Can You Fax Acid?

I dont have anything to say... But that was pure gold
I love you bluelgiht
Dam i think i can't spell things are wierd... Im high

wow.. that's some wicked funny shit.
psyentist you are one crazy fuckin guy

... what exactly is a bump anyway?
just sent it overhere by email, i ll give it to u when ur back on plantet earth
^^kill kill, let's not exaggerate, why kill? no it wont kill , but u might get shot ;)
I miss this thread, it should be moved back to social and bumped every few months.
wtf....this wont work for one reason...when u fax something the person getting the fax recives a copy of that fax not the original. Just hide the shit somewhere. but this is seriously so funny good luck faxin, hope u get
MidNite Star said:
wtf....this wont work for one reason...when u fax something the person getting the fax recives a copy of that fax not the original.

sheesh, glad someone cleared that up for him and the rest of us 8) :p
i was in laughing so hard from this post8o

i'm going to send u all all some dmt vapors magically over bluelight while u read this post....can u smell the burning mothballs!!!!

cough cough!!!!

i always would email my friends bong hits and damn if they did not get us way baked....or maybe it was the permafry setting in8(

thank you all for the best laugh i had in a while
I don't get it. Why is everyone laughing???
You guys,.. It totally works. I would swear like most of my college education on it. My "guy" faxed me a whole sheet which I had to go pick up at the copy shop. It was sooo embarassing b/c the guy like obviously knew what it was and was like "oohhh, you got a fax " But anyways....what was i talking about? oh yeah so I ate that sheet (not all at once sillies! :) ) and I tripped so hard that I thought I went back in time to when LSD plants covered the Earth. talk about flashbacks!!

Anyways, seriously it will work as long as the paper doesn't get jammed! and believe me, I've had my "office space" moments.
Pasilda Nacera said:
hey then that means we can make duplicate copies of acid!! and make some money.

if only... but no..
it doesnt work like that
if you fax the acid, the sheet becomes bunk, because the acid is transferred to the sheet on the other end, although it loses some potency

i know this because my friends tried doing a business by faxing the acid, then got their asses kicked after selling the original sheets

I just now noticed this thread, never looked in best of bluelight before. I'll have to come here more often. =D