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Opioids Can you do a CWE with ibuprofen and codeine tablets?

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Jun 29, 2017
I'll be getting Nurofen Plus tablets which contain a total of 12.8mg of codeine phosphate and 200mg of ibuprofen. I used to just swallow around 15-20 tablets just like that and feel good but get nauseous and vomit.

I can't do that now because my doctor said I may have damaged my kidneys from drinking methanol/antifreeze. He didn't say specifically to avoid NSAID's but I have seen that ibuprofen is a no-no, for people with kidney problems.

The thing is, I also don't want to waste the ibuprofen/codeine tablets as I seldom get money. Is there a way of ensuring that the CWE worked?
Ibuprofen is more difficult to CWE, you should get codeine and paracetamol tablets instead as APAP is easier to CWE.

Since I'm assuming you're in the UK you should try just asking about for codeine linctus too, that's pure codeine 15mg/5ml syrup without any NSAIDs.
Ibuprofen is more difficult to CWE, you should get codeine and paracetamol tablets instead as APAP is easier to CWE.

Since I'm assuming you're in the UK you should try just asking about for codeine linctus too, that's pure codeine 15mg/5ml syrup without any NSAIDs.

This codeine linctus sounds too good to be OTC. Are you sure because they sometimes use folcodein or codein which are not actually opiates. Or does it come with APAP and other shit n it?
*sorry, not trying to do all down on you, it honestly seem too good to be true.

EDIT: LOL, that didn't sound dirty until I just re-read it
It's real mate, and no NSAIDs or anything else in there. If they offer you pholcodine say it makes you feel funny and you usually buy the regular codeine linctus because it works best. It is a legal OTC product but it's sold at the pharmacist's discretion so don't give them any reason to think you're suspicious and they will sell it to you if you answer their questions.

You might have to do the rounds at a few different pharmacies before you find one that stocks it though. Recently it has become "restricted" so it's harder for pharmacies to order it consistently. But it depends on what wholesaler they're using.

Oh and you can also just get a legal private prescription for pure codeine 30mg or dihydrocodeine 30mg tablets online.
Ibuprofen is more difficult to CWE, you should get codeine and paracetamol tablets instead as APAP is easier to CWE.

Since I'm assuming you're in the UK you should try just asking about for codeine linctus too, that's pure codeine 15mg/5ml syrup without any NSAIDs.
Ibuprofen is more difficult to CWE, you should get codeine and paracetamol tablets instead as APAP is easier to CWE.

Since I'm assuming you're in the UK you should try just asking about for codeine linctus too, that's pure codeine 15mg/5ml syrup without any NSAIDs.

I live in Ireland
Ireland should have codeine linctus. One of the brands I've been sold a few times is made by an Irish company, Pinewood. Search your local health sites for codeine linctus and see what pops up.
I used a Canadian extraction method for 222s as a Proof Of Concept after discussing Synalgos DC, Vicoprofen, Vicodin, and Dicodid with a doctor years ago -- grind up your medicine well, get thou a 30 cc syringe (no need for a needle, so these can be had from just regular stores, everything from a cerumen extraction kit to oral syringes for babies and baby raccoons and cats and so forth . . . put about a half a ball of cotton wool in the bottom and smash it down with the plunger, add the powder, and pour room temperature or colder water down this column and taste the drops every so often -- when it gets less and less bitter, one can assume that a good fraction of the codeine/dihydrocodeine/hydrocodone/&c has eluted and any further extraction would involve solvents . . . people have told me of using something similar to this for extended-release morphine -- in that case, use something to drop the pH of the water used to 6.5
Ibuprofen is more difficult to CWE, you should get codeine and paracetamol tablets instead as APAP is easier to CWE.

Since I'm assuming you're in the UK you should try just asking about for codeine linctus too, that's pure codeine 15mg/5ml syrup without any NSAIDs.
dunno if its cus im young but i dont even bother asking for that or maybe my pharmacies really dont stock it like they say hmm
This codeine linctus sounds too good to be OTC. Are you sure because they sometimes use folcodein or codein which are not actually opiates. Or does it come with APAP and other shit n it?
Its true just really hard to get in some places i suppose being well spoken helps
There are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, in an American city we need not mention, at least two general practitioners, a podiatrist, and a couple of pain clinics which actually have patient handouts about CWE and the like --

The history of hydrocodone is as such: It was invented in Germany in 1920 by Mannich and Löwenheim within weeks of the first hydromorphone synthesis, and both hydrocodone (DIcodid) and hydromorphone (Dilaudid) joined Knoll's cavalcade of sacred substances including Dimorphan (dihydromorphine), Dinarkon (oxycodone), a dihydrocodeine generic, and I believe it was they who went on to invent diacetyldihydromorphine (Paralaudin) in 1929. In the 1950s it was first detected in vanishingly small amounts in Indian medicinal latex opium, as have been hydromorphone, dihydromorphine, dihydrocodeine, oxymorphol, and metopon, inter alia. The main suspect is bacteria.

Dicodid started out as ampoules and little 5 and 10 mg tablets of pure hydrocodone quite similar to Dilaudid through the years. I myself last gobbled Dicodid in Vienna on 8. March 2002 -- Auf Wiedersehen, what a tragedy it isn't made anymore.

