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Can we say goodbye to Sasha Shulgin?


Sr. Moderator: AADD, CE&P, TD
Staff member
Mar 9, 2005
As many would be aware, psychedelic scientist Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin passed away yesterday morning as a result of liver cancer. Shulgin was 88 and, by all accounts, lived a full life and was able to spread his passion worldwide. He has instilled a certain scientific caution, desperately needed, into the psychedelic-drug community and promoted a system of frank evaluation and joyful, epiphanic, introspective and thoughtFULL examination of the inner human by providing multiple tools with which to do so. Thought we could send some positivity and love his and his family's way...

Read here: https://www.erowid.org/culture/characters/shulgin_alexander/shulgin_alexander.shtml

RIP <3
I can't think of another man who's legacy will live on as solidly as his. Even people who haven't a clue who he was will continue to celebrate his life.
His wit will be missed. But if I could even accomplish a fraction of what he was able to in his life I would be proud of myself. He really was a god amongst men in my opinion. We were blessed to have lived in a time where he was alive and able to study, analyze and experience the fruits of his labors.
RIP Sasha. You will live on through your gifts to the world.
I hope that last trip back into Nature was the most visual and euphoric. I had been saying that because of these fine inventions/discoveries that I realized the cycle of coming into being from Nature and going back into Nature appears to be a beautiful thing. These tools helped me see that. Thanks again Sasha Shulgin as well as Ann, who is a great writer and contributes great things too. Bless them both.
RIP to one of the greatest researchers of our time. Through his boundless passion and impeccable science he helped to enrich and expand the consciousness of millions of people around the world.
He was like the Nicolai Tesla of our Generation. What he discovered and what he created Helped to illuminate our world. Just as Teslas Inventions illuminated the exterior universes. Shulgins discoveries illuminated Interior universes.
The sad part about his passing is, that he never actually really recieved any money for any of his discoveries. He died reasonably poor.
Now i know that all of us out here, have spent money on at least one of his creations. But none of that Money ever went to him.
So please take the time out of your Day today, to remember a Hero.
A Genuine Individual whose studies and concepts are a part of our lives.
We don't always take the time out of our partying to realize the science that went into it. This man was more than a Scientist. He was the Alchemist. He was the Wizard. the next time you feel good because of a substance.... Tip your imaginary hat his way... because the world has lost one of the few remaining good men.
When all your Living Idols have finally passed one.

It's no longer a time to seek out more idols.

It's time to become your idols and live.
His discoveries/inventions have helped me immeasurably in my life. 2C-T-2 once helped me to break through a long period of depression and kickstarted a period of years of discovery and growth. 2C-E helped me to see the underlying structure of things in a new and powerful way. And his exploration, though immense in scope, has helped others to see that we can explore a nearly infinite array of modification to chemicals that produce new keys to the mind. He will always be remembered for this and I believe he will go down in history only more and more as time presses on.

<3 RIP Sasha <3
It's with a heavy heart I say goodbye Sasha, thank you for bringing me visions of life changing proportion with 2c-e, thank you for the catharsis I've experience in MDMA, and most, thank you for the wisdom you've spread through our community.
Blessing and love Sasha!
I'll always remember and be greatful to you!

and let's hope the dea is going to hand out a bunch of licenses to young chemists
“How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas? It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it.”

― Alexander Shulgin, Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story

rest in peace, we won't forget you Alexander Shulgin.
Xammy, I love that quote, thanks for sharing it.
Shulgin has certainly provided the world with many tools we can use to improve ourselves, and has helped countless people from all walks of life through his work. While he has passed, his work will live on and continue to progress the human condition, and for that I am forever grateful.
He is a large inspiration for me, and is one of many reasons that I have pursued studying the brain and drugs. His creations have allowed me to explore a spectrum of psychedelic perspectives, attaining a greater understanding of the universe and consciousness in the process.
He fought the good fight his entire life, and will be celebrated by countless people.
Thank you Sasha.
A true scientist expands the world for all. Thank you, Sasha. And to Ann, we are holding you in our hearts.<3
We have lost a great man and a great scientist. His legacy will live on, hopefully for a long time. Rest in peace, Alexander Shulgin.
His legacy will reside in my neurotransmitters forever, I am so thankful that he graced the world with his creations.

My deepest love and gratitude.
Requiem aeternam Sasha

Goodbye my hero! Not only did he bless us with countless wonderful substances, many of which can create life changing experiences and with very reasonable safety profiles, he set an example in psychopharmacological drug design, showing us another dimension to discovery of the world of chemistry simultaneously with self-discovery and spiritual expression. And as if that weren't enough, he imparted his pharmacopeia onto the world rather selflessly, carrying the hallmark of a great man and visionary.

You will be sorely missed, and my deepest sympathies go out to Ann and the family. <3
Goodbye Sasha, your creations have inspired me to be a better person and changed my life for the better. You were a true pioneer, and will be sorely missed by many.

<3 RIP <3
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