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Campaign throws costly sniffer-dog searches off the scent

Police dont make the law, they enforce it and do so within rights given to them by our government. I not defending the 5.0 but all this police bashing and i yet to see anyone mention the real ones that are behind these problems.

Secondly ^ police drug detection dog unit officers choice of searching someone is 60% based on your reaction and 40% the dogs. Both the officer and dog are trained also in sensing (dog) and seeing(officer) sudden changings in body langauge representing panic.
They drug detection dogs that work for boarder/homeland security are trained completely differently. The postal dogs will have be hugely more advanced in drug detection (as smell is all they have,the fear reecognition is not valid needed)

And thirdly, sorry i just had too....

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Police dont make the law, they enforce it and do so within rights given to them by our government. I not defending the 5.0 but all this police bashing and i yet to see anyone mention the real ones that are behind these problems

Sorry Andy but the police are significant part of the problem as are the judiciary and the prison sector. So may people from these sectors in turn become politicans, usually after they've created themselves a public profile fighting the "scourge of drugs".

We spend a lot on law enforcement and there are now powerful vested interests who will see that drugs are kept illegal to ensure they continue to profit. And I'm not talking about the rank and file. The senior officers who earn several hundred thousand a year, who get benefits up the wazoo, who attend conferences and other junkets based on their experience/failure in enforcing illegal drug laws. And the money we spend is staggering. In NSW its about $3.2b for the police, $5b for the judiciary and prisons and a few hundred million on bits and pieces (ACC etc). That's $8.4b a year. In 2014 to 2015 NSW police arrested something like 115,000 on 225,000 charges. Around 50% of those arrests were in relation to drug matters. If you take 50% of the OPEX, about $4.2b, and then give it a multiple of say 4 states you get about $16.8b per year spent on enforcing illegal drug laws. (its probably more if you put in the federal police), A huge portion of the arrests are in relation to possession, as opposed to high level trafficking. Busts involving large quantities of drugs are rare compared to the tens of thousands of matters that don't rate a mention on the news.

Those police offices involved in drug matters get promoted over offices who work in other areas. Why, because its the low hanging fruit. Arresting a drug users, or even trafficker is far easier then tracking down a rapist or cold case. As a consequence the leadership of our federal and state agencies are loaded with officers who spent large amounts of time enforcing illegal drug laws. Policy, on what laws to enforce and what not to (and they do get a choice, a discretion) means they are focusing on illegal drug laws despite their utter inablity to actually achieve any sort of outcome.

With so many people in prison, with so many families broken up, aboriginal's dying in custody and with so many arrests and busts have they succeeded in stopping illegal drugs in say 2015? Did the police after spending so many billions of dollars on operations and arrests make even a dent in either supply or possession?

The police with the limitless access that a 282 Request for Information that the Telco Act gives means that finding drug users and traffickers has never been easier. Decades of never ending draconian legislation, political support to kill and maim their way to their objective and yet the police have failed. Utterly failed. I can get more drugs now then ever before. I can get on from a mix of private and street dealers in Sydney and for that matter almost any town or city in Australia. And if I don't want to leave my house I can simply mail order literally any type of drug made on this planet to my door. And the police have no way of combating that form of trafficking.

Now they can justify it all they want but they have failed. They have utterly failed. Its almost parasitic. They're sucking the life out of the public purse just so they can get up every morning and fail. Fuck if I had failed for 40 years to even put a dent in the supply of drugs, so comprehensively failed I would be thinking of putting my service revolver in my mouth and firing.

So in the last ten years we have spent over $160b on fighting illegal drugs. In that time $150b left the country, went to the Mafia, triads and Cartels. Thousands of people suffered fatal and non-fatal overdoses, and the supply of drugs was barely untroubled. Tens of thousands have died in the drug wars and we have lost billions indirect productivity.

That money could have been spent on two NBNs! Or several high speed railway networks. Think of the huge benefit we could have gotten from that. Instead it just went down the fucking loo into the pockets of cops, judges and prison offiers who end up doing failing over and over and over. The definition of madness is arresting the same people over and over, giving them lectures, letting judges look down their noises and tell everyone how the offender is rotten, and yet see them over and over again even after serving custodial sentences. If prison worked as a deterrent we would have no drugs in society and yet the huge fucking irony is that there are more drugs in prison then there are outside it.

