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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Butylone)+(Methylone)+(MDMA) - SADFACE


Jun 19, 2011
this is my first thread, and trip report, so take it easy guys:\
alright so i had just picked up some blue ghost pokeballs.
which apparently werent MDMA, but a butylone/methylone combo.
i also had a molly. hereee we go:

1:00PM- we get to our kickback spot and all take a blue ghost. it tastes like complete shit, i havent rolled in about a month or 2 so i was expecting it to be a decent roll.

1:45PM- smoke a few bowls with the pals, i felt like fucking Jesus. my eyes were wiggling like crazy, i have a crazy amount of energy. dubstep sounds amazing. i put my gloves on and give a few lightshows (and i gloved better than ever).

2:00PM- im thirsty as fuck so we get water, there isnt much empathy. in fact, i had a really strong urge to be mean to one of the guys we were with. im clenching like a motherfucker, chewing on my bracelets haha:D

(for the next hour, we just kinda mobbed around the town)

3:30PM- im extremely content with myself. i down a whole bottle of OJ and take the molly. i havent noticed a peak yet, just been really shitfaced%)

4:25PM- HOLLYY SHITT im in heaven. the molly hit like a fucking train. i was just walking and suddenly i felt like i was walking on air, then i had to sit down because my legs were so...light haha.

4:40PM- im deffinitley peaking, we dont wanna look anymore shady than we already were being so we go into my freinds' van. im floooreed. chewin on my candy, eyes rolling. i felt so great. at that point, this kid i was being mean to decides to call me a fagget (im bi) so me and my friend go and make out right next to him=D=D=D

(this is where shit starts to get bad)

5:00PM- some people had to go home, so our group starts to split up. i had made a new BFF and decided it would be a great idea to go home with him and not tell any of my friends that i was leaving with him. :|

5:30PM- the roll kinda just stopped, idk. we get to my new BFF's:| house and his parents were home so i had to leave. ive never been in this area of town, so idk how to get back to the main group, so silly me decides to wander around and hopefully ill find my way back.

6:00PM- idk how the fuck i got there, but i ended up in a huge orange grove. im not talkin about like a little farm, but like a forest haha. i wander around there for awhile and decide its useless to keep trying. so i smoke a bowl and a grit.

6:20PM- im freaking the fuck out. i kept going in circles. couldnt find anybody, i was sweating like crazy and couldnt find any water. head hurt like a bitch. so i call my friends and they give me directions back to our original meeting area.

6:30PM- i think i found the right trail. im following it, my body hurts, whatever, ill manage.

(thenn it gets worse)

6:35PM- i start to hear whispers. im on a big dirt road and theres no one with me, so i knew something wasnt right. i heard it again, a girl asking "where are you going" in a really sensual voice. honestly at that point i began to run, i was freaking the fuck out and just ran.

6:45PM- im out of breath, on the verge of tears. the voices are getting louder and more frequent. then i begin to think about how much of a fuckup i am, and how much my family hates me and BLAHBLAH. so i just cry, and drag myself 5 more miles, where i eventually met up with my friends. i was a zombie, no emotions, no energy, just complete dysphoria.

from then until 7:30 i just had random crying sessions. i didnt wanna talk to anyone, i was in complete and utter hell. my stomach hurt worse than ever, i would sweat alot then get extremely cold. and i head one of those gnar headaches where you just wanna punch a child. you know, those headaches. i was talking to some friends and they think that i had aquired serotonin syndrome.

but yea, i still feel like complete shit. im experiencing madd depersonalization. this has tought me to try and take more responsibility of myself. in fact, i doubt ill be touching any kinda durgz for a while.

plur, thanks for listening,
hope i didnt bore you too much:)
Interesting report, Fyasko. Sounds like a train wreck towards the end, but at least you know the effects now. Lesson learned, eh?
I'm totally there with you on the effects of methylone. I've never had a drug turn me more evil in my life. It awakened a demon inside me. That bk group makes a fuckton of a difference in terms of effect.
I'm totally there with you on the effects of methylone. I've never had a drug turn me more evil in my life. It awakened a demon inside me. That bk group makes a fuckton of a difference in terms of effect.

I'd tend to blame the butylone - has a potential for dysphoria and leaves a lot of residual stimulation. First time I tried a methylone/butylone combo I was up for over 30hrs and didn't have a very enjoyable experience. Never had a problem with methylone on its own.

Anyway no idea why the op decided to spoil the purity of an mdma trip by creating this combo...
I've done a lot of Methylone and Butylone when they were legal in my jurisdiction (amongst other things) and I agree that the latter can turn sketchy and dysphoric usually towards the tail end, Alcohol sometimes helped but oh what a state. I sometimes enjoyed the longer duration as I never had to redose unless I was snorting a combination of the two off my mirror, Then I tended to be greedy. Piperazines were just horrible and are still 70% of the Ecstasy in the UK atleast, most of the E users I know from that era only but molly or "£10 pills" whereas I no longer use speed or other stimulants or go to warehouse parties (except the occasional Ketamine). I say In future, Use sparingly and treat yourself with care and respect. ~J.
I'd tend to blame the butylone - has a potential for dysphoria and leaves a lot of residual stimulation. First time I tried a methylone/butylone combo I was up for over 30hrs and didn't have a very enjoyable experience. Never had a problem with methylone on its own.

