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buprenorphine and tramadol


Aug 4, 2007
I've sniffed a few bupes maybe 36mg or more, took various benzos and meprobamate... and yeserday i got an eye infection and managed to convince the doc, with lots of persuation to Rx me tramadol/APAP.... i took just over 400mg of ramadol, and i feel pretty warm...

Doeas tramadol synergise with bupe, or will the bupe have blocked it all, and i'm just feeling the other stuff?
You got your doc to give you tramadol for an eye infection?! You sir are a master.. Hahaha..

I haven't checked the science behind it, but I was prescribed suboxone for about a year, and in my experience it blocks pretty much any opiate you take. But since tramadol has a weak action at the μ-opioid receptor, and buprenorphine also has partial agonist action, it might not necessarily cancel it out.

However, in my experience, even 2mg of bupe is going to be much stronger than the maximum safe dose of tramadol. So even if the bupe doesn't cancel out the tramadol, it would be so much stronger you probably won't notice tramadol doing anything anyway.
thanks for the input.. but i feel a slight warmth t and q tiny intc that i don't get from bupe alone... and yes when it comes to doctors i can be quit cunniving....=D
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