So going back to the fucking police. They could put their foot down and stop enforcing a law that simply is illogical and an utter failure. They could insist like they often do via the police associations and other bodies that illegal drug laws should be appealed and that the matter dealt with as a health issue, managed within a similar framework as is the NSW Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) is run in.

Instead of limiting that program to methadone and suboxone, widening it to the drugs like heroin, meth and coke. Functionally non-violent drug users with stable housing and employment would get takeaways whilst dysfunctional violent drug users would require on site daily dosing until they stabilised, ceased being violent and improved their housing, employment and relationship outcomes. Conversely cannabis, LSD, MDMA, Peyote, Mushrooms and so could be distributed by heavily regulated non-for profit co-ops who could run dispensaries, clubs and cafes. All with legislated set margins. Requiring medically trained staff, trip sitters, free water and a system to track usage and avoid overdoses.

Billions in laundered money would appear in our economy. billions in property crime would stop. Our insurance premiums would markedly reduce, hundreds of fatal overdoses would stop and the early intervention programs to stop the next generation of abused kids could be implemented. High risk families offered supervised public housing. Moderately risk

And all this if the police took a stand and stop doing the wrong thing.
Chugs bro i know and agree with everything said. It was indeed a spot on post. My wording must have made my point misunderstood. I know the cops are a big part of the problem, i was simply stating that so far in this thread no one had even mentioned the others too.
Hey Andyturbo, well sure our political caste are happy to use the drug war to win votes for populist dracian law enforcement policies and sentencing. However the real problem is us. Drug users. Not the public. Not the politicians, and not the cops. Can you blame a mosquito for being a blood sucker? Can you blame dumb fucks for being dumb fucks?

The problem is that we're not prepared to put on the line what matters.

Take homosexuality. In the 1980s the men and women who walked down Oxford St protesting against the laws criminalising homosexuality put everything on the line. Their families, jobs and even their very freedom. They showed the public, and the decision makers that it wasn't about sex. It was about who they were and the freedom to be that person.

That's why homosexuality laws were repealed. Because they put it on the line. The media castrated these people. Published their names and jobs (which they were fired from). And yet these brave souls may have lost so much then but they gained as a result the freedom for them and millions of other people to be who they were. To stop hiding and living in denial.

Up and until that point people thought that gays were all about decadent sex (just like drugs they think its only about getting high). That sex was disgusting, rude, foul, unnatural and a supposed insult to hetro's. The reality is that homosexuality is part ones identity, your core. Having society and your family make you deny who are, is unhealthy and terrible. Its why gays suffering from suicide and harm at far higher rates then others.

I use drugs. I use hard drugs. Sometimes I use uncontrollably but most of the time I can manage it. My drug use is partially about being high but that's uncommon these days. Most of the time its about being normal. Being able to deal with stress, anxiety and depression. Without drugs I suffer i suffer from debilitating health issues. I look at normal people who don't use drugs and sometimes I find myself fantasing about how that would be like.

Going on the program, although its not perfect, was the best thing I ever did. But its incomplete and I know that there are other drugs out there that would help me become whole again.

However I own a house. I am a senior employee at a major corporation where I manage tens of millions of dollars. I pay my taxes, my bills. I discharge my responsibilities and accountabilities to my kids, family and community. I'm not violent, and apart from illegal drug laws I obey the other laws of the land. I know that my drug use and addictions are not a choice. I was born like this.

I hate hiding and denying who I am and what I do because of the ignorance and hate of others who have significant power over me. If my employer discovered my drug use it is likely they would terminate my employment (or at least find a way to get rid of me/exit me out of the business). Losing my job would probably mean my financial ruin seeing that i probably would find it challenging to get a similar role.

Or if I was arrested because the quantities for possession are so low (the amounts that I buy are large, bulk discount yeah) mean that although its for personal use it would put me above simple possession charges. Best case scenario the legal costs to fight a charge would cause serious financial harm and worse case a custodial sentence would fuck me. I would lose my job, my house, kids whilst my wife would be forced to divorce me (which i understand she would have to disavow me).

I have so much to lose because of the current regime that we live in.

However if I put it all on the line. If I marched down oxford street demanding that the drug war be ended, with thousands of my brothers and sisters who are in same position then I know that the government would change the law. I know some of us would lose our jobs and worse but millions of Australia would benefit (look at the economic arguments in my last post).

We would finally be free and no longer have to deny who we were. We could stop hiding.