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Can microdosing LSD cause depression and/or increased alcohol use?


Dec 25, 2014
I have a long history of depression, but have been fine with it for a while. My depression has been effected by the seasons, worse in the winter and better in the summer. I also had a traumatic event happen when i was 11 around this time of year up through January which contributes it. The depression began about a week ago, and I started microdosing a few weeks ago, taking 5-10 mcg of LSD every 4 days. I also stopped smoking weed a few days before starting microdosing, and drinking heavier instead, but this time the drinking kept increasing whereas normally it just spikes for a week or so. I'm up to 4-7 white claws a day starting as early as 1 pm now, and im 20 years old. It seems like i drink more on days i take LSD as well. In addition to all this, i lowered my adderall dose from 20 to 10 mg last week (was supposed to get off it but couldn't), and upped my vraylar (antipsychotiic) dose from 1.5 to 3 mg last week. I know theres a ton of variables here, and a ton of contribiuting factors. What I'm wondering is if it's possible that the LSD is contributing to either problem.
I wouldn't say 4-7 of those small cans of 5% alcohol is heavy drinking, even for a 20 year old.
If it is then fuck me i am drinking HEAVY myself lol.
I've no idea if the microdosing could be a factor. Dropping your meds could be i guess? Substituting the lower dose with booze? Have you tried going back up to 20mg for a day and seeing if you drink/want to drink less?
Are you on anti depressants? Oh no just read you're on anti psychotics. Do you know why you are on them instead of anti depressants? You mentioned a long history of depression, not psychosis.
Note: i am no doctor. Apart from when i administrater my friends IV drugs, even then I'm a shoddy one at best 😅
I don't think it would cause increased depression or alcohol use and that this simply the result of where you are at in life atm. LSD micro dosing effectiveness for treating things is a bit iffy aswell. The true changes happen in a deep trip where you confront yourself deep down. Your probably drinking a bit more though to quell down the stimulation. Depression is independent of most things and comes and goes in episodes. Though i would say the stimulants like adderall probably contribute alot to depression. When i was on stimulants it really fucked me up bad with adheonia and depression. I would suggest microdosing shrooms instead of lsd they work alot better for microdosing
what contributes to the problem is the fallacy that you are a chemistry experiment with human feelings.

for micro-dosing I think your dose is a bit too low and infrequent, but the addition of any & all of the other psychoactive drugs throws the whole analysis off and turns you into an Erlenmeyer flask.

even though it is still COVID-19 stifle time, the best is to get some more exercise, get off the meds some how.