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Can datura be enjoyable in a perfect, safe setting


Aug 16, 2011
Hey all I recently found some datura in the wilderness. I have access to a house that I could potentially spend a whole weekend at, with no parents or anything around. I could bring close friends to trip sit, and would potentially have access to anything I'd need. Could I have a good time on a reasonable dose? We've all read the bad trip stories, but it seems like in a lot if those people do it in the wrong setting, ie around authority figures or in public.
It's stupendously unlikely you'll have a good trip. Almost nobody does.

To have a good trip requires months of careful preparation, collecting a bunch of seeds or dried leaves from one plant and using only that, very slow dose titration, and a masochistic appreciation for the effects of atropine and its related alkaloids.

The effects from a datura trip can last up to probably 5 days. Especially if you overdo it. So even just having a weekend to yourself is probably not enough. And, let's be honest here, looking after people wh have no memory span and are acting strangely is a test of patience, doubly so if you're doing this for a few days non stop.

Datura is a pretty flower but it shouldn't be ingested.
^ Seconded, if you want to look into legit pseudo deleriants look into procyclidine or trihexyphenidyl, they're nice at low doses (never tried trihexy personally though). Datura, along with all scopolamine\hyoscine\atropine type drugs, is NOT recreational. Neither is DPH
I doubt datura could ever be enjoyable.
I ate a section of Datura root once, it still makes me want to puke just thinking about it.
I wouldn't even do a little again. And I wouldn't bet on having a good time, and thats and understatement.
Nothing, I repeat, nothing is enjoyable about anticholinergic drugs. It doesn't matter what it is, or where it came from. It doesn't matter if it's Benadryl or Datura - taking any of those will just make your life hell for the duration of the drugs effects.

Trust me - there is NOTHING recreational about these drugs. DO NOT take Datura. You will be very, very sorry if you do.
I enjoyed it (at very low doses) as a sleep aid.
This is it's use for pharmaceutical companies.

Anything more and you'd get ridiculous, Greek myth type, dry mouth that no amount of water can cure.
Even more and ...I don't even want to think about it. I take Benadryl to sleep as well. Wonderful feeling.

Hydroxyzine is nice as well.
I tried a few tiny amounts of dried bark teas , working up dosages in mini portions , until threshold + effects were noticed , to see what it was like ...
There was nothing of interest for me there .
AFIK high dosing is neither safe or pleasant .
It's my strong recommendation that you do NOT do this. I have read one single trip report of someone having a worthwhile time on datura, and they had a lot of experience in the occult if I recall correctly, and they were using it in a ceremony. And even the experience they described did not sound like something I would be interested in.
Ok, I have to chime in on this.
I have trip sat for several people who had the bad judgment to eat Jimson weed and NONE of them had even a HINT of fun AFAICT.
They walked around like they were doing high-dose thorazine, talking to people who weren't there, and then, to top it off, they didn't remember DICK...NOTHING.
If you can't remember it then it never happened, so what's the point?

Jimson "trip" reports:

One girl went to the police station to report that Devil worshippers had invaded her trailer and could the police come and make them leave....The fk'ng PO-LICE!!!

A guy went to get gas in his car but didn't pump any-he spent the whole time washing the gas pump with the squeegee- and when he insisted that he pay for the gas he never got...THE POLICE were called. He went to the hospital.

Another guy just sat around for 12 or so hours talking to dead people and picking pieces of shit off a rag some one had used for toilet paper.

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.......... If you can't remember it then it never happened, so what's the point?

I'm glad you've mentioned this idea Phuckingnutz. It's always intrigued me. A common comment from people I have encountered contradicts this, e.g.

"....i can't remember a thing about my trip last night, but I know I had a great time".

Or extended to life and death, if we assume that there is no existence (and therefore no memory) after death (a big assumption I know, but a fair few of us out here believe that) then one could state that there was no point in living. And I can remember what I'm doing now and enjoy it. It could of course simply mean my atheistic/afterlife assumption is wrong.

