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Can dexedrine ever stop working?


Jan 6, 2010
I don't know if its possible for Dexedrine to just stop working, some people on other forums or whatever just say it stops working, but I kinda doubt that because it doesn't seem possible, besides a high tolerance and the regular dose not working.
I wouldn't doubt after a certain point of usage you build up a tolerance where it has little to no impact on your CNS. Same with most other drugs. Take a break, or talk to your doctor about perhaps a different medication or upping the dose.
It seems to me that the only reason (any drug) it would 'just stop working' would be tolerance, that your body no longer can react the same way it did when you first began it without taking a ridiculous amount. If it worked when you first tried it THEN doesn't later on-dependence/tolerance. If it never worked? It just doesn't work 'for you'/find another drug.
I don't think it stops working, I just think when you do a lot of it over a period of time you get so used to it that it becomes your normal state and you don't think of it as being high.

I've found when I stop trying to get high off of it I can use the smallest amounts, potentiated with cimetidine (may be a placebo effect, but it seems to make it last longer and I use less), and it will work very consistently as far as keeping me focused.

When I try and get high off of it regularly it just fucks with me, wears me out, makes me a zombie.

So I don't think it stops working, I just think you've grown tolerant to it, take a break and or cut down for awhile and then double your dose one day and it'll probably "work" again.
I don't know if its possible for Dexedrine to just stop working, some people on other forums or whatever just say it stops working, but I kinda doubt that because it doesn't seem possible, besides a high tolerance and the regular dose not working.

It's totally possible for whatever dose of Dexedrine you're used to taking to stop working, but that just means your tolerance has gotten higher. Personally, whenever I take Adderall or Dexedrine I swallow 110-120mg at once; & yes, my tolerance is fucking ridiculously high, but if I take enough it still works.

Like five years ago when I was doing tons of Meth, & then tons of Adderall in the brief periods I didn't have Meth, I eventually got to a point with Adderall where I'd have to take so much to feel much of an effect from it that I'd get sick from taking so much before I could take enough to have any sort of "high" feeling. However, I can't imagine Dexedrine would just "stop working" for someone unless they were abusing tons of other, more potent stimulants... & even then it would probably just mean they needed to up their dosage (or get off it completely, which would of course be the safe thing).
I was on Dexedrine for a long time, possibly 5 years for my ADHD. It never stopped with controlling my symptoms but after abusing it for awhile, yes the high stopped working after tolerance really kicked in. I'm on Adderall now and the same applies.
I know of people who take 2.5mg of dexedrine, and it helps them focus.

I also know people who have tken it for 10 years and havent increased their dose

As long as you dont abuse it you're fine, you may not "feel" it as much but it will work for what it's supposed to do
^That is the same as benzo nexius!.. Just because you don't feel em, doesn't mean they're not working.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I've usually taken a smaller amount than the doctor prescribed, but it seems that that isn't working at all. I've plugged 20mg and I can't feel anything from it, and the baking soda trick seemed to stimulate me for just a few minutes. I tried an extraction, but I might have botched it, as I've had almost no effect from it. I'm upset that I've got the 'best amphetamine' as everyone calls it, but I seem to respond better to Adderall. Ah, I feel so lame. The worst part was that I didn't take them everyday, and usually took less than the daily dosage. :(

The worst part about it not working is that I don't even get any 'side effects' such as sweating, dry mouth or mood changes. I felt it a little, but it doesn't even help with my ADD at this point. So far I've been getting XRs, are IRs better for liquid extraction for plugging? I'm guessing it was a botched extraction, but I am not sure at this point. Caffeine didn't seem to have any effect on me either, I have no idea whats going on. I hope I haven't been plugging into my shit and crapping it all out.

It must have done something though, because my pupils are dilated and I look handsomer (IMO :p ), if that makes sense haha.

I'm attributing this to either a botched extraction (steam bath, with the white viscous binder removed), or just tolerance.
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For some more anecdotal experience I used Dexedrine daily for approx 2 years in ever increasing doses eventually ending up at between 100-200mg a day.
It never lost it's effects for me I just had to keep increasing my dosages.
I ended up hitting my seizure threshold before I hit a wall on the effects of Dexedrine.

