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Can I Snort This? MEGA

Its gonna burn the hell outta your nose.

It's not that bad. It stings a little.

To the OP, why are you asking what's supposed to happen AFTER you've snorted it? Surely you do at least a little bit of research before you put chemicals into your body?

And what will happen, is pretty much you'll feel relaxed (with me 50mg intranaslly that is all I had) and maybe blackout and wake up to an empty box.

Just be careful. Maybe keep them around for post stimulant use or something? Unless you do get some recreational effects from it of course.

I've railed seroquel plenty in the past. Usually for coming down from coke or other drugs. I would really suggest ingesting it, just maybe taking half of one. Railing will usually knock me out for twelve hours or more, whereas ingesting leaves me room to get up after a normal period of sleep, and unlike the sedated feeling you have after waking up having ingested it, you feel completely and utterly zapped--not necessarily in the worst way, but you sound like you're trying to avoid this.

I would not say it burns terribly or that it has a terrible drip, not in the least, but even if it did, you wouldn't be awake long enough to care.
i have to take over 800mg of seroquel to feel drowsy. then i get tachychardia and feel like im on fire and im dying, but i fall asleep.

im thinking about taking it today cause tomorrow's a big day, but i will be at the met and i know i will be unable to interpret any art under the influence of the Seroquel , ...i will be walking around braindead no matter how many amphetamines i eat by the spoonful.
Seroquel gave me that terrible next day hang over as well, but I never would consider railing it.


Your best bet would be to find another sleeping pill.

I know you said you've been on a ton, but there are so many different kinds out there, and lots that are RXed off label.

For example, the last one they gave me was Zonegran, an anti-seizure drug that has also been shown to promote weight loss and high doses. 2 of those worked really well and I woke up pretty refreshed.

Other than that, I've tried Trazadone and Remeron (which gave me the same hung over feeling at Seroquel); Lunesta, Rozerem and Ambien (worked well for awhile); Neurontin; Temazepam; different pills with diphen as the active ingredient; melatonin; and probably a handful of others I can't remember.

Now I just take heroin, but I wouldn't really recommend that practice :\
Steps To Snorting Heroin
1) Buy a bag
2) Roll up a dollar bill
3) Open the bag with your thumb fingernail by splitting the tape
4) Flick the bag as many times as it takes until all the dope is on the bottom of the bag
5) Put one end of the dollar bill in the bag and the other end in your nose, then you sniff

Its not like brain surgery im sure youll manage to be able to sniff dope hahahah
A nice fat line as a starter, a quick glass of Lanson Black Label champagne and good company. Thats the way to take cocaine!!!
I heard from some peeps that if its 'crystal you just want to do small bumps'

Now I've never seen cocaine with crystal's

Im thinking they are referring to if you get Crystal METH instead of

coke, that you should do small bumps instead of doing a rail. :\
i like to do about 2-4 bumps like this


over the course of an hour...if i'm just chillin at home. i'm high for 3 hours or so off this and don't get tired right away afterwards; like with fat lines.

if i'm out somewhere, i keep some cola in a pill capsule, dump it out onto the back of my hand, flush the toilet (if other people are around) and take a big snort...it's not a huge amount, but i don't need that much to get yaked for a good hour...

doing more coke in one go gives more rush and euphoria, lasts longer, high energy, sometimes an uncomfortable comedown, feeling tired...doing a bump in say 15-20 min increments is a more mellow high that tends to linger and taper off gradually, with less fiending and fatigue afterwards.

Just see how you like to do it and adjust as you wish...take a smallish bump to sample the coke first, if it's weak then work your way up to where you like it..or it feels too strong take a little less next go.
i do 2 fat lines with one gram, it gets me fucked and massive rush, buts its a waste, cas i go buy more, but when i do coke, its no less than 10 grams.
I think it depends on what kind of buzz your looking to get, if you want to get all geeked out do the big lines, if you want it to last and have some energy to get stuff done (like cleaning or whatever) so small lines. Use common sense, dont do more than you can handle, or like someone else said, you''' end up having a seizure.
My favorite way to do it was take a couple small ones back to back, one in each nostril so that there is more surface area for the coke to absorb
Im thinking they are referring to if you get Crystal METH instead of

coke, that you should do small bumps instead of doing a rail. :\

cocaine is in crystals. it should look shiny when you look at it under a light..like a diamond. if it doesn't, it's either cut to shit or isn't cocaine.
i do 2 fat lines with one gram, it gets me fucked and massive rush, buts its a waste, cas i go buy more, but when i do coke, its no less than 10 grams.

how could you do that much at once and not OD? seriously.
few questions about snorting smack

hey there.. I've done my share of drugs in the past but recently I've found a very reliable h hookup and I find myself liking this drug more than any other (weed excluded).

I've been powdering my noise with junk since saturday.. I've never shot up or smoked heroin before ever. I know that h tolerance builds up fast but since I've been snorting up h everyday is it possible that my noise is so clogged up so that I dont get as much of the h up my nose as i normally do? Or does that not matter at all. I haven't smoked it yet cause I heard thats more wasteful than snorting it.. and I really have no intention of shooting it up unless I know I can get clean points.

Anyways.. my other question is how much h are you really wasting by snorting it and not shooting it?

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