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Can opening your third eye worsen psychosis?


Dec 25, 2014
I have psychosis and am a bit concerned about trying to open my third eye/pineal gland. Can it worsen my psychosis?

I'm seeing a psychiatrist who agrees there's about a 95% chance I have psychosis. I'm usually fine and don't have any problems with it, but about once a month or so (it'll probably get more frequent as I get older, im only 16) I have a full out psychotic episode and rarely are aware that it isn't real and it's just psychosis. Everywhere from seeing people that aren't there to believing the neighbors (who are very nice people and have even invited us over to dinner before) are out to get me.
What I mean by "opening my third eye" is activating my pineal gland. There's too much to describe in this thread really, you'll have to look up what it is if youre interested, but it can disconnect you from reality and make you question what reality actually is. Some people also reported seeing unnatural beings, such as ghosts or demons. It greatly increases the amount of DMT naturally produced in your brain, and makes it so that it's always producing dmt, not just at certain times like dreaming. There are numerous other things it can do as well, lots of which make me question the safety of it regarding psychosis, so I'm worried about what it can do to me.
In most people, the many positive effects of opening your third eye outweigh the negative effects, and oftentimes there are no negative effects, which is why I want to do it, but I'm worried about me specifically getting negative effects form it.

EDIT 2: I see a psychiatrist (who, in my opinion, is an incredibly smart man) regularly and have an appointment in a little less than a month. I'll talk to him about it and update this thread on what he says. I'm not really sure if a psychiatrist would know very much about it, but I have had questions he did not have the answer to in the past and he was completely honest about not knowing and didn't try to come up with answers that may not be true to seem smart/professional, so if he doesn't know much about it I won't end up with false infromation. Personally, I don't believe in all of the spirituality and chakras and stuff about it. I do believe all of it is a possibility, but I generally only fully believe things with solid scientific proof. Basically, I'm agnostic for it, but more on the side of not believing it than believing it. I just firmly believe that there's a gland in your brain that can be activated and can improve your life in several ways.
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How are you trying to "open your third eye"? I'm a bit puzzled by what you're saying, but I don't want to close this thread, so instead I'm going to send it to Healthy Living, because it obviously doesn't belong in Philosophy and Spirituality.

If you're suffering from psychosis, then contact medical staff immediately. You're in need of medication, and prolonging it will do no good. My mother suffers from schizophrenia and goes through bouts of psychosis, so I know how serious it can be.
I have psychosis and am a bit concerned about trying to open my third eye/pineal gland. Can it worsen my psychosis?

Sometimes intensive yoga, martial arts or meditation practices can actually cause a psychotic disorder that is called "kundalini syndrome", "qi gong syndrome" or by some other names: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zou_huo_ru_mo_(medicine) . It's better to be careful with that kind of practices if you have recently had trouble with mental instability.

The fact that you identify yourself having psychotic thinking patterns kind of tells that the problem can't be very bad, though. When someone is having a typical severe psychosis, they usually don't have any insight, i.e. they don't understand that their thinking and behavior is abnormal.

I have had some psychotic episodes, too, but that was over 6 years ago... The main symptom I had was a paranoid belief that some government authority was hiring my neighbors to follow me and report about my doings, kind of like what Stasi in the DDR did in the cold war era. I also believed that some people were able to read my thoughts, and some other crazy stuff like that. Now I haven't had any delusions like that for many years.
The eye that watches me is always troublesome. However it's a worthwhile exercise. There is a man who has hundreds of hours of lectures that can help you. Alan Watts.
Psychosis is a sign that you're mega ungrounded. You don't need more upper chakra activity, you need to ground in the lower chakras.

(That's using the chakra model, going along with what you're saying.)
If you have a Psychosis don't do any sort of Kundalini yoga/meditations, try to open your third eye, and stop using drugs and alcohol. Talk to a doctor or psychiatrist. Good luck.
The chakra system doesn't quite fit together with western psychiatry in my opinion. Almost everything associated with the third eye could be described as psychotic according to western views, it depends which definition we go by. I hope that eventually we will see the west meet east more and vice versa, but right now I know that if I were to talk with a shrink about opening the third eye he would label me crazy. Just something I wanted to add, I think others above have given great advice.
Apart from the advice you've had here and essentially a doctor's help, may I suggest in the meantime some mindful meditation?

Mindfulness will centre you, and enable you to listen and sense your environment internally and externally. It's calming, gentle and may allow you some the space you need to attune to what is best for you.

Let us know how it goes with the doc please X