discussion. So, lets hope it won't be too long before your story inspires many more reactions, considering it's been 6 years since the last update...
Relatively to the neuro-plasticity item it helps to know you're born around Y2K and started experimenting with altered mind states while still being a teen, then that these distressing symptoms you've just described as « CHS » eventually appeared some 5 years later. Although it's not totally clear to me that « T-Breaks » resulted from tolerance issues, nor when concentrates added up to that routine, i do gather your path sure appears to fit the 25 years-old brain model put forward by failure specialists as Kevin Sabet and Nora Volkow, who generally resurface at every Halloween.
This promptly raises my 4th item about socio-toxic 3rd-party interference, then itself potentially pointing an accusating finger at contaminants + consumption method & ritual, because concentrates concentrate everything and i also get an impression it might have proved beneficial for the reader to learn more relatively to your provider. Or better yet, have you ever given home-grow a fair chance, like to consume your own flowers free from any external influences?
Perhaps that won't be of comfort to you but i like to think i was quite lucky to never hear about CHS until « légaleezation » made the news, much less suffer from co-lateral damage associated to experiments as that initiated in Colorado. Yet many decades ago i was a smoker and can't garantee my haschish was always from reliable sources until i finally learned my lessons, but nothing this severe anyway!
You see i'll candidly confess i ain't been initiated too early, e.g. not as a teenager with no facial hairs (...); nor did i enter the dosing abuse spiral until i was a young man attending college. Consequently this humble background most probably disqualifies me as a suitable source of decisive advice dealing with this 21st century plague, born out of bigot victorian-age prohibitionism. In the good old days we heard of a few wild boys who smoked cannabis growing naturally in the fields; yet, being from a rural environment myself there was no shortage of healthier occupations.
In any case i'd argue perhaps you've had enough challenges already not to pile up cannabis on top of it. Please consider you may be allergic and/or it's just not for you, as we don't all happen to be equipped to embrace this whole bargain - which is fine as the unique richness of mankind actually resides in its diversity.
It's not too late to explore alternative lifestyles while i can't but notice you've already suspected gluten, though that's only a start. A close relative of mine wasn't so lucky playing with opioïds, at Halloween my familly is reminded this person now resides in a funeral vase, killed by a socio-toxic mix of prohibitionism & politics if you ask me! YMMV
Life ain't fair, it doesn't have to be, but each of us has the advantage of learning from the mistakes of others. One could decide to turn his grocery shoping chores into some increasingly efficient money-saving hobby now that we've got direct on-line access in a pocket, for example, etc. For others it's the satisfaction of creating with their bare hands, like music playing, wood crafting. The sky is the limit, go figure!
If you've got talents for disguises + makeup why not even think of a CHS vomit blob and volunteer to watch over younger members of the family so they're all safe at Halloween! Euh...
M'well, i seem to have reach the limits of my inability, time for a snack but i feel confident you get the picture.
Good day, have fun!!![]()