Anyway no idea why the op decided to spoil the purity of an mdma trip by creating this combo...

i had no idea that it was an RC combo at the time, pillreports made it seem legit.
although i should have tested it:|
looks like ill be ordering a test kit soon;)

thanks for the replys guys, im glad (well not glad, more relieved) that other people have felt this way on these RC's too.
The end of the trip sounds scary as hell... try taking some 5-HTP or St John's Wort to help battle the depression/depersonalization if you're still having an issue with it. It sucks, I've been there before when I've taken bad rolls! That ridiculously horrible, empty feeling like the world is meaningless... and then when you start feeling like you're going to die on top of it... shudder. That feeling is basically the entire reason why I've sworn off ecstasy.
The end of the trip sounds scary as hell... try taking some 5-HTP or St John's Wort to help battle the depression/depersonalization if you're still having an issue with it. It sucks, I've been there before when I've taken bad rolls! That ridiculously horrible, empty feeling like the world is meaningless... and then when you start feeling like you're going to die on top of it... shudder. That feeling is basically the entire reason why I've sworn off ecstasy.

yeah im done with E until they start making legit MDMA pills again.
or until i find out how to get a test kit:D
Interesting report.....sometimes I hate Butylone and other times I love it. It is a strange one indeed. Combined with with two powerhouses like MDMA and Methylone it might not do much.
^yeah it would be great without the methylone&mdma and if i had some weed or a benzo for the comedown haha,
but i guess we all live and learn.
Benzo's are a godsend for comedowns off of stimulants and psychedelics. I can't even begin to describe how much I love benzo's and how they're my best friend during those times haha.
^^Yes they are..as long as you use them in safe amounts and don't drink. Some people freak out on comedowns if you know what I'm saying.
^ Oh of course. I'm one of those people who freak out on comedowns... especially from stimulants... I convince myself that I'm dying and I get severely depressed and everything just feels empty, and on top of that I'm tired but still too amped up to go to sleep and this creates a cycle of panic and anxiety. For me, alcohol makes anxiety and irritability worse, so I avoid it like the plague when I have stimulants in my system. Take a benzo or two, however, and suddenly it doesn't feel like the world is ending, my anxiety is still there but far less prominent, so even that feels like a relief compared to what it was before, and I'm able to fall asleep within an hour or two. Like I said... godsend!!
^ Oh of course. I'm one of those people who freak out on comedowns... especially from stimulants... I convince myself that I'm dying and I get severely depressed and everything just feels empty, and on top of that I'm tired but still too amped up to go to sleep and this creates a cycle of panic and anxiety. For me, alcohol makes anxiety and irritability worse, so I avoid it like the plague when I have stimulants in my system. Take a benzo or two, however, and suddenly it doesn't feel like the world is ending, my anxiety is still there but far less prominent, so even that feels like a relief compared to what it was before, and I'm able to fall asleep within an hour or two. Like I said... godsend!!

yeah ill have to stock up on em.
i used to never freak out on comedowns its wierd.
normally id just fall asleep haha.
i know you can order em online.
but thats my problem,
is that i cant order shtuff online:p

You could get a friend to order it for you? Or order it and have it shipped to a friends house?

Having had a test kit for around two years and tested over 100 bags/pills of MDMA in Tennessee, Texas, Colorado, California and a few other places, I can say that well over 75% of supposed MDMA is indeed fake. The vast majority of powder I find is methylone/mephedrone (comes up yellow on a marquise.) I have let many friends (and friends of friends) test their stuff, and its incredible how much crap is floating around.

When it comes to benzos, I prefer midazolam or temazepam for a comedown. Clonazepam, lorazepam and, to a lesser extent, alprazolam leave me feeling weird/groggy/dysphoric the next day. If I am still feeling bad the next morning after a nights sleep, a little more midazolam or temazepam is great.

Drinking poppy tea towards the end of a roll is the best! You feel euphoric, and the leftover stimulation (especially from methylone) is enjoyable instead of cracked out. It also helps with methylone's transition, which is usually very steep - extremely euphoric to extremely dysphoric in mere moments - take on a more gradual decline. The next day is also much easier having drank poppy tea the night before.
methylone for me is always tinged with a tense paranoia on the comedown, like taking way too much amphetamine. dont have this problem with mdma, its because methylone is a more powerfull releaser of dopamine than mdma, and it releases wayyy less serotonin, giving it a more methamphetamine style profile in high doses.

methylone nearly always leads to compulsive redosing and going insane, shitty drug with a nasty dysphoric afterstim vibe of horror like strong speed
I got given a couple of bombs of "mdma" by a mate at a psy event a couple years ago. I already had a couple old Mitzi's coz my gf had never had an actual pill so I just stashed the bombs for another time.

Forgot all about them until one day I fancied a wee afternoon buzz to assist in the completion of some musical work I'd been putting off. I decided to find the bombs & maybe snort a little of the "mdma" to see if it put me in music mode. I found a scruffy looking little baggie, racked out a small line & up she goes... Quick trip to the shops confirmed no action so I doubled the length of the line & tried again. This time I'm like, "hmmmm, that really was a very familiar smell/taste", & it shouldn't have been, because I have only ever snorted mdma once, though of course I have tasted it an immeasurable number of times so I just assumed it was familiarity.

I got stuck into the music & it started sounding GOOOOD! I was, "ah yeah, here we go, NOW I'm in the mood"... & almost before I finished that thought I crashed. Not being that experienced with snorting mdma I assumed shorter duration & had another line. It was at this point I realised the smell wasnt just familiar, it was INTENSELY familiar. I began to doubt myself & decided I must simply have pulled out a tattered old bag of meph that I'd forgotten about so just carried on with it, & the music, bumping lines every half hour or so, in my usual droning way. Getting to the end of the bag however, I found a small bit of rizla which gave me 100% confirmation that I had indeed found the so-called "mdma" bombs I'd been given all that time back.

The chap who gave me these bombs knows his shit, he's done an awful lot more of pretty much everything, compared to me & he was totally unaware that he had Mephedrone & not mdma. & it's not like I got it straight away, it took a few goes up the nose before I put 2 & 2 together...

So all this mixing up of this n that is pretty easy, & we're all pretty easilly fooled.