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Cannabis effect changed after MXE?


Jul 27, 2009
Does anyone here that suffers from anxiety, feeling uncomfortable, unmotivated etc on cannabis find that smoking it on/after an MXE afterglow makes them feel more productive, motivated, less anxious and more clearheaded? for me the amazing afterglow from MXE can last for weeks. recently had a brilliant MXE afterglow, it was like an epiphany, felt more optimistic and motivated about life than i had done for ages, less anxious... and smoked weed for the first time in 6 months last night... instead of over-thinking everything, and feeling unmotivated and a bit crap, i felt motivated, productive, clear headed, and pretty good about everything! coincidence? strange
smoking weed on MXE makes the experience 10x more intense. i've smoked weed everyday for a while so i can't really tell you about anxiety and feeling uncomfortable though. i suffer from anxiety, but marijuana provides anxiolytic effects for me. when i first started smoking, i would get paranoid and uncomfortable, but tolerance began to develop and now weed relaxes me.
Not sure where exactly I should stick this question, so I'm going to move it over to OD for the time being.

If the OD mods disagree they can move it where they think it would fit best.
Maybe some of the mxe left in your system is interacting with the weed? Weed used to feel different for me when I smoked a few days after doing DXM, so maybe something similar is happening.
Yes, if you are on the tail end of an MXE experience, or using very low doses, or in the "afterglow" stage... you still have some DARI action going on in your brain. If you smoke cannabis then, you will probably find that it's a bit of a more clear-headed and "up" experience.

That's how it's been working for me, anyway.

Days or weeks later though? No. It's worn off by then.
or maybe it's the fact you hadn't smoke in 6 months? and it was a more "up" strain?
or maybe it's the fact you hadn't smoke in 6 months? and it was a more "up" strain?

^ This is a very good point. I think your newly lowered tolerance is probably a major factor - but also, as bluedolphin said, the stimulating DRI afterglow of MXE probably helped make you more productive and motivated, I've noticed the same in my highs but to a lesser extent.
Taking drugs just changes your perspective. It's all mental. Anything about the MXE experience that caused the anxious weed highs that sets that trip apart from the last one that "fixed" your pot highs? I'd think you just had more anxiety in your life at the time where weed was causing the anxious thoughts. But psychedelics do have a lasting effect on your brain depending on what they did to you I guess.. I kind of feel like they have made the way I perceive things so open it feels like anything could happen. side effect of that third eye prying open?
it made me more anxious coltdan,
I was on mxe, vaped some weed and yeah felt a bit of a panic attack coming on.

I dont get this with ket though
Got very similar effects with AM-2201 after MXE. The high seemed warmer and more relaxing, with nearly no paranoia or anxiety whatsoever... like being wrapped up in a warm blanket and floating slightly.
thanks for your replys :)

Taking drugs just changes your perspective. It's all mental. Anything about the MXE experience that caused the anxious weed highs that sets that trip apart from the last one that "fixed" your pot highs? I'd think you just had more anxiety in your life at the time where weed was causing the anxious thoughts. But psychedelics do have a lasting effect on your brain depending on what they did to you I guess.. I kind of feel like they have made the way I perceive things so open it feels like anything could happen. side effect of that third eye prying open?

yeah could well be this, along with the DRI afterglow or something =D
I think just about all the times that MXE has really fucked me up, and sent me into the full dissociated state, is after smoking a bowl late at night... the pot seems to have a unique ability to kick it up to another level.

I don't know how much I would compare it directly to the way that pure DRI molecules like amphetamine, methamphetamine or adrafinil (assuming it is a pure DRI...) combine with pot though. Generally I find those drugs dull the pot high a bit (especially meth) and I usually end up smoking more compulsively (with the amphetamines especially). With MXE I think the different pharmacology changes things, although I am usually so gone by the time I smoke pot on MXE (e.g. at 3 AM on MXE and lots of 6APB) that it is kind of hard to subjectively gauge just how baked I am.
pPep said:
Generally I find those drugs dull the pot high a bit (especially meth) and I usually end up smoking more compulsively (with the amphetamines especially)

Not to mention that all that dopamine increases compulsive behaviors per se. Cannabis' interaction with glutamatergic dissociatives does indeed seem to go actively into the realms of potentiation rather than simply synergy (IME at least, and in numerous anecdotal accounts).
MXE is an NMDA antagonist and probably has some ability to reduce tolerance. Your weed probably had a much stronger effect due to reduced tolerance. For some people with anxiety, building a tolerance to weed sort of kills the magic, and then you're left with just the anxiety provoking side effects which isn't fun