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Bushdoof checklist

sif you would stay at home when you can run around the forest climbing trees and dancing in the sunshine and being a fairy

pfffttt ;)

i'd live at a doof forever and ever if i could =D
agreed, but what I meant is - if you're going to stay in a hotel room then you might aswell stay home.
At this point I have to give Squaresy a chance to be redeemed in my eyes. He/she may have suggested that a hotel booking for the night after or the night after the last night. Although it's a touch of civilisation I can tell you it's a lot better than a 10 hour drive in a car with too much stuff and too many people who haven't had a proper shower for 4-5 days.

And w0rd-up to bringing actual food to yr festival of choice.
I'd say, hotel booking for AFTER the doof. That's what we are doing. Hotel booking for sunday night after e/core. Mmmm SPA + antics for post doof fun.. :)
^^ Yeah see thats more like it, have hotel after, from dirty to luxury... we did that after rainbow serpent this year. :)
ah yes, I can see the merits of a hotel room after the doof - but personally I like to get home and chill there, I find my own home more comfy and relaxing :)
well if u are in another state, i think a hotel room over a tent is HIGHLY desirable dont you? :p
OMFG - - - on my *doof debeut* I'm gonna' have to bring the biggest backpack in the world - - - all of these items sound so necessary!
I'm going to end up doing my anal, Capricorn thing anyway, and bring waaaay too much......:\
OMFG - - - on my *doof debeut* I'm gonna' have to bring the biggest backpack in the world - - - all of these items sound so necessary!
I'm going to end up doing my anal, Capricorn thing anyway,

^^ Wow, didn't know you did porn? :)

And in the famous words of barney gumnut, VIVA LA DOOF!
anal capricorn, that involves two satyrs, their horns alot of lube and one accomodating oriface, right?

Doofing for me, Doofing for you, I'll have a Doof, you have one too!
In the famous words of Lisa Simpson, I AM THE LIZARD QUEEN
sonic reality: you can take fire staff on planes, pack them into a big post pack tube, check them in with your regular luggage and tell them they are performance twirling battons. (its worked for lots of friends of mine)

Another addition to the doof checklist - proper coffee and for the indulgent headset walkie talkies. We hired a dozen for earthcore eldorado and never have i had so much fun in my entire life, running around on comando missions, talking in code!

Ahhh, Captain, we are coming up to the valley now.

MAYDAY! MAYDAY!! I have fallen into the abyss! HELP! HELP!!

Damn drains :)
jeebus... 3 pages... u gotta love that :)

I'm currently sedated because of having my wisdoms removed but you've all given me wicked ideas. Keep em coming.

hi anjele :D
haha we were thinking of walkie talkies...but HEADSET walkie talkies :D How mcuh did they cost, and where did you hire em from?

Also I\i'd have to say a fine mist spray bottle, they are da barra. And of course the doof book is the way to go. *looks at OEF book and shudders*
a dog, some illicit substance and a fire .. 8(

and a shotgun for those damn feral hippie ravers that always get in the way and shouldnt be at earthcores anymore anyway .. :p

seriously though an earthcore ticket might help
some kind of light signal to identify the car at night (dont all you guys get one though cause itll defeat the purpose)
preferably an inflatable armchair or otherwise a chair of some description
butter menthols / valerian forte / valium / 5htp / magnesium / all that shit

get well soon horsey
no ones mentioned scissors yet. they're essential and always forgotten (by me anyway). nothing worse than needing a cone baad in the morning and having to chop up with ur fingers.

And someone to shag when it's all over.

Oh and Psychokitten poison :p