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Can someone describe a meth high?


Jan 6, 2010
Ive never done meth (been offered plenty of times but my real dad is a tweaker, and never wanted to take the plunge) but I do adderall about twice a week (40-70mgs) and was wondering what the main differences in high are.

60mgs of adderall will give me a nice speedy buzz, very talkative, hairs on my head standing up, feeling nice.

Just wondering how they compare and what exactly it feels like.

Im sure there is more euphoria involved, but just wanted some input. Thanks :)
meth and adderal cant be compared

i do crank about once a month..
the high is UNCOMPARABLE

you feel like you are the president of earth..no joke..
my dad was addicted for years, did it at work so he could make extra $$$$$$
adderal is meths little cousin, im actually on adderal right now, i feel awake, but no euphoria

its the bomb.. its the king.. the euphoria tops any drug except pure MDMA or maybe heroine
and the speed it gives is almost uncontrollable.. u cant stfu or stand still
Adderall does give significant euphoria if you are not tolerant to amphetamine.

But I agree meth is a whole different ballgame.

Ahyayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayaya! 8(
Adderall will make you feel good and make you wanna do stuff. But meth will make you feel REALLY GOOD and make you wanna do the stuff you did on addy even better.
In my experience, mixed amphetamine salts (Adderall) and methamphetamine feel fairly similar, and it is a valid comparison. I should note that I have only used these substances sparingly. So I never built much tolerance, and I always stuck to a single, reasonable dose at a time. So, in that context, they are not that different from one another. but there are some noticable differences.

While Adderall does produce some euphoria, it caries more body load (feels more jittery) and a sense of anxiety is usually present, in a below the surface kinda way, throughout the experience. I think it's these side effects make Adderall a less social/recreational and more focusing type of stimulant.

On the other hand, meth is a more transparent high. It somehow feels more natural and it's less of a forced or drugged feeling than Adderall (the only bodyload I notice during the initial, euphoric phase of the meth high is a very slight dizzy sensation, but it's not enough to be annoying. The world just has a slight spin to it). I guess there is less distractions to the euphoria, therefore it's a more recreational type of stimulant. In short, you feel supremely confident, positive and generally just good. You can't shut up because it feels so good to express yourself, and it seems like everything is so interesting. Libido is increased to a greater extent than Adderall as well.

I would say most noticeable distinction between the two is duration. Meth probably lasts about twice as long as amphetamine (instant release that is). The comedown is similar IME.

But, based on anecdotal observations, once a person is accustomed to methamphetamine, Adderall produces little desirable effects, so YMMV.
Adderall (amphetamine salts) was the first drug I tried at 14-years old. I took just 10mg the day I got them from a friend and was blown away. I felt so incredible. I didn't find out that it was amphetamines until the next morning when I researched Adderall because I wanted to know why it made me feel so good. That began my obsession with pharmacology.

Anyway. I'm sure a meth high is similar to prescription amphetamines. I will never try methamphetamine. For one, I haven't taken an amphetamine since 2005, and two, I would only use methamphetamine if it was made legally in a lab. Fuck that dirty shit the at-home chemist makes.
Meth to me is a bright white high, like every part of you is suddenly faster, smoother, and better; like your mind has been tuned to a higher vibration. Your thoughts are streamlined and focused and your blood feels like it's been replaced with champagne or lemonade; little bubbles tingling through every part of you. You don't feel wrecked or intoxicated, just like you on your very best day, the very best version of yourself. In fact I find that particular subtlety one of the most insidious effects of methamphetamine, something you've always been told is so damaging just feels like it should feel unnatural or something. It doesn't though, it feels like the most natural, beautiful thing in the world, to me at least.
Meth to me is a bright white high, like every part of you is suddenly faster, smoother, and better; like your mind has been tuned to a higher vibration. Your thoughts are streamlined and focused and your blood feels like it's been replaced with champagne or lemonade; little bubbles tingling through every part of you. You don't feel wrecked or intoxicated, just like you on your very best day, the very best version of yourself. In fact I find that particular subtlety one of the most insidious effects of methamphetamine, something you've always been told is so damaging just feels like it should feel unnatural or something. It doesn't though, it feels like the most natural, beautiful thing in the world, to me at least.

i wish meth wasn't so damn harmful. it's an amazing drug lol
Hmmm... Well, I IV so my description will be a bit different to other ROAs I presume..