In other words if that's not clear I was able to keep upping my dose with continuing effects up until the point that it gave me seizures.
This included using benzo's to help increase seizure threshold.
So more than likely your experiencing tolerance & would need a larger dose as opposed to you having hit a ceiling in terms of Dexedrine's effects.
Thanks for the advice everyone. I've usually taken a smaller amount than the doctor prescribed, but it seems that that isn't working at all. I've plugged 20mg and I can't feel anything from it, and the baking soda trick seemed to stimulate me for just a few minutes. I tried an extraction, but I might have botched it, as I've had almost no effect from it. I'm upset that I've got the 'best amphetamine' as everyone calls it, but I seem to respond better to Adderall. Ah, I feel so lame. The worst part was that I didn't take them everyday, and usually took less than the daily dosage. :(

The worst part about it not working is that I don't even get any 'side effects' such as sweating, dry mouth or mood changes. I felt it a little, but it doesn't even help with my ADD at this point. So far I've been getting XRs, are IRs better for liquid extraction for plugging? I'm guessing it was a botched extraction, but I am not sure at this point. Caffeine didn't seem to have any effect on me either, I have no idea whats going on. I hope I haven't been plugging into my shit and crapping it all out.

It must have done something though, because my pupils are dilated and I look handsomer (IMO :p ), if that makes sense haha.

I'm attributing this to either a botched extraction (steam bath, with the white viscous binder removed), or just tolerance.

I always find it funny when people ask about how to make adderall more potent in a drug forum. Why not come to an adhd forum where people like me (for legitimate reasons) figure out the best way to get the most out of your prescription drugs. With amps it's all about digestive tract ph levels
the more acidic they are (any drink with caffeine is typically SUPER acidic) the less amphetamine your body is able to absorb. The more alkaline (base) the more it can absorb.
That's all I'm writing about potentiating, you can find the rest.
Look up an add forum
guarantee you'll find you answers.
I always find it funny when people ask about how to make adderall more potent in a drug forum. Why not come to an adhd forum where people like me (for legitimate reasons) figure out the best way to get the most out of your prescription drugs. With amps it's all about digestive tract ph levels
the more acidic they are (any drink with caffeine is typically SUPER acidic) the less amphetamine your body is able to absorb. The more alkaline (base) the more it can absorb.
That's all I'm writing about potentiating, you can find the rest.
Look up an add forum
guarantee you'll find you answers.
I do, and regularly post at one. They don't seem that intent on making a small dose stronger, rather they just say listen to the doctor blah blah blah. I would rather listen to drug forums, because they have better information, and tend to have higher quality reasoning.

So much for my tolerance break, my bottle spilled so I had to drink it up. Oh well, I can always try again later. =D
Im a bit worried about tolerance...

Do all people get it or is it just if you abuse the drugs (I want to get dexedrine for my diagnosed ADHD). Will I definately get tolerance? and if so so you need to take breaks to get back to normal?
I know of people who take 2.5mg of dexedrine, and it helps them focus.

I also know people who have tken it for 10 years and havent increased their dose

As long as you dont abuse it you're fine, you may not "feel" it as much but it will work for what it's supposed to do

A very good point, as others are saying, medications normally don't stop working for their clinical usages if they are taken as directed.

Now, if medication abuse becomes a common occurrence, then you're looking at tolerance. Possibly even to the point where you can no longer perceive the therapeutic benefit.
I havent felt shit from mine except sleepy which I tried to explain to my doc but I'm just a drug seeker........Fucking done with that for a week
Since this topic was bumped I will explain what happened:

It did stop working with everyday use. I used it as an antidepressant and a motivator. It does not do that anymore. I used the dosage prescribed or lower, never higher. This stuff is useless to me if I take it several days in a row. Magnesium does not help tolerance at all, or is negligible. I suppose if you're highly driven and can't do one thing at a time, this is not bad, but a benzo might also work.

So Johnny, don't take it everyday.
I don't think the effects would ever COMPLETELY go away, but from personal experience the motivation and high seem to pretty much disappear with a high tolerance and the effects become very minor. Nowadays I try to use it as little as possible, but I still do 2-3 days a week on average because of college and my tolerance is starting to get up there again :-\
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Adderall doesn't seem to have the same problem. I would love to be given something therapeutic with just l-amp (asked about Seleguline, either I quit my amps and get it, but not before trying shock therapy, haha). In any case I use the Adderall IR and it lasts way shorter, but the neat thing is that it never stops working during the short sessions that I use it, even with continuous use.

Dexedrine may be stronger, but it feels weaker to me. My friend on the other hand tells me that Adderall is a joke to him now. Huuuh different experiences.