• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Cannabis concentrate alcohol tincture optimization


Jul 7, 2006
I am trying to find a definitive answer on the best way to extract thc into an alcoholic tincture that can be held under the tongue.If I were to heat a small amount (500mg) of bho in 190 proof ethanol would it be sufficent to decarboxylate the thca into thc? I was thinking of putting .5 grams into about 2 ounce and than setting it into a water bath that is 175 degrees F for about 25 minutes. Does this sound like it would be an effective way to make an orally active solution?

If some with good understanding of the chemistry of all of this could have some input in the plan I would greatly appreciate it. Hopefully this is advanced enough for this section. I am basically concerned on the most effective way to make an orally active alcohol solution using concentrates. I am not interested in smoking the material and I would prefer to not have the solution sit for a month as I have read elsewhere.

Thank you for any and all constructive comments!
You should know that once you cure the weed for smoking that most of the thca is already turned into thc by the curing process...

Just put your BHO under your tounge and call it a day...
sorry but thats not exactly true otherwise people could just eat properly cured weed and get fully high, which we know is not a very effective way to ingest it
sorry but thats not exactly true otherwise people could just eat properly cured weed and get fully high, which we know is not a very effective way to ingest it

That would be the mode of ingestion at play...

When something is inefficient, it obviously is going to take more to reach the desired effects.

How about a nice hot water bath in a glass jar... You can try that.

I seriously doubt anything you do is going to drastically change your outcome...
otherwise people could just eat properly cured weed and get fully high

They can - see e.g. Marinol capsules, and OldHippy's decarboxylated cannabis capsules. It's just less convenient than smoking.
I am trying to find a definitive answer on the best way to extract thc into an alcoholic tincture that can be held under the tongue.If I were to heat a small amount (500mg) of bho in 190 proof ethanol would it be sufficent to decarboxylate the thca into thc? I was thinking of putting .5 grams into about 2 ounce and than setting it into a water bath that is 175 degrees F for about 25 minutes. Does this sound like it would be an effective way to make an orally active solution?

If some with good understanding of the chemistry of all of this could have some input in the plan I would greatly appreciate it. Hopefully this is advanced enough for this section. I am basically concerned on the most effective way to make an orally active alcohol solution using concentrates. I am not interested in smoking the material and I would prefer to not have the solution sit for a month as I have read elsewhere.

Thank you for any and all constructive comments!

I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, but heating 95% ethanol like that is asking for trouble. The boiling point for 95% ethanol is 173 F, so at 175 F you risk bubbles forming and your mixture popping out of your vessel. Also considering how volatile ethanol is, even if you lowered your temp below the boiling point I wouldn't imagine much of anything would be left after 25 minutes.
I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, but heating 95% ethanol like that is asking for trouble. The boiling point for 95% ethanol is 173 F, so at 175 F you risk bubbles forming and your mixture popping out of your vessel. Also considering how volatile ethanol is, even if you lowered your temp below the boiling point I wouldn't imagine much of anything would be left after 25 minutes.

Unless he has a pressure vessel...
Or you carefully remove the solvent on a water bath first, then heat it beyond ethanols b.p..

Or you can just slap a condenser on there and reflux it.

I would really not advise the home chemist to run pressure reactions. Even shit like scCO2 has the potential to maim.
It seems I found my answer in that thca decarboxylating is most efficient at around 290 for 7 minutes. So I am just going to heat the bho in an oil bath at 290 for a few minutes and than just dissolve the decarbed oil into the ethanol after. Thanks for the help and comments.
Also, adding a drop of e.g. sulfuric acid will catalyse the rearrangement of CBD to THC.

Best option is to decartboxylate the herb first, before you extract it.