The initial high is almost SO intense I black out but I don't, I almost vomit, but I don't. The first breath taken in after administration is absolute bliss, my heart is beating so powerfully and fast, it pulses through my entire body, I have every thought of anything positive/things I love/things that make me happy go through my mind in about 15 seconds. Everything is going at a million miles an hour, yet every second feels like an hour. My body shakes and twitches and trembles with pure adrenaline or speed or whatever, I can't even cap the needle, I just have to sit and compose myself until I'm able to move and I can get my breathing back to a semi-normal state..

I feel unstoppable, like I can do anything. Powerful too. I feel like I'm the ultimate version of myself, like if I could create the perfect me, this is what I'd be.. I'm me but better, no.. I'm me, but the best me I can be. I'm focused, concentrated, alert, ready and able for anything. It's like you're in tune with everything, you hear every sound, feel every vibration, notice every look or touch, its the ultimate. You're the ultimate.. Nothing can compare to this moment, there is nothing else besides this..
depens how much u have and how u have it.
where i am meth is hell expensive so i only have a point or 2 at once. when i have a point i just get motavatied cant sit still makes me stonger (i can lift heavyer things)pins and nediels in my head wen i have big hits i get a great sence of efuroia and see things like fuzzy walls n shit.
1 time on my 17th i decided totry smoke 5 points after the session i had to go to work i felt like i could concor the world "i was walking on sunshine" got my work done the best ive ever have had the most fun at work i ever had.
anyways sorry for my meth induced rambling.......

i smoke with a bulb by the way.
Hmmm... Well, I IV so my description will be a bit different to other ROAs I presume..

The initial high is almost SO intense I black out but I don't, I almost vomit, but I don't. The first breath taken in after administration is absolute bliss, my heart is beating so powerfully and fast, it pulses through my entire body, I have every thought of anything positive/things I love/things that make me happy go through my mind in about 15 seconds. Everything is going at a million miles an hour, yet every second feels like an hour. My body shakes and twitches and trembles with pure adrenaline or speed or whatever, I can't even cap the needle, I just have to sit and compose myself until I'm able to move and I can get my breathing back to a semi-normal state..

I feel unstoppable, like I can do anything. Powerful too. I feel like I'm the ultimate version of myself, like if I could create the perfect me, this is what I'd be.. I'm me but better, no.. I'm me, but the best me I can be. I'm focused, concentrated, alert, ready and able for anything. It's like you're in tune with everything, you hear every sound, feel every vibration, notice every look or touch, its the ultimate. You're the ultimate.. Nothing can compare to this moment, there is nothing else besides this..

Damn that was some deep writing! =D
Meth to me is a bright white high, like every part of you is suddenly faster, smoother, and better; like your mind has been tuned to a higher vibration. Your thoughts are streamlined and focused and your blood feels like it's been replaced with champagne or lemonade; little bubbles tingling through every part of you. You don't feel wrecked or intoxicated, just like you on your very best day, the very best version of yourself. In fact I find that particular subtlety one of the most insidious effects of methamphetamine, something you've always been told is so damaging just feels like it should feel unnatural or something. It doesn't though, it feels like the most natural, beautiful thing in the world, to me at least.

I couldnt have said it better myself
Meth is like this: Flawless at the start....but you are racing and racing....but there is no finish line....the more you do..the longer you have to wait to sleep. You don't sleep for a long time trust me. I did it 3 times when I was 19, and it has great euphoria, but it is comparable to MDPV in terms of how difficult it is to sleep when you finally have to.
Hmmm... Well, I IV so my description will be a bit different to other ROAs I presume..

The initial high is almost SO intense I black out but I don't, I almost vomit, but I don't. The first breath taken in after administration is absolute bliss, my heart is beating so powerfully and fast, it pulses through my entire body, I have every thought of anything positive/things I love/things that make me happy go through my mind in about 15 seconds. Everything is going at a million miles an hour, yet every second feels like an hour. My body shakes and twitches and trembles with pure adrenaline or speed or whatever, I can't even cap the needle, I just have to sit and compose myself until I'm able to move and I can get my breathing back to a semi-normal state..

I feel unstoppable, like I can do anything. Powerful too. I feel like I'm the ultimate version of myself, like if I could create the perfect me, this is what I'd be.. I'm me but better, no.. I'm me, but the best me I can be. I'm focused, concentrated, alert, ready and able for anything. It's like you're in tune with everything, you hear every sound, feel every vibration, notice every look or touch, its the ultimate. You're the ultimate.. Nothing can compare to this moment, there is nothing else besides this..

yeah, high doses can be pretty psychedelic-like too.
It's the ULTIMATE temporary anti-depressant