I know it's a hijack of the OP, but we all know where these "I'm gonna take a bucketful of Datura" posts go! 8(
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Listen, if you are really interested in knowing that which it is like to stare death in the face. Go ahead and do it but don't say we didn't warn you.
You cannot even call these hallucinations disassociation's these are delusions you believe they are very real and effecting you. Emotionally enough to make you feel whats going on physically.
There is something very insectoid and unpleasent about the entire experience as if you literally have stepped outside of the human over mind, past the mammalian brain into the heart of darkness.
If you are looking to enjoy datura as a recreational 'trip', then there is an extremely high chance that you will have a terrible time.
The only beneficial use for datura that I know of is microdosing for use as an anti-emetic, and a few other things.
Only really useful in an admixture, imo.
Not suggesting the OP to take Datura, or any anti-cholinergic drugs (poisons; they haven't been banned because the government thinks people would be smart enough not to eat poison!) but I read a military report on the effects of BZ and the subjects' experiences, and strangely enough, many of the participants claimed they would undertake the experience again.

That's not to say BZ is necessarily anywhere close to datura. These were controlled experiments using a drug which had been tested and synthesized by the U.S. military for the purpose of immobilizing enemy troops! The effects lasted 72 hours!
I have a number of personal experiences with Datura, specifically stramonium. I was, still am interested in deliriants but am not a fan of DPH. There is no recreational value with Datura, but I find it to be pleasurable and extremely interesting. It seems to me that most people who've taken Datura took too much or were expecting something much different. This is not to undermine the dangers of the tropane alkaloids, taking Datura is inherently dangerous and I don't suggest it to anyone.

That being said, with careful titration, preparation and A PERFECT setting there is much to be had with Datura, I personally have had awesome experiences with it especially in trance states/dreamwalking. I've never used a tripsitter but I have people checking up on me. I am very careful to tip myself into delirium rather than drop myself into it, working your way up from threshold doses is essential to dose properly. Every plant is different, alkaloid balance varies greatly within the structures of the plant and even the time of day can apparently influence alkaloid content.

I don't recommend anyone take Datura ever, but it shouldn't be viewed as a throwaway and demonized because people are irresponsible and lack respect for
the things they ingest. If you're a psychonaut type explorer Datura has a wealth of interesting things to explore (dreamwalking, time distortion, teleporting, bodily sensations and audio elements) but it demands that you dedicate the time and effort to use it properly. Most people do not put in any time and effort, they do not research enough, they do not titrate and they use an environment that isn't deliriant friendly.

So to answer your question, yes. But it's not "fun", it is inherently not fun and can very easily kill you. If you're not specifically looking for new and bizarre experiences stay away.
Datura is too toxic. 8-12% of people whoi make it to the ER with tropane herb intoxication die under medical care.

Heartrate doubles. Blood pressure doubles. And if you get a stroke or cardiovascular trouble you are too far gone to realize it and get help.

Its too toxic. Just get a RC.
We made a beer can full and passed it between four of us and the next day the cops wouldn't release my sisters boyfriend as he was still seeing spiders and snakes in his cell.
I confess I am one of few who can't live without Deliriants, I often combine a very small amount of Deliriants (such as Datura and DPH) with Opiates, Psychedelics and Dissociatives. I often find myself talking to imaginary friends while being high on Datura.

Below are the list of all positive effects I get from using Datura:
  • Frank Hallucinations.
  • Feeling like being under the earth.
  • Hearing voices from inside.
  • A positive black out.
  • Sedation and Calmness.
  • Snaping back to myself once a while amid the hallucinations.
  • Having the desire to organize and clean.
  • Insomnia (at high doses)
And here is the list of some unwanted (or side) effects I experience whne I'm on Datura:
  • Dry mouth, dehydration and slurred speech.
  • Convulsions (at high doses)
  • Depression.
  • Agitation.

Always start from low doses and keep in mind that tripping on Datura is not quite pleasant, the more u take the worse u feel.
I confess I am one of few who can't live without Deliriants, I often combine a very small amount of Deliriants (such as Datura and DPH) with Opiates, Psychedelics and Dissociatives. I often find myself talking to imaginary friends while being high on Datura.

Below are the list of all positive effects I get from using Datura:
  • Frank Hallucinations.
  • Feeling like being under the earth.
  • Hearing voices from inside.
  • A positive black out.
  • Sedation and Calmness.
  • Snaping back to myself once a while amid the hallucinations.
  • Having the desire to organize and clean.
  • Insomnia (at high doses)
And here is the list of some unwanted (or side) effects I experience whne I'm on Datura:
  • Dry mouth, dehydration and slurred speech.
  • Convulsions (at high doses)
  • Depression.
  • Agitation.

Always start from low doses and keep in mind that tripping on Datura is not quite pleasant, the more u take the worse u feel.

Which psychedelics and dissociatives do you take in Iran? Are any indigenous?