Now, hydrocodone made its way across the Atlantic in February 1943 and by 2010 the United States was using just short of 100 per cent of the world production, after production ceased in the land of its invention. Fresh from 13 years of poisoning citizens who drank alcohol during the Volstead Act era, a separate law taking effect simultaneously with the 23. March 1943 FDA approval which banned single-ingredient hydrocodone products. The answers then were atropine, aspirin, and paracetamol. Paracetamol is a moderately distant relative of cinchophen, a gout remedy still sometimes synthesised by first year organic chemistry students which was known to cause fulminant liver and kidney damage as far back as 1933.

That is just stone cold evil and I don't care what the twelve steppers, kleptocrats, and rehab indu$try have to say -- no one deserved paracetamol poisoning for soothing pain, whatever pain that may be. The law repealing the 1943 poison decree -- too little, too late? There were arseholes in the United States Clowngress who tried to ban single-entity hydrocodone to no avail, and I can tell you that drinking and hydro parties were held in Chicago, Montréal, San Francisco, and Burlington, Vermont the day after Cong Kelly Ayotte was defeated for re-election -- and to Senator Manchin they say: Don't Laugh -- You're Next!
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Is this legit? How do you go about obtaining a legal codeine or dyhydro RX online?

It is but only within the UK. Definitely not the US and I have no idea about the rest of the world.

UK medicine laws are surprisingly lax on weaker opiates like codeine and DHC so it's perfectly legal to prescribe them electronically which has lead to pharmacies letting you just choose the meds you want, fill out an online form, and get a prescription done. They then send it to their own pharmacy where they dispense the meds and post them to you.

They also text you with 20% off codes and let you know when you're able to order a new prescription (once a month) one time they even sent double the amount they were meant to (200 instead of 100 tablets) and never seemed to notice.
Edit: hey guys, please avoid discussing how to obtain these medications, we tend to forbid that here...

You can certainly CWE ibuprofen and codeine in the same manner you do with paracetamol. Theoretically, ibuprofen CWE is more forgiving than using paracetamol due to ibuprofen lower "acute" toxicity but you will still end up with NSAID in the resulting extract. If you have kidney issues, i would avoid doing this too often.

I did CWE on both para and ibuprofen for years, ended up with stomach ulcers despite pretty awesome CWE technique so I believe the brew does still contain active quantities of the NSAID. Never any liver problems, perhaps ibuprofen is more water soluble than paracetamol...?
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Without getting into everything discussed above, the simple answer is yes, the same procedure of cwe works the same with i.b. as apap.

This is my experience with codeine with ibuprofen pills in the U.S.

I'm not a scientist or do I provide sources... Just my 2 cents, thats all.
We had a couple of advanced BL'ers awhile back who had issues with the usual CWE process for Ibuprofen. The problem being that in it's ionized form it has very little solubility but when added to neutral water + pill excipients a portion can change to the non-ionized form which has much higher water solubility . When it's pKa is taken into account, the pH of the cold water would have to be very low to keep the Ibuprofen's solubility low.

The solution is to use lemon juice in your cold water, enough to substantially lower the pH so upwards of 25 % lemon juice to water. The low pH won't effect the codeine but will allow less Ibuprofen into the final solution.

I went based on the big acid moiety hanging off of ibuprofen, which with enough water to keep the pH at 7 and up, assures it'll have a charge and remain freely water soluble, even with a oily overall structure. Codeine has a polar group, and maybe that nitrogen can keep a charge at pH 7, maybe not. So I figured ibuprofen would be easily more soluble.

Well, its not so clear. What is clear: adjusting the pH will have a dramatic difference, and tweaking that is probably better yielding and easier than temperature dependence. Really, at pH 7 they should both be quite soluble in water. Raise the pH and the ibuprofen will stay water soluble, lower it and it'll readily drop out of solution.

The pKa of ibuprofen is an oddly high 4.8-5.0, so adding a lot of lemon juice should knock it right out, as long as there aren't a lot of buffers added to the pill binders. You're aiming for a final pH of three or under, and lemon juice comes in at 2. Once you've filtered the slurry, you can always dilute it back to drinkability.

The codeine will remain polar at a pH under 3, and if that nitrogen will take a charge, it will absolutely be charged at that pH, and remain soluble.

If you looked up ibuprofen at wikipedia or pubchem, you may see it listed as "practically insoluble". Yeah, similar to amphetamines, that's for the uncharged form, the "acid" form of the molecule. We're interested in sodium ibuprofen, which is soluble in water at 25C and pH 7 to 100mg/mL. The pills might not contain sodium ibuprofen, but they will become that "form" when smashed and stirred in some hot water.
The process for extracting ibuprofen is as can be seen far more complex. If you can get Nurofen Plus OTC then you can get co-codamol 8/500 just as easily, or Paramol if you're into DHC. It's much more reliable to CWE paracetamol.

But if you already have a fucked liver I would urge you away from any CWE because no method is perfect and you will always be left with some trace amount of the NSAID in the final solution. That's why I mentioned codeine linctus which btw is a 100% legal OTC medicine. A quick google suggests it is available in Ireland. If any pharmacies near you stock it I highly recommend that over a CWE.
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